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Thread: May 2023 Frugal Chat

  1. #136
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    I just cleaned off our upright freezer (stuff was piling on top!)
    Then I washed it top to bottom (outside) then organized a bit inside.
    Decided to take out a whole chicken to thaw for tomorrow nights dinner. Need to start using up these things in the freezer.
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  2. #137
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HermanH View Post
    Looks like walking on a banana peel or lime.
    I was actually going for RUNNING on a banana or lime

  3. #138
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    Weekly bills were paid yesterday. We went over the weekly spending and so far it’s on budget with the exception of a bit of an overage on groceries but I’m ok with that since it’s not too bad.

    Found out that my information was breached with an investment account I have . They didn’t get the actual information on how much and where my money is BUT they did get my name, address and SIN . I do get free monitoring and I checked and there has been no fraudulent activity so that’s good.

    I hate this technology based world sometimes. Over the years I’ve had 2 CC #’s stolen and fraudulent purchases made on them ( got it reversed easily), my dejardin CC had a MASSIVE breech last year sometime and required monitoring and now this. Grrrrrrrrrr! The sad part is I’m the person that is obsessed with shredding a that has my name, address, phone number, etc… I also don’t sign up for things using my real number, have a default birthday, change passwords regularly( and they are weird random words/numbers/symbols). What can ya do? Nothing.

    Got a Sample Source promo to try a nestle ice cream. So excited to try their plant based one .

    Today is laundry day( like every day it seems), and vacuuming/dusting. The rest of the week is slammed with work and getting a few things for our road trip next week. I’m gonna need a vacation from this vacation

    It seem to be cooler today but still summer weather so I’ll hit up the tread for a run and avoid outside until after dinner.

  4. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by harbie View Post
    Found out that my information was breached with an investment account I have . They didn’t get the actual information on how much and where my money is BUT they did get my name, address and SIN . I do get free monitoring and I checked and there has been no fraudulent activity so that’s good.

    I hate this technology based world sometimes. Over the years I’ve had 2 CC #’s stolen and fraudulent purchases made on them ( got it reversed easily), my dejardin CC had a MASSIVE breech last year sometime and required monitoring and now this. Grrrrrrrrrr! The sad part is I’m the person that is obsessed with shredding a that has my name, address, phone number, etc… I also don’t sign up for things using my real number, have a default birthday, change passwords regularly( and they are weird random words/numbers/symbols). What can ya do? Nothing.
    That is my ongoing fear, too. It does not matter how careful I may be with my information, if someone at the financial institution is reckless, all my efforts will be for naught. It's like losing one's virginity; it doesn't come back. All the monitoring in the world is pointless IMO. No criminal activity on your information may just mean that they have not had time to get to your particular account, yet!

    Even when I leave an institution, I can't get them to delete my confidential details. That worries me most, as they sit on their databases waiting for someone to break in and steal them.
    My food may not befit a king, but I eat like a horse.

  5. #140
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    I’m confident in the tracking of my information with identity fraud protection which includes the dark web.

    Unfortunately ANY company can be a victim of a cyberattack. Hospitals and even equifax was hacked. We just need to stay vigilant and check our credit for anomalies.

  6. #141
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    Good Morning! Day 9 of sunshine? I've lost count but it is wonderful!

    Work from home day today and only one thing on my plate. Once that is done I can keep on top of email and deal with things as they come to me.

    I am done work at 3pm on Friday and off next week for vacation and am already feeling ready for it which is a nice feeling for a change.

    The boys worked on the yard last night and I am so happy with what they got done. Finally getting rid of stuff that is past its time. (Muskoka chairs/bbq covers /teak chairs (Im going to sell these- they just need stain and will be like new again)
    We had a nice bbq of steak, sweet potatoes, red potatoes and carrots. (I also sliced up a cucumber) It was a clean out the fridge kind of deal but the steak was from the freezer.

    Our fridge is pretty clean/empty. Looking forward to some deals at FB tomorrow.

    I have a whole chicken to cook but it seems to still be a bit frozen. Maybe I will wait till tomorrow for it.

    Have a wonderful day!
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  7. #142
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    Good day fellow thread dwellers. Although the calendar says May the temperature this morning was zero.
    The furnace was indeed on to take some of the chill out of the air.Quite unlike what @harbie and others in her neck of the woods have been experiencing. Something in between would be nice.
    Not much in the way of shopping as discovered stuff in the freezer to use up. That’s alright with me as shopping dollar doesn’t go too far.
    Perhaps tomorrow’s flyers will brim with some deals. I am late in checking them out.
    Hope the sun is shining wherever you are today my friends!
    harbie, barbis9, walkonby and 2 others like this.
    Always remember the What are you thankful for today? thread as there always is something to be thankful for.

  8. #143
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    It rained a bunch last weekend, so no working in the garden. I’ll drive home tomorrow after work and enjoy a 4 day weekend at home.

    Wildfire smoke has blown into town and we are under an air quality advisory. I can smell the smoke in the house and there is reduced visibility out the window. Someone left two windows open in the staff room last night, so the school is relatively smokey. My throat was burning by 8am. I’m on a prep day today, which is rare. A substitute teacher is teaching all of my classes for the day and I get to spend the day in the school planning and marking, etc.
    harbie, JadeAngel, barbis9 and 3 others like this.
    Help me out with Swagbucks and we can both earn gift cards and PayPal money
    Pm me for a referral link if you’d like to earn a $10 bonus! when you create your Checkout 51 rebate account
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    ANGELA67343 and we will both earn $1 bonus

  9. #144
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    I just received an email from my local teachers association president. I won their contest from last week. They’re paying for my fishing license for the year! Yay!
    harbie, Purdee, Tweets77 and 7 others like this.
    Help me out with Swagbucks and we can both earn gift cards and PayPal money
    Pm me for a referral link if you’d like to earn a $10 bonus! when you create your Checkout 51 rebate account
    Caddle Referral Code:
    ANGELA67343 and we will both earn $1 bonus

  10. #145
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    Received my annual house insurance policy in the mail today. It is $21 cheaper then 2021.... No idea where the 2022 policy is. Have 2017-2021...

    Hoping the car insurance shows up with a decrease too...fingers crossed!

    The sun is shining but it is a little cool at times I notice out on my walk. I was comfy in a hoody!

  11. #146
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    Just popped out to SDM to get milk- they didn't have the kind on sale and I have a coupon.

    Picked up 2 bags of Cheetos with FPC (Doing up fun bags for my friends twins) I also picked up a Laura Secord Organic tea box for her for $10. (she likes tea)
    I will grab her a bottle of red wine too since she enjoyed that last time I gave her one

  12. #147
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HermanH View Post
    Looks like walking on a banana peel or lime.
    I simply love @harbie 's neon options! The price tags are shriek-worthy, kind of like when teenagers swoon over a heartthrob but find out he or she is not what they act like in public.
    harbie, barbis9, walkonby and 2 others like this.
    "This is the Way." The Mandalorian

  13. #148
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angela273 View Post
    I just received an email from my local teachers association president. I won their contest from last week. They’re paying for my fishing license for the year! Yay!
    Happy dance-congrats on your win!
    harbie, Angela273, barbis9 and 1 others like this.
    "This is the Way." The Mandalorian

  14. #149
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    Today's the last day of 20% off Kids Summer Essentials (30% off if one is carrying a Plum Plus card but I'm not)-so I went to get another pair of the insect pattern garden gloves to set aside for friend's great-niece's gift box. Heritage Greene store of Indigo has one pair left on rack in that print and 2 pr of the dinosaur prints. No gloves at my Ancaster store on Monday and online it seems there are none showing at the Burlington Centre store but it did have insects or dinosaurs pairs in April when I was there last time.

    While I like the deal, if I had waited for it to get the 3pr of gloves, I might have missed out on hard to find floral pairs.

    It's kind of strange walking past the empty Bed Bath and Beyond store but it will be occupied by a new store.

    On the buses in Meadowlands-Rio Can has some storefronts undergoing some signage repairs/replacements.
    harbie, barbis9 and SassyAshley like this.
    "This is the Way." The Mandalorian

  15. #150
    Smart Canuck
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    Quote Originally Posted by HermanH View Post
    Looks like walking on a banana peel or lime.
    @HermanH LOL
    harbie, HermanH and Ciel21 like this.

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