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Thread: President's Choice Senior Dog Food

  1. #16
    CaNewbie sleepysheep's Avatar
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    I admire your patience while the consumer spin doctors dazzle you with their careless, messy logic. All these company representatives are just trained to tire you out until you go away. They say blah, blah, blah without really answering your question at all.

  2. #17
    CaLoonie Buddyboy546's Avatar
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    Fair and accurate comment. It is for that reason I do my best not to let them off the hook. If I think such an exchange is informative to other people I offer it on this site. In that and other regards, this site is empowering, one of the few ways we as consumers can have the balance of power redressed in our favour. I always try to be fair to a company but believe they should publicly "wear" shoddy practices and communications like this.

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