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Thread: Life as couponer. The dark side of savings!

  1. #16
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    @dyalect has a point. Despite stores sometimes offering to have all cash tills staffed during certain hours of the weekend or week, not all cashiers seem up to speed on their store coupon policies and such. Busy lines need to keep moving (to avoid customer rage when another customer pushes carts into ankles or worse). I'm still waiting for stores to designate one active cashier checkout as the coupon/price match lane in each store. But given that the rise in minimum wage to $14/h two years ago has lead to most stores maybe having two cash lanes open if not only ONE, line ups are routine in smaller Rexalls, Shoppers, and grocery stores plus the bigger stores may only have certain lanes open (like only 1 of 2 express checkouts), so there could be a hike between open tills depending on the size of the store (as I've seen in Fortinos stores in Ancaster/Hamilton).

    Plus, during the daytime, sometimes the lines are there because everyone is trying to get at least one of each of the flyer specials before the stock is gone. And you are often left to bag your own groceries (unless you pay for store bags or are the only customer left in the line) while the next customer pushes their basket/cart behind you while the cashier moves on to their order.
    Last edited by Ciel; Wed, Jan 22nd, 2020 at 02:59 PM.
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  2. #17
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    I usually advise the folks behind me that I have some coupons, and in general, I am using only a few-primarily because I am not organized enough to have more than that. I also tend to wear some armor. 'What's that', you say? Well, I tend to find that people who like to get grumpy about waiting a couple of minutes are the same folks who despise scented things, (and joy, kittens, puppies, you get the gist) and so a few sprays of my current favorite perfume (which is black opium if you're considering a gift BTW) tends to repel the joyless folks who can't wait for a coupon or two. You see, if you huff and puff of the back of my head repeatedly, it just increases the wafting of my lovely YSL perfume. So, in the end...everyone wins.
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  3. #18
    Smart Canuck Miss Molly's Avatar
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    Lots of good points here, especially about trying to shop when it's a bit quiet, even though it isn't always possible. Otherwise, I don't get offended when cashiers are combative, and if they are rude I'll take it up with their supervisor.
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  4. #19
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    OP, the manager is right, they can limit how many coupons you are allowed to use at once. However, as long as the coupon is legit, he can't stop you. (Saying that, do you think 14 boxes may be pushing it a bit?)
    Ciel and CheriLyn like this.

  5. #20
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    Sudden recall of a funny comedy routine about Lego Death Star Canteen that is similar to what we experience in stores trying to get store deals or use coupons (there's some swearing in the routine):
    Last edited by Ciel; Tue, Feb 4th, 2020 at 01:30 PM.
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  6. #21
    Canadian Genius Tweets77's Avatar
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    I have been couponing for about 30 years or so. I do periodically get a cashier who either does not know how to deal with coupons or just dislikes the "extra" work they create. Just the other day I was using an fpc for the Astro Kefir probiotic yogurt and the cashier looked at the coupon and decided that it stated "Buy one get one" instead. After I clarified it for her, she reluctantly put it through. The list of issues over the years goes on and on.
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  7. #22
    Smart Canuck mandy403's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maggiespice View Post
    OP, the manager is right, they can limit how many coupons you are allowed to use at once. However, as long as the coupon is legit, he can't stop you. (Saying that, do you think 14 boxes may be pushing it a bit?)
    Agree they can definitely limit but that wasn't the issue. It was because he didn't know the store policy and was making up lies that the coupon wasn't legit. It was his way of trying to denying the coupons. No I actually don't think 14 boxes is pushing it. The store didn't have a limit which they usually do and thats what I need to reach my points. I also shop for my mother as she doesn't understand the coupon thing.
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  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by dyalect View Post
    Just please do it when it is quiet. During day or late at night. Not during a rush. Nothing worse than a huge lineup and someone is at till price match, couponing and wasting everyone elses TIME. Time has value.
    I occasionally use coupons, but I only buy 5-6 items total when I go to a grocery store. My store does not let me use the express lane of 8 items or less, even if I am buying just 5-6 items since I have 2-3 cpns on me.

    So I have to go to the regular non express lane. People will be there with huge shopping carts with 50 items in them. Although they are not using coupons they take way more time than my 5-6 items!

    So it's not always couponers or PM people who take more time.

  9. #24
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ciel View Post
    Sudden recall of a funny comedy routine about Lego Death Star Canteen that is similar to what we experience in stores trying to get store deals or use coupons (there's some swearing in the routine):
    ha ha I am still chuckling at this clip! ty @Ciel for posting.
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  10. #25
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    @walkonby That clip was a random discovery (different Lego mini figs video) a few years ago but it's hilarious when you need to crack up. Glad you get some fun out of listening to it.
    walkonby likes this.
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