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Thread: RCSS St Catharines

  1. #361
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Pink View Post
    RCSS St Catharines
    NN Dinner Foam Plates 50pk
    NN Luncheon Foam Plates 100pk
    Royal Chinette Luncheon Plates 40pk
    Red party cups 50pk
    ... all 94c in the seasonal section the original big displays.

    Zehrs Pen had foam cups for 24c. (100pk small (maybe?) and a larger size also (I think?) 20pk). Weren't many left though.
    Thanks for posting the deals!

    Zehrs Pen still had the 100 small foam cups @ $ .24 on a clearance cart at the back of the store. There weren't any packs of 20 large foam cups on the rack but, since you had posted about them, I checked the regular aisle and there they were @ $ .24!

    The price of the NN and Chinet plates @ RCSS were back up to regular price again. There weren't any of the packs of 50 large red party cups at the back but I found some in the regular aisle and they were still at $ .94! I wouldn't have known if you hadn't posted the deal. Thanks for taking the time to do that!
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  2. #362
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    @johnb56789 @MillieH @Big Pink@anisa @2shopmom @lotsasavings @mommy2alayna @endi2000
    Hi there,
    How do I pm butcher items - specifically fresh chicken at RCSS? RCSS carry various brands such as PC, PC Free, Maple Leaf, regular unknown chicken with no brand/label - just weight and price.
    If another store carries chicken - legs or chicken breast for xx per pound, no brand, can I PM that price for Maple Leaf?
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  3. #363
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2shopmom View Post
    @johnb56789@MillieH @Big Pink@anisa @2shopmom @lotsasavings @mommy2alayna @endi2000
    Hi there,
    How do I pm butcher items - specifically fresh chicken at RCSS? RCSS carry various brands such as PC, PC Free, Maple Leaf, regular unknown chicken with no brand/label - just weight and price.
    If another store carries chicken - legs or chicken breast for xx per pound, no brand, can I PM that price for Maple Leaf?
    Hey @2shopmom ,

    Unfortunately, brands MUST match for what I have experienced at RCSS (Specifically St.Kitts), but if there is no mention of brand in the ad you want to price match (For example, Chicken Legs for $1.00/lb at No Frills) you can price match the generic/unbranded chicken we carry. So if you wanted to price match the PC Free From Chicken, you would need a price match that specifically says PC Free From Chicken (Ex. $1.99/lb PC Free From Whole Chicken at Loblaws would be allowed for a price match at RCSS for the PC Free From Whole Chicken).

    I hope this helps to clarify a bit, and If not, I can answer any other questions you may have.
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  4. #364
    Canadian Genius anisa's Avatar
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    I haven't been following the thread for a while, because I hadn't been making my way down to Superstore.
    I have been going again 😆
    Will try to contribute If I see anything good.
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  5. #365
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    @johnb56789@MillieH@mommy2alayna@Big Pink@2shopmom@anisa @endi2000

    Yay! Both of the in-store price scanners are working again!

    There were a number international foods products on the two clearance carts today: canned corned beef @ $ .44, canned chicken sausages @ $ .24, canned beans @ $ .24, dried lentils @ $ .94, rice and other items I can't recall. There were also boxes of 36 ice cream cones/cups @ $ .24. The carts were in the middle aisle of the store, across from Joe Fresh.

    As I was leaving the store, there was a large pallet of Kellogg's promo boxes placed near the front of the store (cereal, bars, Pringles). They weren't marked down yet but, with an expiry of early 2020, I suspect they will be clearance priced soon. These were one of the "buy $225 and get a FREE" promo item from a while back.
    Last edited by lotsasavings; Fri, Nov 15th, 2019 at 10:05 PM.
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  6. #366
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    Quote Originally Posted by lotsasavings View Post
    @johnb56789@MillieH@mommy2alayna@Big Pink@2shopmom@anisa @endi2000

    Yay! Both of the in-store price scanners are working again!

    There were a number international foods products on the two clearance carts today: canned corned beef @ $ .44, canned chicken sausages @ $ .24, canned beans @ $ .24, dried lentils @ $ .94, rice and other items I can't recall. There were also boxes of 36 ice cream cones/cups @ $ .24. The carts were in the middle aisle of the store, across from Joe Fresh.

    As I was leaving the store, there was a large pallet of Kellogg's promo boxes placed near the front of the store (cereal, bars, Pringles). They weren't marked down yet but, with an expiry of early 2020, I suspect they will be clearance priced soon. These were one of the "buy $225 and get a FREE" promo item from a while back.
    I was just there before 9:00pm and those Kelloggs had a clearance price then... $8.94, along with the ketchup at $1.44 (FINALLY getting rid of those 2700 bottles we have) and Finish $6.24/60 (Plus 10,000Pts on 4 boxes with in-store offer)

    And I'm sure those damn ice cream cones will keep appearing. My coworker keeps finding boxes of them in the backroom every time AFTER she's already blown a bunch of boxes out! We have a running joke that she'll be finding boxes of ice cream cones into next year!
    Last edited by johnb56789; Fri, Nov 15th, 2019 at 10:53 PM.
    lotsasavings and 2shopmom like this.

  7. #367
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    A few good deals here and there, including one I stocked up on...

    Mamba Candies (78g; Like Starbursts): $0.24! (Normally $2.00 each I believe), got 34 packs (or a case and a bit). There was still about 12 or so cases of 24 packs of candy left at about 745am.
    @Big Pink @MillieH @anisa @2shopmom @lotsasavings @endi2000 @mommy2alayna
    Last edited by johnb56789; Fri, Dec 6th, 2019 at 10:05 AM.

  8. #368
    Canadian Genius anisa's Avatar
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    Those mamba candies are good.
    Funny I don't normally see them in the aisle, but then there are suddenly dozens of them for 24 cents. They did that a while back as well.
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  9. #369
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    @johnb56789@MillieH@mommy2alayna@Big Pink@2shopmom@anisa @endi2000

    In the outer entrance of RCSS, there is a rack of several varieties of Country Harvest Bread sale priced @ $ .99. The date on most of the loaves is December 10 (tomorrow). I went to the bakery section of the store and picked up several varieties to see if they were also scanning at $ .99 and, yes, several varieties were. The Prairie Bran, 14 Grains, Sunflower & Flax, and a couple of others were $ .99 and the best before dates were up to December 17. And, there is an in-store bonus 500 points offer on each loaf. If you have a digital offer, as I did, for Country Harvest Bread, it's an even better deal!
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  10. #370
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    @lotsasavings @MillieH @mommy2alayna @Big Pink @2shopmom @anisa @endi2000

    Maple Cheerios on the blowout racks today (13 cases worth of them with short dates, Jan 20, 2020) for $1.24 each, but the shelf may have units with longer dates if you won't get through a box before it is best before.

  11. #371
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    @johnb56789@MillieH@mommy2alayna@Big Pink@2shopmom@anisa @endi2000

    RCSS St. Catharines had two full carts of clearance-priced Christmas chocolate and candy, along with a few other items. Both carts were at the end of different aisles, not far from the mid-store price scanner (close to disposable plates, etc.).

    I picked up 360g bars of Toblerone for $1.24 and boxes of Terry's Chocolate Orange for $ .34. Both have nice long best before dates. There was also a variety of other kinds of chocolate, candy and, of course, candy canes. Tins of 454g of Butter Cookies are at the front of the store and on an end cap and are priced @ $1.24.

    I also went to RCSS Grimsby but their Christmas chocolate and candy hasn't come down much in price yet.

    I also found some good deals at SDM where some stores are finally reducing their Christmas stock to crazy low prices.
    Last edited by lotsasavings; Fri, Jan 10th, 2020 at 05:57 PM.
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  12. #372
    Smart Canuck MillieH's Avatar
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    Right now @ Freshco, Ontario street..

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    @lotsasavings @johnb56789@MillieH@mommy2alayna@Big Pink@2shopmom@anisa @endi2000
    Be sure to click like and post a brag if you get the deal.. It makes my day!!! Flattery may just get you more deals

    Be sure to double check your flyer, points and cashback offers~ YMMV

  13. #373
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    Hi @MillieH ! I hope you're doing well! It's great to see you posting on this thread again!
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  14. #374
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    @MillieH @lotsasavings @mommy2alayna @Big Pink @2shopmom @anisa @endi2000

    Clearance racks out today... Some decent deals, some great deals!

    I managed to pick up...

    Mamba Candies (yes MORE!): $0.14/pk (Got a case w/24pks)
    Febreze/Renuzit/Glade Holiday Products (I got a 2pk Febreze for $0.94, and 2 Renuzits for $0.24 each)
    Febreze Small Space (Hawaiian Single): $0.54 (Some may still be in Aisle 8 if the clearance racks are cleared) LESS $2.00 Coupon (Reduced)

    Christmas Butter Cookies (Small Tin): $0.94
    And a few other misc items... A lot cleared out aready... Sorry!

  15. #375
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    @johnb56789@MillieH@mommy2alayna@Big Pink@2shopmom@anisa @endi2000

    Some good clearance deals at RCSS Grimsby late this afternoon. There was still lots of everything when I left the store:

    Uncle Ben's Bistro Express Rice, several but not all varieties @ $ .94

    Uncle Ben's Natural Select Rice 397g, several but not all varieties @ $1.44

    Uncle Ben's Quick Cook Long Grain Rice 1.6 kg box @ $2.94

    Rooster Sweetened Condensed Milk 300 mL can @ $ .24 (lots and lots of cans)

    M & M's "Take Home Size" 230g bag @ $ .94 (ending today was an in-store offer of 4,500 points for every $15.00 spent)

    The rice and sweetened condensed milk were on an end-cap in the rice aisle. There is more on the shelves. Check the dates on the Bistro Express Rice. The best before dates range from Jan. 2020 - Nov. 2020.

    The M & M's were on a skid just a couple of aisles from the rice. These were going fast but there is more on the shelves in the candy aisle. The varieties that scanned at $ .94 were milk, peanut, caramel, hazelnut filling with best before dates from June - October 2020.
    2shopmom and Big Pink like this.

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