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Thread: New Kitten, Maybe

  1. #1
    Canadian Genius
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    My dear DS knows someone at the SPCA. He's been asking about rescuing a cat/kitten for a couple of weeks now and it'll be cheap.
    I said if all costs are covered, i'll think about it.

    So yesterday, he came home with a rescue. A little black and white kitten, I will call her Panda.
    Panda was found abandoned in a parking lot and brought to the SPCA. She is approximately 4 weeks old. Her eye is injured and we have to apply cream in her eye 3 times a day. She might need surgery to remove her eye and stitched shut.

    My other cat Muffy is having a hard time adjusting, hissing and growling. I have to watch them and put them in separate rooms. As of now, we are just fostering Panda.

    In a couple of weeks, if Muffy does not like Panda, we will give her back.

    If we decide to adopt Panda, the fee is $75 (compassion fee instead of $195) which includes spaying, vaccines, deworming, and microchipping.

    So many ifs.

    Now on the hunt for more Purina Kitten Chow $4 coupons from redplum insert.
    This thread is currently associated with: Purina, Red Plum
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  2. #2
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    What a decision that will be for your family to make. Heart strings will be tugged on for sure. My concern is with Muffy.
    She has tenure, seniority, clout! ha ha
    If this wee Panda upsets the apple cart and steals attention from Muffy that might not be a good thing.
    Whatever happens I am sure Panda will still find a good home, kittens are in higher demand than older cats.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  3. #3
    Canadian Genius
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    Panda is a real disturber. For the past couple of weeks, Muffy did not like Panda, always hissing and growling.
    I've kept them separated when I'm not there to supervise.
    Right now Panda has bad habits, she bites and uses her claws. I was told that she bites because she is teething. How long does that last?
    Don't know how to stop her scratching other than saying "NO" loudly, and a tap on the head.
    They seem to be getting along. Last night I saw Muffy grooming Panda.
    Panda is a very excited cat. Muffy likes to swing her tail back and forth and Panda thinks it's a toy so Panda jumps and attacks which makes Muffy not happy.

    Panda is a very easy purrer. I just stroke her back and she would start purring.

    I have to watch them because they eat each other's food.
    Panda cannot eat adult food because it makes her vomit.
    After Muffy finishes eating, I put her dish on the counter.
    They drink each other's water and use the same litter box.

    Panda had her vaccinations yesterday, and I will still need to put ointment in her eye three times a day for the next month.

    It would be another month before she's ready for eye surgery.

  4. #4
    Smart Canuck Linda Evans's Avatar
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    wow...panda sure is a handful!

    you have alot to think about. you are taking good care of her, bless your heart.

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