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Thread: Whatever company delivered my birthday gift!!!

  1. #1
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    My hubby bought me a charm from Pandora online for my birthday.

    The package arrived at like 9:30 at night and the person that delivered it probably didn’t even get out of his truck. I heard a thud at my window, and by the time I got to the door to check what the thud was the person was gone and my gift was in my garden, covered in mud.

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  2. #2
    Smart Canuck
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    That totally sucks. I hope you complained.

    Quote Originally Posted by vino_er_coach View Post
    My hubby bought me a charm from Pandora online for my birthday.

    The package arrived at like 9:30 at night and the person that delivered it probably didn’t even get out of his truck. I heard a thud at my window, and by the time I got to the door to check what the thud was the person was gone and my gift was in my garden, covered in mud.

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  3. #3
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    I didn’t. They ripped off the delivery label before they tossed it.

    I am going to contact Pandora customer service and let them know and they can look into it.

    Luckily the box was light weight and my window didn’t crack.

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  4. #4
    Smart Canuck
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    I would of taken a pic of it in the garden and sent it to the company he bought if from and told them that have to send a brand new one

  5. #5
    Smart Canuck
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    Sounds like a BNI (Bonshaw Logistics / Brunswick News Inc) delivery in New Brunswick.

    I've had them drop stuff half way up my driveway (about 25 feet is half-way) or at the curb.

    They've dumped bubble mailers (the yellow paper kind) in snowbanks in my yard... all instead of actually coming to the door.

    and I literally watched from my front window as one driver just shoved the box out of his driver's side window and it landed on my driveway.

    and a number of their deliveries never showed up. (the proof photo on their site was just of the label, not my door -- and the GPS location was done behind a drugstore a few miles away)

    SOME of their drivers manage to get it to my doorstep, but it's about 50/50 chance.
    Last edited by bhlombardy; Tue, Oct 20th, 2020 at 05:58 PM.

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