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Thread: May 2023 Frugal Chat

  1. #256
    Canadian Guru
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    Good Morning! Almost noon

    Had a shower as soon as I woke up and realized I was officially out of summer clothes so had to put a load of laundry on and it is now hanging to dry.
    (wearing lounge around the house shorts but they are too short to wear out!)

    Kitchen is clean. Made coffee and oatmeal for breakfast.

    Now to give the dog a bath. She needs it!!

    Keep cool!

  2. #257
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    I didn’t see a new thread for June.

    Done my dental cleaning. Dentist found a small cavity on the chewing surface of a molar, first time since university. It might be under the protective sealant on that tooth. So I’m trying to book a sub for a day to get that small filling done. Ds is having some dental concerns with a new tooth that might not be coming in right, so he’s being seen by the dentist later this afternoon. Thankfully Dh’s and my combined dental coverage should make everything free.
    harbie, JadeAngel, barbis9 and 3 others like this.
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  3. #258
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilo0003 View Post
    @barbis9 I am not sure if this is possible but my parents used to go to the dental school at Western University for all of their dental needs. Does Mc Master have a dental school? I am sure it was the age of the crown as I had to replace one last year that was originally done in 95.
    As predicted it was an expensive Costco trip and yes mom bought the treats. He is road tripping with DH so he can have his vehicle with him so it seemed fair. Some of our favourites were on sale so that added to the purchase. I bought him enough gold to get through the summer. Also stocked up on Vector cereal for DH.
    Western University does have a dental clinic where DH students must arrive 1h before scheduled time and yes clients basically have to free up their time as DH students' clinical supervisor must assess treatments/work etc. So those could be long clinic sessions. I assume future dentists are there as well. My past friend used to have to commute on buses or carpool during lunch time where lunch had no appearances.
    harbie, barbis9 and SassyAshley like this.
    "This is the Way." The Mandalorian

  4. #259
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skippy View Post
    Quiet day here on the thread...perhaps everyone is taking advantage of the warmer weather?...not for this roo. Unlike my namesake I can't deal with the humidity and the poor air quality both do a number on me and so it's been a slow day. My major accomplishment was to cook some rhubarb that I picked the other day in hopes of baking something(that was before I clued into our weather forecast!). So cut up and then boiled with sugar and not too bad at all. My takeaway: I learned that the size of the stalk rather than the colour was the indicator of when to pick and eat.
    Shout out to all who mentioned how seniors get a raw deal with dental/health care. It is quite disgusting that those who laid the groundwork for us all to enjoy what we have are being treated the way they are.
    The humidity/heat is what kept me away and I was not going to be online today but someone's e-mails required replies so here I am! I also bought pop to help keep me going.
    harbie, barbis9 and SassyAshley like this.
    "This is the Way." The Mandalorian

  5. #260
    Smart Canuck
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    @Purdee that is a deal on haircuts.
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  6. #261
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Morning Everyone,
    Slept in this morning and having a slower start to the morning. Enjoying a cup of tea well I think about what I want for Breakfast.

    This past week has kicked my butt. I have been in training for 2 weeks now which means my schedule is a lot. When I am training, I get up at 5 so I can get a couple of hours of work done before training starts and then I end up working in the evening to catch up. Normally it is just for a few days but this time it has been 2 weeks and I am feeling it.

    Because of my work hours, I am so far behind, I do not have my Bullet Journal or Budget Journal set up for June. I was working on my Bullet Journal last night, not quite done, still have a few more pages to get done. Then I need to set up my budget.

    Notice my hot water tank is leaking Mom is getting quotes to have it replaced. Was not on my to-be-replaced list, but it has to be done.

    Happy Saturday Everyone
    harbie and walkonby like this.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

  7. #262
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    Dropped DS off at work and stopped at a few places on my way home to collect the deals.

    Walmart- Picked up the cutes jogging pants to add to kids birthday bag. $3 (The have CANADA across the butt)

    SDM- Christie crackers for 50 cents each a box after sale price and instore $2 coupon.

    Feasting on fresh strawberries and blueberries (Walmart/Food Basics sale this week)

    Pringles- RCSS. instore deal of 1500 pc pts when you buy 2. Used $1.50 coupon on each and pm Walmart.

    Came home and am washing the fruit and will dry and put in containers in the fridge for easy eating.

    Now to putter!
    harbie and SassyAshley like this.

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