Reply to: [email protected]
Date: 2008-08-28, 12:02PM EDT

We are searching for local residents to participate in a round table discussion about voting habits:

Length: 2 hours
Honorarium: $75 cash given immediately after the session
Location: Bloor & Ave Rd
Date: Wednesday Sep 3rd
Time: 6:00 pm or 8:00pm

If you be interested in participating, please email you answers to these screening questions:

1. Full name, age, phone number (day and night)

2. Have you or has any member of your household ever worked or volunteered for a political party? If so, which one?

3. Did you vote in the last federal election, held in January 2006?

4. Which political party did you vote for in the last federal election, held in January 2006? Please indicate the political party as well as the party leader. If you did not vote or cannot remember which party, please say so.

5. If a federal election were held today, which party would you most likely vote for?

6. Would you say that you are pretty firm in your choice or is there a good chance that you might change your mind before the next election? We are looking to speak with people who are either firm in their choice, might change their mind, or don't know.

Pretty firm
Might change mind
Don’t know

I will be returning emails starting Saturday and will be working over the long weekend. Your patience is appreciated.

  • Location: Bloor & Ave Rd
  • Compensation: $75 for 2 hours