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  • 1 Post By TrueNorthTreasures
  • 1 Post By MillieH

Thread: FOUND Fridays

  1. #1
    Smart Canuck
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    Do you have loads of extra fruit on your trees? Are you overwhelmed with squash from the garden?

    From the FOUND website:

    About FOUND Fridays
    Do you live on the Halifax peninsula or downtown Dartmouth?
    Are you finding you have too much growing in your garden, fruit falling from a tree in your yard, or just too much in your CSA box?
    Sign up for FOUND Fridays to have FOUND volunteers pick it up from your doorstep!

    How does it work?
    Sign up on our confidential info sheet with your name, address, type of fruit(s) or vegetable(s), and approximate amount.

    Leave the produce on your doorstep Friday morning and our volunteers will come pick it up! Remember to sign up by Thursday evening each week.

    Read more about FOUND here.

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    Last edited by TrueNorthTreasures; Mon, Oct 15th, 2018 at 05:15 PM.
    MillieH likes this.

  2. #2
    Smart Canuck MillieH's Avatar
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    What do they do with the found stuff and money they are asking for?
    Be sure to click like and post a brag if you get the deal.. It makes my day!!! Flattery may just get you more deals

    Be sure to double check your flyer, points and cashback offers~ YMMV

  3. #3
    Smart Canuck
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    Hi Millie - Did you check out any of the sections of their website? A lot of information is outlined there. Specific questions about what they do with any monetary donations or money received through food purchases would have to be addressed to them. The focus, as I understand it, is on collecting food that would otherwise go to waste and donating it to food banks and to those in need. Some of the food can be purchased by cafes and restaurants as well.

    From one of the links above:

    FOUND strives to reduce food waste by gathering and sharing forgotten fruits and vegetables in Nova Scotia. We source our food from local producers, farmers’ markets, and even homeowner gardens that otherwise wouldn’t end up on our plates.
    All too often, foods are left in the field to rot, and ripe produce at farmers’ markets is thrown away due to short shelf life. To help address this problem, FOUND collects this forgotten food and donates a part of each fresh harvest to local food banks and shelters, with the remaining being offered wholesale to local cafes and restaurants. Food that isn’t distributed immediately is transformed by FOUND into shelf-stable preserves and other goods that are sold at local markets and shops.

    Last edited by TrueNorthTreasures; Mon, Oct 15th, 2018 at 09:21 PM.

  4. #4
    Smart Canuck MillieH's Avatar
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    I did check out the website.. but I missed the last part.. it's a really good idea.. I thought it was going to be something like freecycle but seems more like the value village concept. I've been wanting some found zucchini
    TrueNorthTreasures likes this.
    Be sure to click like and post a brag if you get the deal.. It makes my day!!! Flattery may just get you more deals

    Be sure to double check your flyer, points and cashback offers~ YMMV

  5. #5
    Smart Canuck
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    It sounds like a neat idea. I'm with you on the zucchini. *L* I'd like to find out more about how their project runs the next time I'm home.

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