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Thread: Covid-19 situation

  1. #331
    Easy Glider GoodBoy's Avatar
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    Nurses at both UHN and Thorncliffe were very young. Definitely not the end of their careers at these locations.
    @alex78 ... a glass if Shiraz never goes amiss!🍷
    Last edited by GoodBoy; Sat, Apr 3rd, 2021 at 05:24 PM.

  2. #332
    Smart Canuck princessjen's Avatar
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    My shot was done by a doctor at the Durham College arena in Oshawa. My co-workers had doctors do theirs as well.
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  3. #333
    Smart Canuck SnowFlakey's Avatar
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    Congratulations to all those who received their vaccines so far! You are helping to keep yourselves and others safe. Today, the swelling has gone down and the arm doesnt hurt except for the arthrosis.

  4. #334
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    Just a reminder to check with your doctor if you are scheduled for medical procedures that might be affected by a vaccine.

    I have 3 medical procedures coming up and I just thought that I'd double check if it was ok to get a vaccine a day or 2 prior to the medical procedures. In my case, the doctor advised no vaccine 2 weeks prior or after each one so I have to wait until late May to June to get my vaccine.
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  5. #335
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    I've been encouraging my mother to get her shot, but am no having some reservations. I got a call from my brother. His wife, 55+. suffers from rheumatoid arthritis and has it generally under control. Her rheumatologist told her that their profession is generally evenly split between recommending vaccination and not; mainly because they simply do not know enough about the long-term effects of the vaccines. The doctor said that since rheumatism is an immuno-suppressed condition, the vaccine might aggravate it and make things worse. Since she is relatively young, she might have to live with the consequences for the rest of her life (40+ yrs or so.)

    His recommendation was that she might want to forgo innoculation unless she is in a circumstance whereby she is at higher risk for contracting the virus.

    My mother, on the other hand, is 87 and it took her awhile to get medication to generally control her arthritis. As she is nearing the end of her life, potential negative side-effects from vaccination may not have consequences as long-lasting. While I am still of the opinion that she should take her shot, there are differing opinions within my family.
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  6. #336
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    @HermanH what a dilemma ....and how where we are in life's journey can influence our decision to vaccinate against covid.
    Having to choose between being on edge ( forever ), limiting our social engagements and interacting with people or enduring possible side effects on our own bodies. Not an easy choice to be sure.

    Finally this morning DH was the one who got both of us booked for the vaccine! I had tried on a few occasions as each new qualifying age included us, but with no success.

    Our dates with the needle are Tuesday April 13th for the first and Tues Aug 3rd for the second shot.
    I feel better already!

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  7. #337
    Smart Canuck princessjen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HermanH View Post
    I've been encouraging my mother to get her shot, but am no having some reservations. I got a call from my brother. His wife, 55+. suffers from rheumatoid arthritis and has it generally under control. Her rheumatologist told her that their profession is generally evenly split between recommending vaccination and not; mainly because they simply do not know enough about the long-term effects of the vaccines. The doctor said that since rheumatism is an immuno-suppressed condition, the vaccine might aggravate it and make things worse. Since she is relatively young, she might have to live with the consequences for the rest of her life (40+ yrs or so.)

    His recommendation was that she might want to forgo innoculation unless she is in a circumstance whereby she is at higher risk for contracting the virus.

    My mother, on the other hand, is 87 and it took her awhile to get medication to generally control her arthritis. As she is nearing the end of her life, potential negative side-effects from vaccination may not have consequences as long-lasting. While I am still of the opinion that she should take her shot, there are differing opinions within my family.

    I completely understand that. I was very hesitant to get the shot because they don't know yet what the long term side effects are.(if any) I decided to get the shot because everyone else I know is planning on getting it. So I figured if we all die of cancer, kidney failure or turn into zombies because of it, I don't want to be the only one in my family left alive, so I might as well get it too. Thats the way I looked at it.
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  8. #338
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by princessjen View Post
    I completely understand that. I was very hesitant to get the shot because they don't know yet what the long term side effects are.(if any) I decided to get the shot because everyone else I know is planning on getting it. So I figured if we all die of cancer, kidney failure or turn into zombies because of it, I don't want to be the only one in my family left alive, so I might as well get it too. Thats the way I looked at it.
    @princessjen , did you get the swine flu shot back in 2009? They did not know the side effects of the H1N1 shot back then. If yes, did you turn into a zombie?

  9. #339
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    Quote Originally Posted by princessjen View Post
    if we all die of cancer, kidney failure or turn into zombies because of it
    The zombie apolcalypse has to start some way, doesn't it?
    You gotta admit that it would be a good movie or book plot. "All the medical staff and other first respondants get their shots as a priority, so the world's entire health and security systems dies/goes zombie."

    Would there be a sufficient supply of brains to feed the new ecosystem?
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  10. #340
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shwa Girl View Post
    @princessjen, did you get the swine flu shot back in 2009? They did not know the side effects of the H1N1 shot back then. If yes, did you turn into a zombie?
    I didnt get it, guess thats why I have not turned yet! lol I will let you guys know if I start to get a craving for brains from my covid shot.
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  11. #341
    Smart Canuck SnowFlakey's Avatar
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    Well several more areas of QC have curfews changed to 8PM. Ive been hearing rumours that maybe Prem Legault will put Montreal area back in lockdown. nothing specific in the rumours though. Teachers supposed to strick on Apr 14th about the mandatory back to school order.

  12. #342
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by princessjen View Post
    I didnt get it, guess thats why I have not turned yet! lol I will let you guys know if I start to get a craving for brains from my covid shot.
    So glad to hear you did not become a zombie
    BTW, if you got a flu shot between 2010 and 2021, they put the swine flu protection in that shot. So the H1N1 shot did not increase the number of zombies in Ontario

    I got Pfizered. Shot#1. I will let you know if I have any cravings...
    Last edited by Shwa Girl; Mon, Apr 5th, 2021 at 06:48 PM.

  13. #343
    Easy Glider GoodBoy's Avatar
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    I think she wants us to think she had no cravings. Is that not what zombies would do?

    As for your shot. I too had Pfizer and have only been craving juicy burgers.

  14. #344
    heartgirl99 heartgirl99's Avatar
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    word of caution when booking your vaccination appointment through the ontario portal.

    based on my age (60 and over) i am eligible to be vaccinated in york region.
    entered the portal, filling in health card info, etc. accepted by the site as eligible.
    entered my postal code again and it offered vaccination sites in south simcoe. however, the age eligibility in south simcoe is higher (70) and i do NOT qualify for a vaccination there.

    just be aware.

    i was able to book into cornell for this friday with my second shot in 3 months in july.

  15. #345
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    I do wish the vaccine roll out in Ontario was controlled by the province instead of the region.

    My sister was able to get her shot in her region because she qualifies, but my areas has difference criteria so I do not qualify, although we have criteria. Same if we lived in my sister's areas my Mom would qualify but as right now where we live she does not qualify for her age group.

    Also oddly my Step Mom was able to book her vaccine but my Dad who is the same age has not been able too.

    Finding it a little frustrating
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