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Thread: My fave company....Roger$...[emoji2961]

  1. #1
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    If I could remember how many HOURS I have spent on the phone/live chat with them over the past 20+ years, I think I would be given a medal of honour for my patience.

    Yesterday, I spent 2.5 hours with them arguing over them not honouring a promotion. I made sure when I ordered the service to take screen shots and confirm the promotion with the phone rep.
    Now that the time has come for them to do so, guess what, I was “misled” by promo banners on their site and my being proactive and confirming eligibility with the phone rep just became pointless because it turned it into a he said/she said sales tactic.

    After being transferred from rep to rep to finally a manager, holding my ground, I eventually got the equivalent of the promo value in account credits. But really? Why did it take me so long to force them to have decent customer service?
    All of that time just costs them MORE MONEY!!! They have to pay their reps and so forth, so leaving people hanging for so long just has a negative effect on their bottom $ due to increased costs in wages and other administrative costs (which we eventually have to pay for anyways when they increase their rates).

    Jeez. Suck it up. Admit you were wrong and sleazy and save everyone the time, energy and disdain. Just because your service is one that is greatly relied upon by millions does not mean that you have free reign and can do as you please. We are living in times that are life changing to many, and there are a lot of companies out there sinking...people are no longer wearing their rose tinted glasses.

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    This thread is currently associated with: Apple, Guess
    GoJays, walkonby and crafter like this.

  2. #2
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    I have one word for you @vino_er_coach - Cogeco
    I had the same story for years, just exchange the word "Rogers" with the word "Bell" (aka: The Devil)
    Moved to Cogeco, have not looked back in regret, not even for one day
    The prices are not necessarily much better (ok, maybe some), but it's all about the customer service
    Never had an issue with Cogeco
    walkonby and vino_er_coach like this.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoJays View Post
    I have one word for you @vino_er_coach - Cogeco
    I had the same story for years, just exchange the word "Rogers" with the word "Bell" (aka: The Devil)
    Moved to Cogeco, have not looked back in regret, not even for one day
    The prices are not necessarily much better (ok, maybe some), but it's all about the customer service
    Never had an issue with Cogeco
    I WISH...seriously WISH I could get Cogeco where I live. I have 2 choices, The Devil and The Devil’s slightly better looking twin.

    I had Cogeco years ago, and they were great.

    I would pay more for better service, there is nothing I hate more than crappy internet and crappy cell service. Those are what make my kids whine the loudest....and I hate whiny kids. It use to be other peoples kids because mine were pretty good until they discovered the joys of technology.....but after that, the pain of the whine spread...until it blanketed me.

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    Ciel, GoJays and walkonby like this.

  4. #4
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    My sympathies
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoJays View Post
    My sympathies
    Thank you.

    I wasted another 90 minutes of my life on them tonight....I am not quite mid 40’s and have under 2 dozen greys. You would think they would want to keep me happy since I am the one that pays the bills.

    Game on.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  6. #6
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    I am hating again.

    I have had no internet for 4 hours.
    I am only online because my phone is through Bell and I am using my data.

    This outage is insane.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  7. #7
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    I've left the big companies behind. I to was discouraged with the serivice I got from both Bell and Rogers. I wanted to cancel my land line with Bell years ago, when I called i was told I had to give a 30 day notice. Funny, if they choose to cut you off, Im doubtful they are going to give you 30 days to find another provider.

    As for rogers, the internet prices kept going up and up. with no added value( faster speed). The last bill I got from them was for $101. for one month of the net. I had enough. I went shoping and ended up with a company called . They are a reseller and are providing me will a cable service, using Rogers lines

    The exact same speed I had with rogers was $65 with a nice little savings. I kept geting email and messages from Rogers " We miss you"...Im like no you don't.. you miss me over paying for sup par service

    Maybe its time to start shopping around to see what "other" companies can offewr you.
    Ciel, walkonby, alex78 and 2 others like this.

  8. #8
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    The Rogers board of directors has has some turbulence lately, courtesy of founder's son wanting to change some things at the telco. It's been news for a few days. Rogers has bought Shaw and the merge is coming soon.
    Shwa Girl likes this.
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  9. #9
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    In June, without a lie, one day I was on with them for 7 of 8 hours. They had cancelled all of my services. In July, I moved and do you think I could cancel my services?
    HermanH and Ciel21 like this.

  10. #10
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    @immac2947 Was this on the phone or through one of their social channels or via e-mail? That was some time commitment! What happened in July?

    Esp. as Rogers is one of those entities offering DIY services related to phone but charge $ if you need an employee to assist with something.

    I can only imagine what the City TV staff are talking about (Rogers owns their station and staff likely have cellphones on the network too).
    "This is the Way." The Mandalorian

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