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Thread: November 2019 Frugal Chatter Thread (clock changes for many)

  1. #271
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    Good morning everyone @coupon girl Happy Birthday to your dear grand daughter Cara hope she had lots of fun yesterday celebrating.
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  2. #272
    Mastermind cath007's Avatar
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    Good morning everyone!!!! My romaine lettuce just say united states so I am not taking chance,Had a rough night sleep barelly 2 hours,with the coughing and I lost my voice to attend to eat some breakfest,and washing my bedsheets to try to destroy the bug hope I will be ablle to be at school this week because I have no more hours left for missing....Will try to get some grocery and shampoo for eve have a great day everyone!!!
    Giseledta, Ciel, lilo0003 and 1 others like this.
    The goal is to live day by day not to much thinking hahaha !!!!
    I love to save money!!! Frugal life hahaah !!!

  3. #273
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    I spent most of my morning making Pierogi. Didn’t realized it will be so time consuming. Hope my DDs like it
    Now I a, thinking I should try to do some of the deal that @Big Grammy post in the bragging sections even though I miss tax free Day at RCSS
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  4. #274
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    Picked up some groceries this morning after dropping DS at work. Found 4pk Greek yougurt at walmart for .67 cents. Expires December!
    Also found the stocking stuffer scratch cards. Bought 5. Scratched 1 and won $10. So free stocking stuffers for the boys!

  5. #275
    Smartie Canuck greentires4me's Avatar
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    We’re suppose to get snow this week everyday I been wearing my winter jacket. It’s been that cold. Again we missed fall and went straight into winter.

    Someone told me yesterday it warmed up i went to the liquor store yesterday and bought some whipped vodka by pinnacle. And signed up for their rewards program but have no clue why they didn’t tell me how many points I need or what it entails. Who knows who cares at this point.

    I was thinking of buying shopping bags at thrifty foods and wrapping my Christmas presents in them. People won’t have to fret about shopping a shopping bag might be the best present holder. Then just buy tissue and I am all set.

    Tracy’s birthday is on the 2nd of January I am going to buy liquor on the 18th of December and put it in my cupboard above my fridge. Then give it to her on her birthday. She likes hypnotic I can only buy that at specialty liquor stores. Or I could just buy her drug of choice. I think having liquor in my house may be a little tempting.

    Today I redeemed 2x 5$ amazon cards from receipt hog.

    I did an order on Thursday for some medical products. It says in Canada post they should be here by Tuesday but I have feeling it will be here by Monday.

    I really wanted to go to shoppers or no frills today that money is burning a hole in my pocket. But I am saving it to go to Spencer’s in the mall on Wednesday.

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  6. #276
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    Quote Originally Posted by cath007 View Post
    Good morning everyone!!!! My romaine lettuce just say united states so I am not taking chance,Had a rough night sleep barelly 2 hours,with the coughing and I lost my voice to attend to eat some breakfest,and washing my bedsheets to try to destroy the bug hope I will be ablle to be at school this week because I have no more hours left for missing....Will try to get some grocery and shampoo for eve have a great day everyone!!!
    @cath007 I got an email from PC about a romaine lettuce that I bought about 3 weeks ago this morning about possible contamination. Myself and my DD already eat all that lettuce so not sure if it was contaminated or not just confused .
    Giseledta, barbis9, Ciel and 2 others like this.

  7. #277
    Mastermind cath007's Avatar
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    Bed is washed ,did go to iga even I am not feeling well and spend 40$ got chicken stuffed rolls at 8,49$ (6 per pack,rebate of 2$ the sunday),compliment appetizers of shrimps tempura and mozarella sticks buy one get 50% off on the 2....Bought more cereals for the free juice I took smotthies.....big jar of kraft peannut butter at 3,77$ ,rye bread and a greek pizza I eated from lunch .They where chevaliers de colombs selling cranberry bread but I said no already have my bread and 5$ is expensive even for a good cause.No grocery appart the 40$ ,the fridge is still full and dont want to waste too much.
    Giseledta, Ciel and SassyAshley like this.
    The goal is to live day by day not to much thinking hahaha !!!!
    I love to save money!!! Frugal life hahaah !!!

  8. #278
    Mastermind cath007's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flemeth View Post
    @cath007 I got an email from PC about a romaine lettuce that I bought about 3 weeks ago this morning about possible contamination. Myself and my DD already eat all that lettuce so not sure if it was contaminated or not just confused .
    I am confused too since it was purchased 1 month ago and it is a leftover I will bring back or maybe not to hassle and put it in the trash for now I am eating iceberg lettuce
    Giseledta, Ciel and SassyAshley like this.
    The goal is to live day by day not to much thinking hahaha !!!!
    I love to save money!!! Frugal life hahaah !!!

  9. #279
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    afternoon all
    i did a small road trip with youngest. it was a blast.
    and i got my 4th shop the block in as well. went to the sobeys in stratford. omg. love that store. so clean. i had a onyx off er as well , so that is done also.

    i am headingout to decorate my front porch soon. and laundry is going.

    once the front porch is mostly done.. i am going to spend a bit on pinterest and plan out my dc week.
    Angela273, barbis9, Ciel and 2 others like this.
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  10. #280
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    yes cara had a fun birthday -she loved the shark baby puppet I got her ,I got to bring some lasagna home .

    My daughter wanted to go on a date with her hubby for lunch so we watched Sebastian,we took him to an indoor playground saved 10.00 bucks because i had a complimentary pass ,he played for an hour and a half then we brought him home .My daughter and her hubby brought us a small personal margerita pizza home so we just had that for supper.

    I just returned my romaine to sobeys as i had bought it on Friday ,but i also got an email from fortinos i must have bought that romaine a month ago,yes a little confused by that email maybe they are just covering their butts by sending mass emails out to everybody ,who knows.
    Giseledta, barbis9, Ciel and 2 others like this.

  11. #281
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Evening Everyone,
    Where oh where did this week go. Some many times I went to post this week but kept getting pulled away.

    Wednesday night after work we went Costco Shopping, I went to Costco in hopes of getting Mom's Christmas present and then she announced she no longer wants a tablet, so back to the drawing board. Of course I spent more than I had planned but it was good as we got some things we needed, like:
    A new Kettle, our current kettle is acting weird and I am worried it is electrical issue so I would prefer to just get a new one then risk it
    2-Pack of slipper sock, I normally buy Mom 2 pairs at Wal-Mart every Christmas, they are $8 each, I got a 2-pack for $12 (plus grabbed one for me)
    Socks, they were on sale $3 off a pack, again for stockings
    Got a package of can air, because Mom does her make-up in her room she get this fine dust in everything and I have to blow out her fan and AC unit or they start to act up, didn't like the price tag on the canned air but much cheaper than replacing her fan or AC unit.
    Also grabbed the Costco size bag of Peanut M&M's for Mom's Stocking, on sale and much cheaper then buying the Christmas ones
    Then we just got the normal stuff like Mom need Glucosomine, toilet paper, Naan (I am obsessed), Half & Half, Whipping Cream (Christmas baking season is upon), also got crasins as a healthier snack, plus for baking.

    Then we went to Chinese Market and got veggies for the week. Spent $24 and got:
    Green Beans
    Snow Peas
    Mini Cucumbers
    2 x 4 Pack of Peppers

    All and all good shopping week and this week so far all we need is yogurt so I will check the flyers.

    I am done all 3 birth announcement blankets and both marriage blankets. Now I am working on the unicorn blanket I started for my niece last year and did not finish (so bad, I know).

    Today I got laundry done, dishwasher emptied and re loaded as well as some of the hand dishes.

    It has been a long week, I was so tired but ended up at Bro and Sis-in-Law Friday night as she was struggling preparing for her Mom's celebration so I went to help. I was supposed to be back Saturday at 1 pm but all of her friend's and family were running late and Sis-in-Law was melting down so I went over at 10. It was supposed to be a stop by, come and go tea party but everyone stayed the whole time so I was there until 5 pm. I was so tired when I got home.

    Another weekend if not getting a lot done at home. My plan/goal for next weekend is to do nothing, just spend the whole weekend at home.

    Back to the unicorn blanket, hope everyone has a wonderful night.
    Giseledta, barbis9, Ciel and 1 others like this.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
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  12. #282
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    Morning! Sunny day here today so far.

    Didn't get much done around the house this weekend. Will have to get at it this week. Tomorrow is garbage day so hope to add some junk to the bin from laundry room since we have room in the bin.

    Will tidy up the house this week with the plan to put the tree up next week. Then hopefully I can start wrapping gifts.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!
    Giseledta, barbis9, Ciel and 2 others like this.

  13. #283
    Smartie Canuck greentires4me's Avatar
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    Yesterday I got half the dishes done like pots and pans and utensils plus larger utensils. I think I pulled something in my back when I did it. I also broke a glass and one of the pieces was imbedded in my foot after I took off my shoes and socks, so uncomfortable. Not a nice way to find glass I tell you. I took a large garbage bag full of plastic down to the recycling bin it basically filled it with the garbage bag. I only now have the cardboard to deal with it flattened and squished into a corner under the desk like thingy off from the kitchen counter. I’m missing lots of cutlery I noticed, when putting it away.

    I believe that order comes today let’s hope it does.

    Dr Pepper tastes weird flat.

    I wanted to show you the cookie tray I scored from Walmart....on Saturday when I bought a electric kettle that the cord doesn’t need to pulled from the wall to stop it from over boiling it has a sensor to turn it off it cost me $29.94 on sale from $40. I got this ^^^for $12.97 it has 10 cookie cutters 1 cooling rack and 1 cookie sheet. It’s by Wilton. Dough and parchment paper is separate.

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    Last edited by greentires4me; Mon, Nov 25th, 2019 at 11:26 AM.
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  14. #284
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    @greentires4me I was looking at those yesterday. Great gift for kids I thought for a family activity
    Giseledta, barbis9 and cath007 like this.

  15. #285
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    Quote Originally Posted by flemeth View Post
    I spent most of my morning making Pierogi. Didn’t realized it will be so time consuming. Hope my DDs like it
    Now I a, thinking I should try to do some of the deal that @Big Grammy post in the bragging sections even though I miss tax free Day at RCSS
    Can you post a pierogi recipe?
    Giseledta, Ciel and cath007 like this.

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