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Thread: Chapman's Sugar Free Ice Cream Bars.

  1. #1
    CaLoonie Buddyboy546's Avatar
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    I purchased a box of Chapman's sugar free ice cream bars and was amazed at how small the bars were in a relatively huge box. I therefore sent a comment to Chapman's. I thought the exchange may be of interest to others and would be interested in comments. Here is the submission: via Chapman's Staging Site Contact Form:

    "This is simply feedback on your box of five sugar free ice cream bars. They are tiny. To say I am disappointed is an understatement. There are five bars in the box, each of 55ml. Thus all five bars total a volume of 0.275 litre. They come in a box which is 1.5 litres in volume, that is 5.5 times the volume of the content. Even allowing for the volume of packaging within, the box is deceptively large in offering miniscule content. I feel cheated in that such a large box can only be deliberate on your part. Your comment would be appreciated. Are you content that your product leaves your customers feeling cheated?---"

    Here is their response:

    "Thank you for contacting us. The Malitol and surculose we use is this is very expensive. We offer a fair price for a very good product.

    Kindest regards, "from our family to yours . . ."

    Shannon Reid, Senior Executive Secretary.
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    Last edited by Buddyboy546; Tue, Jun 21st, 2022 at 03:54 PM. Reason: Formatting

  2. #2
    Smart Canuck
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    Malitol and surculose must need more room to "breathe" in the packaging.
    Tweets77 and cath007 like this.

  3. #3
    Smart Canuck
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    Wow, way for Chapman's to totally avoid the question and answer something never asked.
    couponlady and cath007 like this.
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  4. #4
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    Think it's about saving money using an existing package size for products. You are reminding me of the La Senza CEO whose board limited online order fulfillment staff to use only 3 box sizes for orders. When he had to package an order himself as part of a CBC show, he realized how wrong that decision was (he needed a certain box size but it was not in the lineup of the approved 3 boxes).

    At least Chapman's responded to your query. The company has had a tough three years.

    How do you feel about Magnum having 3 small frozen treats per box?
    Last edited by Ciel21; Wed, Jun 29th, 2022 at 05:14 PM.
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  5. #5
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    Can’t tell you which chapmans ice cream bars they are since I don’t eat them but my mom does they went from being close to 100 ml size and apparently they are now 55. They’re just regular old ice cream, not sugar free or non dairy or anything. Once again the prices don’t reflect the size change. Such a joke.

  6. #6
    Smart Canuck
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    Chapman's has been running THIS AD for about 6 weeks now...

    "Did you know that Chapman's has never downsized their product?" 🤔

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