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Thread: NS & NFLD - Egg Recall

  1. #1
    Canadian Genius padyofurniture's Avatar
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    A large recall of eggs in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador has been announced by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

    In a release, the CFIA indicates Hilly Acres Farm is recalling eggs from the marketplace due to possible salmonella contamination following company test results.
    Recalled brands include Compliments, No Name, Maritime Pride, various brands of Nova Eggs, Great Value, Eyking Delite, and Farmer John Eyking.

    There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products. If you think you became sick, call your doctor.

    The CFIA recommends throwing out or returning the recalled products to the store where they were purchased.

    An investigation is underway and further recalls may be issued.

    According to the Egg Farmers of Nova Scotia, only eggs with best before dates between September 2 to October 31, 2020 that are from “Hilly Acres” or identified with the lot code “38” or “N38” or with no code are impacted by the product recall.

    "If your egg cartons do not show 38 or N38, and show a different code, (example: N1, N5, N32, N50, etc.) your eggs are not impacted by this recall," the group said.

    "In this case, Salmonella was found on the premises but not in the eggs," it added. "Proper handling and cooking of eggs will kill any Salmonella bacteria found in an egg."

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  2. #2
    Smart Canuck mulock's Avatar
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    I heard about the recall last week, but eggs don't last more than a week in my household, so they had already been eaten. No one got sick thankfully.
    padyofurniture likes this.

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