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Thread: March 2023 Frugal Chat

  1. #16
    Canadian Guru
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    Good Morning and Happy Thursday!

    Last night was a lazy night so tonight after work I need to get some stuff done! I had to use the hand towel to dry off with after my shower today.
    I know there is a load of towels in the dryer that need to be put away and another load washed!

    So the plan is laundry, clean the kitchen. clean out the fridge and deal with the leftovers. Pack for girls night away tomorrow. We are leaving early in the morning so we can enjoy the pool/hot tub etc before we go out for a nice dinner and our 90's show I also have a pedicure booked in the afternoon at the spa at the hotel that will be a nice treat.

    Let's get this work day over with!!

  2. #17
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    Have to contact Danone today regarding the printable coupon they send when you purchase any silk product and submit the receipt. For some reason it printed in French . I clicked the English link but it printed in French so it’s useless to me and also I sent 2 receipts and only got 1 coupon. That should be fun .

    Checking the flyers quickly and will do a Costco return and small shop.

  3. #18
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    PC pts- interesting ones this week.

    7000 pts wus $70 on fresh beef

    40,000 pts when you shop 4 times and spend minimum $50 each time.

    My PC pts are at approx $300 between my 2 cards. I think my plan is to save them till hopefully May 24 bbq season sales. Then hopefully stock up on burgers etc (we still have so much steak in the freezer and now I know to watch for clearance on these after the big sales)

  4. #19
    Easy Glider GoodBoy's Avatar
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  5. #20
    Canadian Genius lilo0003's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frugalbigmama View Post
    PC pts- interesting ones this week.

    7000 pts wus $70 on fresh beef

    40,000 pts when you shop 4 times and spend minimum $50 each time.

    My PC pts are at approx $300 between my 2 cards. I think my plan is to save them till hopefully May 24 bbq season sales. Then hopefully stock up on burgers etc (we still have so much steak in the freezer and now I know to watch for clearance on these after the big sales)
    I had similarly weird offers like 5000 PCO when u spend 50.00 on chicken.I am not sure what’s on my list this week. At least 1 trip to Metro for the air miles offer of 2 packages of bacon for 6.00 and there is an offer of 25 bonus air miles when you use 10.00 in miles.
    Last edited by lilo0003; Fri, Mar 3rd, 2023 at 12:35 AM.
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    Friends don't let real friends pay full price.

  6. #21
    Mastermind cath007's Avatar
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    Good early morning and happy Friday!!!
    Last day of my spring break...already...time sure fly by
    I was up earlier so I decided to purge,rotate and clean the big freezer + fridge to a to z.It was desesperatly needing my attention.
    I have so much I want to do and tackle around my appt but not much free time grrr....I need to clean and reorganize the small fridge but that will have to wait another time.Took the garbages and recycle out too.
    We had some waste of leftovers ,pass dated yogurts,dips and cheeses and stuff we forgot because it was no access....
    I took a big mental inventory of the contain ...definately will have to cook some pork tenderlions we have 8,-shrimps I took we had 6 packages but only 2 left....No left salmon
    I taught I did not have any left Oasis Smootie for school but actually found 5 !!! will not buy more this week.
    Next day off from school will be march 24,so if I am not late in my books I hope...fingers crossed ...I will work in my cleaning room kitchen and spare room definately need my attention

    Alright time to work in my books

    Have a great day,it is nice and sunny!!!
    Skippy, harbie, barbis9 and 3 others like this.
    The goal is to live day by day not to much thinking hahaha !!!!
    I love to save money!!! Frugal life hahaah !!!

  7. #22
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    Good morning,

    Yesterday’s Costco run ended up with a $25 refund but followed by a $130 shop. Oh well, it is 100% stuff we needed and use. Not one piece will be wasted.

    Have to deal with our insurance company today . Wish me luck.

  8. #23
    Canadian Genius Skippy's Avatar
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    @harbie sorry for you/anyone needing to deal with Insurance Companies.It is certainly not for the faint of heart (best be end of my rant!..)
    Got some shopping done yesterday,used up my freebie Siggi's Yogurt coupon that I snagged from No Frills at Christmas.Heads up for anyone that also snagged freebie/discounted coupons at the same time, they expire at the end of this month.My other deal was strawberries for a couple of bucks which is a nice treat in the winter.Only problem is that I got strawberry drippings on my white jacket while gawking to see if they were ripe/too ripe/dead.Fortunately it came out with OxiClean
    (indeed spelt with an "i").
    Today not as exciting as that,but did manage to get my walk in plus a bit, as not a fan of the snow coming so going to be indoor recess tomorrow.No matter always something to do around this place so I wont be making edible paper flowers!
    Whatever you find yourself up to this weekend stay safe and warm! Blessings my friends!
    Always remember the What are you thankful for today? thread as there always is something to be thankful for.

  9. #24
    Mastermind cath007's Avatar
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    Good evening,wow must have been very tired to had woke up early but it was worthed so I wanted to take a power nap for 30 minutes,putted the alarm and regardless I sleep 2 hours lol...must need it...Before I napped I did my small grocery shopping list for Sunday.And decided we have plenty of things to use so I will not go to public harvest Saturday morning save the $$$ for the small grocery.I will not get all I want to acccomplish in my books done but trying to do as much as I can and I am capable.
    Have a good evening and night
    harbie, barbis9, walkonby and 2 others like this.
    The goal is to live day by day not to much thinking hahaha !!!!
    I love to save money!!! Frugal life hahaah !!!

  10. #25
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Morning Everyone,
    Ugh, I did not sleep well last night. I had trouble falling asleep and then I woke up wide awake at 1 am and my body thought it was morning. When I woke up again at 4:30 I decided to just get up and start my day.

    Looks like we got a good amount of snow last night and it just started snowing again. Not even going to think about this until later.

    It has been an insane week, we had our AGM for work Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday was a long day as we had dinner as a group after the meeting. It was nice to see everyone in person again, talk to people and discuss what is going on within the company.

    I am feeling very behind, I have a ton of work to still catch up on, as well my house needs some attention. Next week is going to be insane again so I need to make sure we are prepped and ready for the week. We have tons of fresh produce I need to prep plus I want to make some grab-and-eat foods for the week.

    Happy Saturday Everyone
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    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

  11. #26
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    Good morning everyone . It will be an indoors day lots of snow . I have not been spending too much trying to used up what we have so only fresh fruits and veggies.
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  12. #27
    Easy Glider GoodBoy's Avatar
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    Snow!! Shoveled four times last night up to 11 pm then up a 6 to do ours, side neighbour, and elderly gent across the street.

    Time for a fry up!!
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  13. #28
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    Morning just shovelled the front porch off for hubby ,we got about 5 or 6 inches .I got it off the top of the car.I couldnt get my groceries yesterday because i had a stomach bug for 2 days .

    Resting now before i do the back steps ,we get cara today around 3.30 today overnight.

    Groceries can wait til monday or tuesday .
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  14. #29
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    Feeling bad for those with snow.

    They were calling for hail last night and some more snow here so off I went to cover my baby plants but woke up to NOTHING! Standing in the cold dark rain last night to protect them for nothing. Oh well, guess I can’t complain.

    Sorry you had such a lousy sleep @SassyAshley . Hope it get better.

    That was very thoughtful of you @GoodBoy for helping your neighbours especially an older gentleman.
    @coupon girl hope you’re feeling better and no more bugs for you.

    I’m helping an older neighbour lady clean her floors and appliances today but I’m a bit anxious. She is really sweet but there seems to be some mental issues arising. I mean she thinks the people below her and over can hear her conversations sometimes. Unfortunately she doesn’t have family here (only 1 son and he’s 5hours away and they don’t really talk). Hopefully today won’t be too bad. FYI the health dept has been in contact with her and the RCMP have been by but sadly not much can be done. They can’t force someone into a home. Like I said, sometimes it’s not too bad so hopefully today is one of those days. I’m trying to be helpful but unfortunately it weighs on my own mental state and I don’t need more stress so this might have to be my last time . I need to set up healthy boundaries.

    Going to check some flyers but not needing much except for some veggies maybe…….

    Have a great Saturday everyone

  15. #30
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    Harbie so nice of you to help an older neighbour.

    I looked out and everyone on our crescent was helping with their snow blowers,helped the 80 yr old that had a stroke yrs ago and others that shouldnt be shovelling .My daughter called me from toronto and said "mom dont shovel as you can have a heart attack"(bad family history and on 2 meds here)

    It will fun to build a snowman with cara (age 5) when she comes this afternoon.

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