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  1. #1
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    Expired on: Fri, Jan 20th, 2012
    Review your Keurig K-cup choices here! The choices on can be overwhelming for some! So, why not help someone out and review the flavours that you have ordered!

    **I have expired this thread, so it doesn't keep popping up in the main forum, but this thread is still 'live', so to speak. So post all you want about the K-cups you have ordered!**

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  2. #2
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    This thread moved to expired forum because crispiecreme marked it as expired.

  3. #3
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    Here are my reviews, I like sweet flavored "dessert" type coffee's, and light roast regularly unless it is a latte.

    Caramel Vanilla Nut- I love this one!
    Blueberry- tastes like a blueberry muffin. I wasn't sure how I would like a fruit flavored coffee, but much better then I thought possible and I am plesently suprised by this one. top 5 for sure!
    Vanilla- pretty good standard vanilla
    Timothy's earl grey- I was dipsipointed with this one, it had a bitter aftertaste to it. I have to add milk when usually I can drink earl grey black.
    Hazelnut-very yummy, I will be re-ordering this one
    VAN aspberry Chocolate Truffle- This one sounds AMAZING but I founf the flavor weak, it was ok, but not enough of flavor for me.
    Timothy's white hot chocolate- My kids love this one...for me it ok kinda ick. I have used it mixed with another coffee to make a sweet mocha. That worked out very well, if you order this hot chocolate, def try it!
    Folgers Gourmet Vanilla Biscotti- Nice flavor, I think the biscotti flavor is much more apparent then the vanilla though.
    Those are the only ones I remember enough to leave a review of.

  4. #4
    it Is what it is
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    I Make all our K cups on the largest Size. This is my opinion on K cups

    WE don't really like bold Coffee. So most of what we try are medium roasts.

    The big Winners in our House are Folgers Lively Columbian , and Gloria Jean's Butter Toffee

    The rest of the coffee's are Ok, or not bad, or not for us.

    Kenya coffee- Strong, We didn't like it

    Donut Shop- Odd tasting Not a hit I will try it again, I only had one. But Other people i know say its great

    Timothy White Chocolate-BLEeech. Gets stuck in the machine. Tastes like coconut milk. Hubby will drink it, but he is like Mikey and will eat anything. Seems to be popular on the website, but not in our house hold.

    Timothy Cinnamon Pastry- Review to come

    Timoty Irish Creme : Hubbby likes it, but not a go to favorite for him

    Timothy winter Carnival Review -This smells like a mix between Butter Toffee and some Carmel desert. It is a sweet coffee, not overbearing. It's ok, Can't say I would order it again.

    Green mountain
    Creme VAnilla: We enjoy but others we like better
    Vermonth C ountry Blend Decaf one of the better decafs
    Nantucket: We don't mind it, My neighbours Favorite (he doesn't like bold coffees and prefers this over Folgers and Vanhoutte)
    Golden French Toast: Ok its a limited time, It is Sweet. It says a hint of Maple syrup, but I find it sweet, and I like sweet coffee
    Kenya AA: review to come

    Emerils Big Easy Bold: Its stong we are not a fan

    Teas:So far all teas we have tried are just like the bagged tea, with the exception on the strength you like. Some teas I like weak and some strong. I find it easier to make tea froma bag myself.

    Lemon Zinger Just like the bagged tea no issues here
    Sleepy time tea

    CAfe Escapes Milk Chocolate Hot Chocolate: Husband says its good. I have an issue with Nut products so I am not sure

    Vanhoutte Butterscotch- I love this one!
    Vanhoutte Raspberry Chocolate Truffle: Very odd taste, Husband likes it, smells great

    VAnhoutte House Blends-ok, for an average Coffee but I like the Folgers way better

    Folgers DECAF and Vanhoutte Decaf- Both good, but Folgers wins it on a medium sized cup, but Vanhoutte for a Large sized cup. Vermont Blend is the best decaf I have had yet. And Breakfast Blend Decaf.
    Timothy's Columbia Decaf-Is ok. There is not yet a stand alone Decaf that I can't get enough of.

    Folgers Vanilla Biscotti- not for us. Odd taste, if you like biscotti, you might like this one.

    Timothys Irish Cream- Hubby likes it, I can drink it, but not an irish cream fan

    VAnhoutte Belgian Chocolate: This is a yummy coffee! Haven't got it in cups, but do have it for the my k cup.

    MudSlide-It has a hint of chocolate in it. Pretty good.

    WolfGang pucks-Creme Caramel-Ok, not overly flavored.

    GM French Vanilla-Its good
    Last edited by itsjill; Sun, Jan 29th, 2012 at 11:50 AM.

    Do you need glasses? No coverage at work! Great Glasses here

  5. #5
    CaToonie CassJade's Avatar
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    I've had my Keurig for about 6 months and here's what I've tried. I tend to like my coffee strong.

    Folgers Vanilla Biscotti - I only like this one on the small or medium setting, as its too light to brew the large cup size.

    Folgers Lively columbian - I find this one neither good nor bad, just plain. It's nice if you use a flavored creamer and dont like any flavor inter mingling.

    Folgers Black Silk - I like my coffee dark and I find this just as strong as the lively columbian... again good if you like to use a flavored creamer, but nothing special

    Green Mountain Dark Magic - mmmmm Heaven for a dark coffee lover. I would personally call this a swift kick in the arse for those who are hungover.

    Cafe Escapes Chai latte - I really really wanted to like this one, but it just taste artificial and milky with very little spice. If your looking for a starbucks chai latte replacement, this isnt it. My boyfriend likes it though...but he's like Mikey too, he'll drink/eat anything.

    Green Mountain Hot Cocoa - bland and very unappealing even brewed on the small size. Not worth your money IMHO

    Green Mountain Pumpkin Spice - to me this taste like dishwater. No pumpkin taste at all and soooo mild.

    Timothy's Breakfest blend - Very mild coffee only good to me on the small setting and even then too mild for the likes of me.

    Original donut shop extra bold by the coffee people - YUM!! perfect for me. Love me some dark heaven.

    I have some more darks coming in my next order from Crispie....will review when I get them!!!!

  6. #6
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    My favorites so far:

    Gloria Jeans--Butter Toffee (LOVE this one...our most favorite by far!)
    Van Houtte--French Vanilla
    Timothy's--German Chocolate Cake
    Timothy's--Donut Blend
    Timothy's--Kahlua (The aroma from this one was AMAZING!!!)
    Celestial Seasonings--Sleepytime Tea

    A few I didn't care for:
    Hot Apple Cider
    Cinnamon Pastry
    Barista Italian Roast

  7. #7
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    Wow, votes for the Gloria Jeans Butter Toffee. might have to try this now!

  8. #8
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    So far the only two we've tried are the Van Houtte - medium roast decaf (for myself) and Van Houtte - light roast French Vanilla (for girlfriend). They're our favorites so far.

  9. #9
    Smart Canuck mckbutterfly's Avatar
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    Reviews for the k-cup varieties I have tried so far:

    Vanhoutte's white chocolate mint- Loved this flavour, it was the first flavour I finished out of 4 boxes all purchased the same day. Has a subtle minty taste with a hint of white choc.

    Vanhoutte's Holiday blend- Wasn't a bad coffee but wasn't great by any means. Has a woodsy flavour, might be better suited to a smaller cup.

    Timothy's winter carnival- Love this one! It is VERY sweet, like a creme brulle in a cup, great desert coffee.

    Timothy's Christmas time- Great first coffee of the day, has a nice aroma and a festive taste I can't quite put my finger on, nutmeg?

    Folgers vanilla biscotti- This taste will grow on you, it smells wonderful but use the sugar sparingly, it's super sweet. Not much of a vanilla taste though.

    Timothy's perfectly pumpkin- Yuck! Like dishwater in a cup, smells good but tastes nasty. I was so glad this was free, spending money on this one would be a waste

    Timothy's decaf columbian- I don't drink decaf but my husband made me a coffee this morning and didn't look at the variety he was putting in the keurig. While I was drinking it I was thinking "wow, this is a good coffee! Why does it not taste familiar, similar to a tim horton's cup IMO" Then I went to make a tea later on and took out the used K-cup and realized why my morning cup did nothing to perk me up. Great if your into decaf.

    I have tried all the coffee that came in the sampler but having had only 1 of each I will not write reviews on those ones. I am expecting a shipment any day now from Timothy's that will include Exellencia as well as Cinnimon pastry so I will be back to write those reviews in a couple days.

  10. #10
    saddlebag saddlebag's Avatar
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    I've tried many k cup varieties i'll list some of my favorites as well as ones i really didn't care for

    timothy's french favorite
    timothy's breakfast blend....nice
    timothys morning blend....nice
    timothy's excelencia....nice
    timothys italian blend...nice
    timothy's decaf hazelnut...only ok
    timothy's decaf columbian...nice
    timothy's summer sweet raspberry...blech
    timothy's winter carnival...okay
    timothy's german choc cake....nice
    timothy's donut blend...only ok
    timothy's kaluha....not my thing
    timothy's white hot chocolate....not too bad
    timothy's italian blend...nice
    timothy's irish cream...not my thing
    timothy's caramel nut...only ok

    ....just be happy

  11. #11
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    I'm normally a medium roast/non flavoured type of coffee drinker.

    Green Mountain French Toast.
    It was nice. Light roast, sweet maple flavour. Needs to be made in a small cup size.
    Caribou Blend Caribou Coffee
    The best k-cup coffee I've had so far. A delicious medium roast.
    Green Mountain Coffee Extra Bold Dark Magic Decaf
    A bit dark for me.
    Grove Square Cider Spiced Apple
    A little weak tasting in any size, but my DH loves it.
    Green Mountain Vermont Country Blend Decaf
    Tastes like dishwater.
    Cafe Escapes Chai Latte
    Good, a little over gingered, but still a nice drink.
    Newmans Own Decaf
    Regular cup of coffee.
    Timothy's Pumpkin Spice
    A nice mellow flavour. Good for a flavoured coffee without all the calories of a Latte from Starbucks.
    Timothy's Italian Blend
    Fine plain cup of coffee.
    Green Mountain Naturals Hot Apple Cider
    This tastes like hot unsweetened apple sauce.
    Green Mountain Coffee Colombian Fair Trade Select
    Fine plain cup of coffee
    Last edited by nicolthepickle; Thu, Mar 8th, 2012 at 10:42 AM.

  12. #12
    Senior Canuck
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    I bought my DH a fancy Cuisinart Keurig for his b-day in November (it has a 3 year warranty and makes 5 cup sizes)

    Here is what we have tried so far in order of preference:

    Non-flavoured Coffee:

    Green Mountain Dark Magic - our go to favourite coffee
    Van Houtte French Roast - nice
    Folgers Lively Columbian - nice
    Van Houtte San Luis Planes Honduras - nice
    Green Mountain Double Black Diamond - too strong

    Flavoured Coffee

    Timothy's Cinnamon Pastry - my favourite go to for a flavoured coffee- it reminds me of the Cinnamon Dolce Latte at Starbucks - not exactly the same but close
    Green Mountain Pumpkin Spice - this is okay - not very strong - but nice
    Gloria Jean's Butter Toffee - awful - this tasted very cloying and artificial to me


    Twinings Earl Grey - wonderful
    Celestial Seasonings English Breakfast - have yet to try, will update when I have

  13. #13
    Smart Canuck theweave's Avatar
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    Just saw this thread in Crispiecream's K cup giveaway thread so here I am on behalf of Chris!

    He started a thread about the cups he received in his sample kit when he bought his Keurig:

    Chris' K Cup Reviews

    The only thing he will add is that he is now fully in love with the Donut Shop Chocolate Glazed Donut coffee!!! He is drinking that pretty much every day since he got it! Though he does try and mix it up every so often.

    At night he drinks decaf coffee. He has the Green Moutain Hazelnut Decaf, which is good too. Also he has the Timothy's Colombian Decaf to which he adds some flavoured creamer to and says it is good too. They both must be decaf as he not having trouble getting to sleep at night now! He was before he got the decaf ones!

    Now he has 5 new kinds ordered through Crispie, so more reviews are still to come I am sure!
    Is it baseball season yet?

  14. #14
    Just Jez
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    timothy's french it
    timothy's decaf hazelnut..yuck.
    timothy's decaf it
    timothy's winter it
    timothy's german choc cake....yummy
    timothy's donut it
    timothy's it
    timothy's white hot chocolate....not bad
    timothy's irish it
    Timothy's perfectly pumpkin....not bad

    Van houtte's white chocolate mint.....yuck
    Van Houtte French Roast - nice
    Van Houtte--French it
    Van Houttte Raspberry Chocolate Truffle....yuck
    VAnhoutte House it
    VAnhoutte Belgian it
    Folgers Lively Columbian - nice
    Folgers vanilla it
    Folgers Black Silk ...bit strong

    Celestial Seasonings English it
    Gloria Jeans Butter Toffee.........yummy
    Hot Apple Cider............yuck
    Cinnamon Pastry.............yuck
    Green Mountain Hot Cocoa ....watery
    kenya AA......too strong
    butter it
    egg nog....okay
    donut house reg.....good
    Last edited by Jezebel; Fri, Jan 27th, 2012 at 02:18 AM.

  15. #15
    Smart Canuck coupondiva's Avatar
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    I prefer the milder coffees--really hate the strong or bold ones. Here are my reviews:

    Gloria Jean's Butter Toffee--awesome
    Green Mountain Caramel Vanilla Cream--good, but not as good as Butter Toffee
    Green Mountain Hazelnut--good, nothing spectacular
    Folger's Gourmet Vanilla Biscotti--really good
    Timothy's Kahlua--really good
    Green Mountain Hot Cocoa--awesome! And the best part is my 7 year old can now make himself a cup! He fills the mug about 1/3 full with milk and then pushes the SMALL size button.


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