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Thread: May 2023 Frugal Chat

  1. #241
    Smart Canuck Purdee's Avatar
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    I have senior parents; they don't have a lot of disposable income and it irks me every time I hear what they have to spend for things like dental, acupuncture and massage therapy, etc.
    Quote Originally Posted by cath007 View Post
    I understand and feel your situation about dentist fees....I have no coverance,insurance ....invested so much money and I will have more work to be done by the end of the year....tight budget here too..hugs.
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  2. #242
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Ok, only got about half of what I needed to get done today for work. I just could not keep up today.

    I did not prep anything for lunches so at Lunch Time I made Fried Rice which was more veggies than Rice, I used Red Onions (normally I use Green Onions but we had cut up Red Onion in the fridge), Mushrooms, Peppers and Broccoli. Add some Korean Beef we took out my mistake the other night thinking it was Cooked Ground Beef, oops. Have enough leftovers for lunch tomorrow.

    I am trying hard to focus on my eating. A couple of weeks ago when I travelled it was the first trip I had taken in years where I did not skip a meal and I felt great. Last week I missed a few meals and dinners were quick fixes and no surprise I did not feel as good. Trying my best to stay focused.

    Laundry is done, including the microfibre cloths.

    I stopped working at 4 today and installed all of the Air Conditioners since I did not get it done yesterday and it is supposed to get quite warm at the end of the week. The dining room was a bit tricky but not as hard as I expected. Mom gave me a hard time but got it in. So we are ready for the hot weather.

    Dinner was going to be Clubhouse Sandwiches with Oven Fries but after doing the AC units it seemed like a lot of work. So instead we had Baked Chicken Breasts with Oven Fries and Salad.

    Now, I am so ready for bed.
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  3. #243
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    Quote Originally Posted by barbis9 View Post
    Went to the dentist, and some bad news.....I need to re-do two crowns as I have decay underneath. Not impressed, as I was trying to budget for two new gates so my dog can go off leash in the yard, patio regrading and a window replacement. The crowns were done in the 1990's and I'm wondering if my previous dentist didn't do a good job, or I haven't flossed as well as I should have. $2,600 with no dental coverage and on a limited income. Fortunately I can set up a payment plan but it still will be a struggle for the next few months.
    One option is to look for a dental school. They will give great discount or free for work done by students under supervision. However, you have to be patient.

    To be fair, I think that 30 yrs is a respectable life for a crown. I had one done over 30 yrs ago and broke it last year through my own stupidity. It might have cost me as much as $7000 for a single crown, but I found cheaper prosthodontist. If I had not looked around, I would not have gotten it done for $4000 or so.

    I take the view that it could be worse. My mother cannot get dentures that fit, so it is always a struggle to feed her. She cannot eat anything too firm, because of her poor-fitting dentures. She already had a new set done and several re-lines, but cannot seem to find any solution to her discomfort.
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    My food may not befit a king, but I eat like a horse.

  4. #244
    Canadian Genius lilo0003's Avatar
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    @barbis9 I am not sure if this is possible but my parents used to go to the dental school at Western University for all of their dental needs. Does Mc Master have a dental school? I am sure it was the age of the crown as I had to replace one last year that was originally done in 95.
    As predicted it was an expensive Costco trip and yes mom bought the treats. He is road tripping with DH so he can have his vehicle with him so it seemed fair. Some of our favourites were on sale so that added to the purchase. I bought him enough gold to get through the summer. Also stocked up on Vector cereal for DH.
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  5. #245
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    Loving the sunshine!!! So nice to wake up to a beautiful day.

    My last day in the office today then at home the rest of the week which is nice.
    Brought breakfast (cream of wheat, banana and blueberries) and lunch (Rice, black taco beans and cucumbers) so I won't starve.

    Oldest DS is off on a tour so the driveway will house his and a few friends cars for the week since they are being picked up at the house. I packed him sandwiches and fruit for the drive So happy that both my boys are very healthy eaters.

    Tonight- Will tidy the kitchen and then figure out dinner. Probably eat leftovers and then start fresh tomorrow. I should take out some BLSL chicken breast for the bbq for tomorrow night. I have mushrooms to use up so can make peppers, onion and mushrooms in a tinfoil pouch with fresh garlic! Yum!

    Have a wonderful day!
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  6. #246
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    Food Basics has the 3pk romaine for $3 starting Thursday. Will wait till then to buy more We have a bit left that hopefully will work for DS for the leftover tacos.
    Maybe I will make DS's fav pasta tomorrow night since I have mushrooms/tomatoes and a fresh lemon. I just need some basil (chicken tetrazini is his fav)

    I will make up some roasted veggies and protein bowls for my quick eating. I like having food ready for when I have a busy day then I can still make good choices.
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  7. #247
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    Thanks for everyone commenting, I think it's the age of the crown and also a questionable previous dentist. At least now it will be properly done. I won't go to University of Toronto - it will be expensive, long drawn out, and the commute would be over an hour. Not something I want to mess with.

    Cut my back lawn, and did some weeding. I have a huge rose bush near my door, that I am debating what to do with it. I keep tying it back as it grows like crazy. I may relocate the mailbox as I like my mail lady.

    Heatwave in Ontario.
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  8. #248
    Smart Canuck Purdee's Avatar
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    a local beauty college where they teach hair, nail, makeup etc. is currently offering $2 hair cut on tuesdays until end of june - luckily i found out earlier this month and booked an appointment. They also offer other services at a deep discount like 50% off color on thursdays. Their regular prices are typically lower than actually salons because their students are the ones offering the services under the supervision of their instructors.
    Anyway, long story short, booked my haircut for today and the young lady cut my hair and even showed me how to style my hair with a flat iron. I was impressed. Of course I bought a small bottle of hair "texture" spray and i also tipped her. I called ahead and confirmed that they allow their students to accept tips from clients. I think it's a good deal for everyone.
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  9. #249
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    Happy Wednesday! Sunshine!

    Making a list so I can get stuff done.

    Coffee then kitchen clean up then will make a nice omelette for breakfast. Then figure out the list!
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  10. #250
    Canadian Genius Skippy's Avatar
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    Quiet day here on the thread...perhaps everyone is taking advantage of the warmer weather?...not for this roo. Unlike my namesake I can't deal with the humidity and the poor air quality both do a number on me and so it's been a slow day. My major accomplishment was to cook some rhubarb that I picked the other day in hopes of baking something(that was before I clued into our weather forecast!). So cut up and then boiled with sugar and not too bad at all. My takeaway: I learned that the size of the stalk rather than the colour was the indicator of when to pick and eat.
    Shout out to all who mentioned how seniors get a raw deal with dental/health care. It is quite disgusting that those who laid the groundwork for us all to enjoy what we have are being treated the way they are.
    Last edited by Skippy; Wed, May 31st, 2023 at 08:23 PM.
    harbie, JadeAngel, barbis9 and 5 others like this.
    Always remember the What are you thankful for today? thread as there always is something to be thankful for.

  11. #251
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    Well today hubby and i chopped down our lilac tree into a bush ,so hard in this heat .Still have to chop and bag the branches on thursday .

    I didnt go anywhere too hot.we also didnt put our air on we will persavere til sat.
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  12. #252
    Canadian Genius lilo0003's Avatar
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    Younger son asked to go to the mall because they have a car show every Wednesday night, admission is free and what a fun way to spend an hour with him. His love of cars is crazy and he has such an eye for them. It was kind of nostalgic as my dad had a classic car my whole life and he and my mom showed the car constantly. He was very impressed when I showed him the car I drove in high school which is now a cool car, back then is was just away to get around.
    I finally turned the AC on but it won’t stay in long because it’s impossible to work in the basement with the AC doing it’s magic.
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  13. #253
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Morning Everyone,
    Ugh, I did not sleep well last night my sinuses kept me up most of the night. I went to make myself a cup of tea this morning poured the milk in and the milk was bad. The good news is it was the last little bit of an older bag and we have a new bag I just picked up. So making a new cup now. I need that cup of tea today.

    It is a work-from-home day, I am so happy as I really need this. The work-to-do list is real.

    I see there are some groceries I want to grab, mostly produce but there are a few pantry staples I see as well.

    I set up the AC units on Monday and it was just in time. We used the one on the main floor last night as it got a little warm and we had to make dinner. Even just with portable units it feels life-changing as I admit, I cannot take the heat anymore. Not to mention just being able to cook dinner.

    Happy Thursday Everyone
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  14. #254
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frugalbigmama View Post
    Food Basics has the 3pk romaine for $3 starting Thursday. Will wait till then to buy more We have a bit left that hopefully will work for DS for the leftover tacos.
    Maybe I will make DS's fav pasta tomorrow night since I have mushrooms/tomatoes and a fresh lemon. I just need some basil (chicken tetrazini is his fav)

    I will make up some roasted veggies and protein bowls for my quick eating. I like having food ready for when I have a busy day then I can still make good choices.
    Might be a little excessive, but Zehrs, Loblaws AND YIG have the same price, but an in-store offer of 4,000Pts if you buy 3. If you have one of the stores nearby and could go through it fast enough, works out to a much better deal with the points back

  15. #255
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnb56789 View Post
    Might be a little excessive, but Zehrs, Loblaws AND YIG have the same price, but an in-store offer of 4,000Pts if you buy 3. If you have one of the stores nearby and could go through it fast enough, works out to a much better deal with the points back
    I saw that!!! I think it would be too much for us but will take a look at the other items available and maybe can make it work! Thanks!

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