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Thread: August 2022 Frugal Chatter: All about gardening and saving month!!!!

  1. #316
    Smart Canuck
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    Sassy very glad you had a vacation!!!!!

    Coupongirl sounds like a nice week for you

    my head space is a little weird. might start a new puzzle today, keep my mind busy.
    need to do a bit of love on the menu plan . it feels like fall out there. i need a good transition menu.. lots of summer stuff with a few fall options

    need to spend about a hour on house work. as well
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  2. #317
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Thank you everyone. It was a much needed vacation but am now enjoying getting back into the swing of everyday life.

    This was the "kids" except for Bro's fiance's third time in Hawaii, it was bro's fiancee's first time, the last time we went they had only been dating a few months. My dad and stepmom have been 5 times, 4 time to Kona and once they went to a different Island. It has kind of become our family vacation spot but moving forward family vacations will probably change just because Bro's Fiancee is a teacher and does not have the freedoms to travel when the trip is booked. Oh my gosh that probably sounds bad but all my siblings plus other bro's wife work for the company so we travel in our slow times but those do not always line up with bro's fiancees time off. We shall see.

    Right now I am enjoying all of the joys of being home. That first shower back is amazing, I am sorry hotel showers are not the same, first night back in my own bed, I love hotel beds but being back in my own bed. Now to get back on track with food and eating.

    Plan for today:
    Clean out the fridge, see what need to be used up
    Write a meal plan, we need to get back on track, use up what needs to be used
    Prepare for the week, I need to write a home and work to-do-list

    Since Mom was home going on vacation was a little different as I had to make sure Mom had food but also that I had food when I got home so I did not have to shop right away. I need to clean the fridge, see what Mom ate, see what I need to pick up this week, see what we need to use up and then plan this week's meals.

    I will also write my to-do-lists for home and work for the week. I need to get back on track and focused. I know there are quite a few things I need to address for work tomorrow because although I was checking in, I only addressed things that could not wait well I away but obviously business did not stop. Having a list I can focus on will help as I also need to cover a manager for days well they are away for training plus I have 2 staff members in training and 1 new staff member starting Monday. Plus, I need to get back on top of things at home, they were slipping hard before I left.

    Happy Sunday
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

  3. #318
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Okay, slowly getting things done and I do mean slowly. Not sure if it was travelling home or what but last night my shoulder and neck were killing me. The pain is now across both shoulders and I woke up with my lower back and hips hurting so getting stuff done has been slow but I am getting there.

    Cleaned out the fridge, a few things needed to be tossed but it is what it is, there were things I did not use up before I left that Mom did not eat (a cucumber, an open ricotta). Found some stuff we need to use up which I will incorporate into our meals:
    Romaine Lettuce

    So far my meal plan for the week is:
    Spaghetti Meatballs (We will have this tonight as the Homemade Meatballs are already defrosted), with Salad
    Mozzarella Chicken with Pasta & Salad
    BBQ Chicken and Chunks, Will turn the chunks into wraps using up more Lettuce
    Baked Lemon Chicken
    Slow Cooker Pepper Steak
    Homemade Pizza with Salad

    Can you tell I have a lot of Lettuce to use up?

    Will need to go shopping soon, grab some fresh stuff but all and all I feel my pre planning before my trip worked out. Mom had food for the 11 days I was away and even if I don't shop for a few more days we have options. Although the one thing we do really need is mushrooms which I expected.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

  4. #319
    Canadian Genius lilo0003's Avatar
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    Our vacation is almost over, last night we celebrated my aunt and uncles 50th wedding anniversary, the number of Ontarian’s that made the trip is a testament to how loved they are.
    We had a bit of an issue with my SUV and it’s exhaust system. The services are so booked up here it was
    looking like we may have to delay our return but the good thing with so much family in NS is someone may know someone and my uncles neighbour is a retired mechanic and was able to fix the issue. We are already planning to return next year as my brother and SIL are going to get married. I have always called her my sister in love and his ex has only now Signed the paperwork.
    Friends don't let real friends pay full price.

  5. #320
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    I spent Saturday with Dh and our kids. We went to a spray park in the afternoon.
    I spent most of Sunday morning grocery shopping, etc. arrived back at the rental house at 7pm. Made some beef barley vegetable soup. Good for some meals during this long 5 day week. Carpooling to school division meetings tomorrow. I’ll be picked up at 6:30AM…won’t get home until supper time. Students start Thursday.
    Help me out with Swagbucks and we can both earn gift cards and PayPal money
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  6. #321
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Morning,
    Was up at 4 am and could not fall back asleep so got up and got my day started.

    Our branches are not even open and I have already knocked multiple things off my to-do-list for work.

    Started the Laundry, last load is in the washer.

    Think I will run to the store this morning and grab some fresh stuff, the fridge is looking a little bare but this is why I love my stockpile, we are still looking good for meals. If needed I could use frozen veggies but we are out of mushrooms and I need them for I think 3 meals this week. Plus I saw a few things on sale I want to pick up.

    Dad has emailed to get my car serviced and if he cannot get me a loaner, I will borrow a family member's car so it does not affect my schedule. I think it has something to do with my parking brake, the first time I got the message I had the parking brake on well I locked our gate at work and well we were on vacation I had my parking brake on the whole time and now I am getting a bunch of messages. It is weird I love that my car tells me what is wrong with it but also feels weird that my car talks to me through messages, but I wouldn't change it.

    Today is a catch up on all the things type of day.

    Happy Monday Everyone
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

  7. #322
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    Good morning everyone. @SassyAshley I’m so happy you were on vacation . You definitely deserved it.
    @Angela273 sounds like you had a wonderful weekend with your family.
    @lilo0003 sadly all good things must come to an end (just sucks more when it’s a vacation).

    Speaking of vacation, Dh and I are on vacation officially today but technically since yesterday. We don’t have any travel plans this time. We just need so good old down time. We will do some day trips to go hiking or something but it’s going to be a real chill week off.

    Dh will be spending some time rethinking his job. Unfortunately his workplace is turning toxic and it’s frustrating. In a nutshell he was accused of time theft and lying about it regarding his lunch break. Basically he was accused of taking a lunch that was 3 times longer than he was allowed and when he said no he was told “someone on the staff told the owner he did” . In the end Dh showed him invoices that were processed by him and the security cams showed when he actually left for lunch.

    Anyways, after 30 years in the industry and 10 at this company he’s shocked that they would say that and especially when the person that “snitched” is the person who is well known to be the extra long lunch taker and actually does time theft.

    When he told this owner that he was glad he had vacation time coming up because he’d spend it seriously considering if he would be returning the boss did a complete 360 and was back peddling and was concerned he wouldn’t return. Lots of apologies we said but the damage is done and the company knows they can’t afford to loose anyone but especially the top employee with the highest margins.

    Now we will head off to grocery shop after doing the weekly bills.

    Have a great Monday and week everyone

  8. #323
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Went grocery shopping right at 8 am, I love being at the store when it opens, I can get in, get what I need and get out.

    Although I will say, I have noticed lately produce is not the best quality. I am finding I really have to dig to find nice produce and even then some of it still seems to be going bad so quickly.

    Not to mention the prices, oh my. The cheapest Apples I could find were $2.99/lb, the bags that used to be like $2.99 to $4.99 are now $7.99, so I skipped the apples.

    I got:
    1 x Naturally Imperfect Mushrooms 680g $4.00
    3 x Limes $0.67
    1 x Lemon 3-lbs $3.99
    1 x Napa Cabbage $0.78/lb (PM Freshco)
    2 x Cucumbers $0.99 (PM Food Basics)
    4 x Peppers Red & Orange $1.49/lb (PM Freshco)
    2 x Green Onions $0.88 (PM Freshco)
    2 x Zucchini $1.29/lb
    2 x Tortillas $1.49 WUB 2
    2 x Whole Wheat Tortillas $1.49 WUB 2
    6 x Chia Tea $1.94 WUB 2
    2 x $60 Netflix Gift cards + 10,000 pts for spending $100 on the gift cards

    They would not let me price match a Cantaloupe because Food Basics called theirs Jumbo Cantaloupe and No Frills were just Cantaloupes.

    The lime I actually wanted a 3-lb bag but every bag had at least one lime that was already going bad

    I am so excited for the Napa Cabbage, I have been craving Egg Roll in a bowl but the last months or so when I looked for Napa Cabbage they did not have any.

    Sadly they were out of the 18-packs of eggs that are on sale, I wanted 2 more packs.

    I will see how my schedule falls for the rest of the week and might run into another No Frills to see if they have stock.

    All and all I am happy, I spent right around $160 but $120 of that was the giftcards so really I only spent $40 on groceries and we are stocked up expect for eggs. Lots of fresh produce.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

  9. #324
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    @harbie how awful for your DH.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

  10. #325
    Mastermind cath007's Avatar
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    It is 30 degres outside it is so hot..
    Hope everyone had a great day
    Happy monday
    The goal is to live day by day not to much thinking hahaha !!!!
    I love to save money!!! Frugal life hahaah !!!

  11. #326
    Smart Canuck
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    Quote Originally Posted by harbie View Post
    Good morning everyone. @SassyAshley I’m so happy you were on vacation . You definitely deserved it.
    @Angela273 sounds like you had a wonderful weekend with your family.
    @lilo0003 sadly all good things must come to an end (just sucks more when it’s a vacation).

    Speaking of vacation, Dh and I are on vacation officially today but technically since yesterday. We don’t have any travel plans this time. We just need so good old down time. We will do some day trips to go hiking or something but it’s going to be a real chill week off.

    Dh will be spending some time rethinking his job. Unfortunately his workplace is turning toxic and it’s frustrating. In a nutshell he was accused of time theft and lying about it regarding his lunch break. Basically he was accused of taking a lunch that was 3 times longer than he was allowed and when he said no he was told “someone on the staff told the owner he did” . In the end Dh showed him invoices that were processed by him and the security cams showed when he actually left for lunch.

    Anyways, after 30 years in the industry and 10 at this company he’s shocked that they would say that and especially when the person that “snitched” is the person who is well known to be the extra long lunch taker and actually does time theft.

    When he told this owner that he was glad he had vacation time coming up because he’d spend it seriously considering if he would be returning the boss did a complete 360 and was back peddling and was concerned he wouldn’t return. Lots of apologies we said but the damage is done and the company knows they can’t afford to loose anyone but especially the top employee with the highest margins.

    Now we will head off to grocery shop after doing the weekly bills.

    Have a great Monday and week everyone
    @harbie that is terrible! Obviously someone at the workplace is jealous, probably because of the top employee with the highest margins. That would be so frustrating to have someone be so petty.

  12. #327
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    Last week wasn't so great. I broke my favorite coffee mug, than I dropped a glass dish and cut my finger. I also lost my favorite water bottle. Hopefully this week will be better. Fingers and toes crossed.

  13. #328
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    @SassyAshley I also have been skipping apples as they are so expensive. I now look at the discounted packaged apples and similar products. Noticed most items don't last in the fridge as long. My green grapes went bad quickly.

    I did a telephone survey and got paid $30 in an amazon gift card Now I have to decide to what to spend it on.

  14. #329
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    Oh daughter just left with sebastian ,we spent the day today at my son's so they could play and my daughter could have a quiet house to work til 5.30 p.m .

    I bought an ice cream log for my daughter's birthday not cheap 29.99 at dairy queen .We had a nice bbq and i bought a nice rose' wine.

    So exhaused and its the heat .

  15. #330
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    @barbis9 sounds like you had a bad time. Good thing is that don’t things happen in 3’s? That means it’s all smooth sailing from here on out .

    The weird thing about Dh’s work is that it’s only the one brother that acts out like this (it’s owned by 4 brothers) . This one is just a real crab and probably needs to retire. Regardless, Dh is just tired of the behaviour so now it will be on to bigger and much better things. He’s not rushing and wont leave in a huff or anything but he’s done.

    Went to the garden centre and picked up a soil tester and some gardening tape to try to control my cosmos! They have a mind of their own. I found, but didn’t buy yet, some stunning tulip bulbs. I’m going to plan a layout for a couple of the varieties (colour coordinated of course ). I tried to putter in the garden but it was just too hot in the sun (30degrees) so I’ll go down when the sun moves.

    I feel like such a senior. It’s 4:38pm and we already had our dinner . Maybe I should take a nap too

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