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Thread: (OVER) Fpc Schick Xtreme 3 for Men Sensitive Skin Razors at RCSS

  1. #61
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    I think this is a freebie that requires a lot of efforts. I was curious, so I called up a few stores and OMG! I am so glad I live close to superstores that actually tries to help customers!!! They offered me many things - including take 8 cts and pay the differences, reservations, and substitutes. There are also RCCs that simply give out a flat "No" to every question.

    One of the clerks I called explained to me that this is not RCC's fault, its the Schicks that do not have inventory (hence all those "merchant teams" talk from FB). They are correct tho, RCC don't make razors and they have been ordering - Shicks would not send shipment if they dont have the product. I would think it'd be more legit to complain to Schicks than to RCC. So far, I find my RCC stores very friendly and helpful!

  2. #62
    Canadian Guru
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    Well I just got back from a RCSS where I shop and guess what the have the shock 4 with the 2 bonus full stocked I talk with the lady in charge and she just smiled that she was not even aware that the got them in. Didn’t ask them to honour my coupon because I know it’s expired .but to think all this time it was out of stock
    hcao and Cata like this.

  3. #63
    Smart Canuck
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    Quote Originally Posted by flemeth View Post
    Well I just got back from a RCSS where I shop and guess what the have the shock 4 with the 2 bonus full stocked I talk with the lady in charge and she just smiled that she was not even aware that the got them in. Didn’t ask them to honour my coupon because I know it’s expired .but to think all this time it was out of stock
    My guess is that they had them in the back all of the time

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thatdone View Post
    My guess is that they had them in the back all of the time
    Thinking the same because I was there on the 31 Dec in the afternoon and yesterday the are closed
    Last edited by flemeth; Wed, Jan 2nd, 2019 at 04:24 PM.

  5. #65
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    My RCSS only had pack with 8 razors, Fortinos cashed it saying that their price is 8.99 and they are allowed only 6:35 and I paid the difference, something better than nothing.

  6. #66
    Senior Canuck
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    just discovered this thread. i also gave up on this coupon after busing over an hour to a further RCSS and finding no stock. never came across stock at the closer RCSS i frequent too. what a shame, this would've been a useful freebie, but poorly planned out. i see some complaints on their facebook, i suggest everyone with a fb account leave a post there too.
    hcao and Rubialoca like this.

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