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Thread: May 2023 Frugal Chat

  1. #166
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Ran out and got groceries because I do not want to be in any grocery stores this weekend, oh the joys of living in Cottage Country.

    I went to Giant Tiger, going to give them another try to produce and see how it goes, I will make sure to prep this over the weekend, I got:
    1 x Celery $1.97
    1 x Tomatoes on the Vine 1lb $0.97

    Then at No Frills, I got:
    2 x Strawberries $1.87
    4 x Cucumbers $0.74
    1 x Mini Cucumbers $1.99
    4 x Limes $2 for 4
    1 x Garlic 3-pack $0.79
    1 x Peppers 4-pack $3.99
    4 x Corn $0.33 (PM Wal-Mart)
    4 x Baguettes $0.88
    1 x Asiago & Artichoke Dip Large Tub $5.94
    1 x Simply Orange Juice $2.97 (PM Wal-Mart)
    3 x Sour Cream $3
    1 x Milk $5.89

    I earned 2100 points, 500 points for the cucumbers 100 pts/$, and 1600 points for the Sour Cream 400 pts/$2.

    I missed the Giant Tiger sale last week on sour cream for $2.47, the best price I could find this week was $2.99 for Gay Lea but figured I might as well pay the penny more and get the points.

    The Baguettes are for Mom to make French Toast Bake, she will use 3 and I will use the third for Garlic Bread.

    I was slightly pained, at Giant Tiger they had a few cartons of eggs for $0.99 as they expire in a week but I am so overrun with eggs I just could not buy anymore.

    So happy to be stocked up. I love going into a weekend with a fully stocked fridge. Now to plan my prep for the weekend.
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  2. #167
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    My morning commute was a gong show. What normally takes 40 minutes took 2 hours! Due to a dork truck driver take an off ramp too fast I was diverted through the tunnel (which is a nightmare on a good day) and to avoid the traffic headed the opposite direction which was the way I needed to go I had to detour to another bridge and double back. Of course it also meant that I was stuck in more traffic than normal for my ride home. Oh yay .

    Dh treated me to Chopped Leaf for dinner and it was sooooo nice. I was too tired and hangry by that point to even think.

    Picked up another pair of NB Planter compression ankle socks. Not cheap at $20 but they have been a life saver for my planter and just my feet in general. Totally worth it just like my shoes.

    Grabbed 2 Nextmilk at Safeway on sale for $4.99 minus 2/$1 coupons so not bad. I do need to get a few groceries to get us through until we leave after the long weekend. Costco will be on that list and I’m a bit wary to go there.

    The weekend plan is to final prep for our trip and brother and SIL are coming o over to learn how to play pickleball so that should be fun.

    Good night everyone.

  3. #168
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    @harbie ?? You mean you didn't stay up to watch FOUR O.T. periods of playoff hockey after the day you had? ha ha I slept through the first 3 O.T. periods and there was less than 20 seconds left in the 4th one when Tkachuk scored on Freddy Anderson ( remember when he used to be OUR Leaf goalie? ).
    Nighty night all.
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  4. #169
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    @walkonby ummmmmm…….NOPE . I was out like a light and it felt sooooooooo good

  5. #170
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    Last day before the long weekend starts. TGIF hits a bit differently today .

    Wish me luck at heading to Costco after work
    Last edited by harbie; Fri, May 19th, 2023 at 07:02 PM.

  6. #171
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    Once the work day is done then it is packing to go away! So excited to see my bestie and her twins! 4 hr drive but will make the best of it.
    Rule #1 of a road trip. Pack lots of good food Will make nice lunch for the way down.

    Tonight- get the house in order and continue clipping the dog. It is a work in progress but she is not complaining.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  7. #172
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Afternoon Everyone,
    Another busy day, did some online training this morning, working on some manuals now as I have a new staff member starting next week.

    I was hoping to not work this weekend but I think I will play it by ear. If we are sitting here watching a Movie, there is no reason I could not be taking screenshots or editing screenshots (with that being said, I am that weird person, I love editing and find it relaxing). Plus I am not good at sitting here doing nothing so we will see. If I feel like it, I will, if I do not feel like it, I won't.

    I do have some personal stuff I need to get caught up on. I know I am under budget for the month but I have not recorded all of my spending in my budget.

    Since we have these big projects for work, I have been toying with the idea of checking into a hotel for a weekend and just focusing and seeing how much I can knock out. I am finding it hard to really focus on my work-from-home days because day-to-day business is happening and I keep getting pulled away. Even if I try to devote a weekend to my work if I am at home I am seeing everything else I need to get done whereas if I am away, I am away. I do not know, don't like the idea of giving up a weekend but I really wish I could get a good chunk of these projects done.

    I do have some stuff I want to tackle this weekend, see if I can knock off the home to-do list. Plus I am going to make sure I prioritize prepping. It was so nice last week when I was away to have food I could just grab and eat and I did not skip a single meal well I was out of town.

    Happy Friday
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  8. #173
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    I have not gone out all week due to a side effect of a new prescription ,doctor called and told me to stop it today.I didnt get groceries only watched the girls on tue ,wed after school.It is called use up what we have .lol

    Maybe i can get out sat or sunday as my kids/grandkids are coming for a bbq on monday.
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  9. #174
    Canadian Genius lilo0003's Avatar
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    Yay for Friday and the 1st long weekend of the summer. Paddle board is out of the basement and fingers crossed for Sunday at the lake. I did a bit of planting tonight. Kale is in, some flowers are in the pots it’s all starting to come together. Now on the deck with a glass of wine before the rain.
    Hubby and the kids did the legion for dinner so I did a sausage on the bbq. I bought the chicken and spinach and feta from Costco and was not sure how I would feel about them and I love them. Not super high in calories or fat and easy to cook. DH loves sausage on a bun in the summer and I am not a fan. So he can have his pork blech and I will do this instead.
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    Friends don't let real friends pay full price.

  10. #175
    Canadian Genius lilo0003's Avatar
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    @harbie you are a brave soul for Costco on the Friday of a long weekend.
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    Friends don't let real friends pay full price.

  11. #176
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Morning Everyone,
    Up early but having a slow start to my morning. Having a cup of tea and well I finish editing a video. I have a few videos recorded I just need to edit so that is on the to-do list for the weekend.

    It is a cooler rainy day here. Think I will get some cleaning done and out of the way this morning and tomorrow I will prep for the week.

    I wrote a meal plan last night, I kept it fairly simple I am back in one of those seasons where I am super tired by dinner time and do not want to cook. So hoping this motivates me, we haven't been having bad dinners but want to step it up a little.

    Will see what Mom is feeling but thinking of either Steak or Chicken with Baked Potatoes and Corn on the Cob with a Salad for Dinner tonight.

    I need to start making my salad bar again so I have everything chopped and ready to go when I want a Salad. My Salads have been a little sad lately.

    Happy Saturday Everyone
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  12. #177
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilo0003 View Post
    @harbie you are a brave soul for Costco on the Friday of a long weekend.
    More like incredibly stupid

  13. #178
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    Good morning all will need to do a small grocery shop with fresh stuff
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  14. #179
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    Good Saturday morning,

    Just a chill kinda day except for some light housework and laundry. Dh and I are playing pickle ball with brother and SIL after the sun goes now. It will be then first time playing so that should be fun.

    Grabbed some odds and sods at RCSS. Used $60 in points and paid $2.77 oop. Once again it I was a complete disaster there. Massively cleared shelves, tons of random products shoved into random product homes, and random puddles of water left unattended or marked. Ugh! It’s really sad that No Frills is a much nicer place to shop (our NF is in an icky part of town and gets a lot of drug crime). What can you do when yo have to use up your PC points .

    Grabbed 2 t shirts for $9 at WM and a pack of underoos for me for $14

    Time for some tea and vitamins before hitting the treadmill for some PT

    Have a fantastic weekend

  15. #180
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    One video is edited, converted and uploaded, and a second video is partially edited. I think I have a third video I need to work on as well. Will check my bullet journal as I mark all my recordings there.

    Two Reels have been recorded and edited.

    Well, my video was uploading (it is a process), I mopped the kitchen floor, it needed a good scrub.

    Had some breakfast and then I cleaned the Bathroom, although, I still need to do the floor, I did not take the vacuum up with me.

    Did a quick Pantry Tidy to put away the groceries from last week and what I got from Costco this week, it wasn't a lot but I am really trying to not let things pile up.

    I do still need to do a Bathroom Pantry Tidy, I have some stuff I grabbed from Walmart and a few things from Costco to put away.

    I have the windows on the main floor open, even though it is cooler out, I feel like our house is stuffy and needs a good air out.
    harbie, barbis9, lilo0003 and 1 others like this.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
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