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Thread: May 2023 Frugal Chat

  1. #16
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    @cath007 , sorry to hear you are struggling, hoping it turns around for you soon.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

  2. #17
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Morning Everyone,
    I worked in a branch yesterday with a staff member and on my way home I stopped at Costco to grab a few things.

    I got:
    3 x Popcorners - On Sale
    1 x Chicago Mix - On Sale
    1 x Cream Cheese 2-pack 500g Tubs - On Sale
    1 x Kirkland Laundry Detergent - Executive Coupon
    1 x Kirkland Fabric Softener - Executive Coupon
    1 x Kirkland Chicken Broth 6-pack - Executive Coupon
    1 x Kirkland Sandwich meat 3-pack (Ham, Turkey & Chicken) - Executive Coupon
    1 x Pesto
    1 x Caesar Dressing
    1 x Old Cheddar
    1 x Cheese Slices
    1 x Hot Dogs 3-pack
    1 x Coffee Creamer
    1 x Hot Dog Buns 3-pack
    1 x Rye Bread 2-pack
    1 x Plain Chips

    My bill shows I saved $27.

    Also, I saw the Braiser I bought last week is now on sale for $10 off. I know to get a price adjustment they have to have stock but I was not sure if they give me a hard time because I bought it at a different location, they did not say anything. I did think about buying a new one and trying to return it right away but this was so much easier.

    Not sure what was up but Costco was insanely busy yesterday. Looked like during the pandemic with long lines. When I got there I was going to go see if I could get the Price Adjustment but the return line had at least 30 people in it. After I was done my shopping there were only 5 so I got in line and got my adjustment.

    I noticed they had Romaine so not sure if things are getting back to normal or if it was a one-off.

    Also stopped at Freshco on my way home and grabbed 4 packs of Mushrooms for $0.99 with a scene card.

    Happy Wednesday Everyone (I almost typed Tuesday LOL)
    Skippy, harbie, JadeAngel and 4 others like this.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

  3. #18
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    Good Morning! Rainy morning but hopeful it will clear up.

    Let's get this work day out of the way!

  4. #19
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    Lilo,i feel the same way i feel this weather is bringing me down .Plus i got news last week about a loved one who is dealing with a lot of medical issues.

    I just dont have the get up and go somedays may be due to age ,watching 2 little ones yesterday is busy ,but ashlyn age 9 gave me the best hug and said i love you nana,so that is worth a thousand sunshines to
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  5. #20
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    Hugs @cath007

    Sunny day here today up to 24 inland but apparently the rain is back Friday and then sun for the weekend ( or so they promise).

    Got a lovely little burn from working in the garden yesterday but it looks good. I still have loads of room for more veggies and will have even more when I cut my tulips.

    I planted 2 kinds of lettuce and a kale, 3 rows of French breakfast radishes and several marigolds to help control the bug population. I replanted a dahlia from last year.

    Off to work today and all the laundry is folded at put away this morning, the bed is made and the kitchen is cleaned.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  6. #21
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    I got hubby to take me to the mall to return a few items got $37.00 back as i wasnt in the mood got him a mcdonalds coffee for a treat.

    Its too bad the bay wasnt a bit cheaper as i seen a nice t-shirt top as i was walking thru on sale $37.99 i cant afford that .
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  7. #22
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    This thread is really quiet. Is everyone on vacation or is there just nothing money saving worth sharing .

    I had a long hot day at work today and now I'm having a paradise refresher with added strawberry puree and enjoying the sun waiting for DH.

    I got extra $$$ today which is always a nice treat especially when you don't have to work more hours.

    Tomorrow is late start so I'm going to have to get some groceries in the morning. Looking at the fakers there doesn't appear to be much on sale for what we need. Oh well..

    Going to soak up the last of the sun before the clouds come tomorrow and then the glorious rain on Friday.

  8. #23
    Canadian Genius lilo0003's Avatar
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    @harbie I do read during the week but don’t often have frugal wins because I rarely shop weekdays and until recently work was next level crazy. I give myself a target of how days a month are no spend and it really helps.
    But I do have a win because Tangerine extended my 5% interest rate for another 3 months and we have a significant amount of the down payment for the Nova Scotia house sitting in cash so this is a huge win.
    Skippy, harbie, JadeAngel and 6 others like this.
    Friends don't let real friends pay full price.

  9. #24
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    Morning! Well no rain to start the day and the sun is trying to come out from behind the clouds so it could be a nice day!
    Our grass is looking thick and long! Guess all that rain started Spring!

    Yesterday I stocked DS up on Fruit Loops. Bought 8 family size boxes out of pocket for $43.92. Received 33,800 back in PC pts so not a bad deal and now it is all hidden in my closet to be distributed at my liking lol Late night cereal is mostly mess free in the kitchen!

    Today- Sipping coffee and going through work emails. Then some breakfast (eggs and rye toast) and then a walk to the mailbox since we haven't been since last week. Laundry will be looked at and possibly started. Not making any promises.

    Groceries- a few deals I want to grab today. Back to trying to stay out of the stores Friday/Sat and Sun since the city people are arriving and it is chaos!

    Have a wonderful day everyone!
    Last edited by Frugalbigmama; Thu, May 4th, 2023 at 11:13 AM.
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  10. #25
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    A few months back DH and I put our heads together and agreed to cancel the ongoing Subscribe and Save Subscription
    we have with amazon for his Tassimo discs. Most times GT had a sale for them way cheaper. Well whatever " stock pile " he did have is kaput!
    He only drinks one kind ( the large 14 oz. Breakfast one ) and I was about to either hit GT for a sale or start up the amazon again.

    Nope...he " bravely " made a personal sacrifice to drink up ALL the other sleeves of Tassimo in the store room first before we buy
    him more of the Breakfast ones. That is a massive savings! ( we have so many different Tassimo's back there ) Names like Gastown Grind,
    Cafe Crema, Midnight Eclipse, Americano, Swiss Hazlenut, a few name brand....Tim's Horton's, McDonalds, and the Espresso ones.
    I no longer drink any of these since switching to a Keurig machine. Guess I owe him big time now....ha ha
    Last edited by walkonby; Thu, May 4th, 2023 at 11:46 AM.
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  11. #26
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Morning Everyone,
    I see a few deals I want to pick up but I also feel like I have so much I need to deal with between last week's shop and going to Costco twice in one week and doing minimal prep last week. I have a bunch of produce prep to do, my pantry floor is covered in bags that need to be unpacked and put on the shelves and the freezers need to be reorganized.

    The freezers are going to be a big job because the other day I was not feeling my best and literally took a grocery bag full of stuff and just dumped in it the chest freezer and closed the lid.

    I will probably need to run out and grab milk, I see Sobeys and Metro have the best price this week. I need to find some coupons I grabbed last week, I thought they were in a bag in my kitchen but someone moved the bag and they are not there. I want to use them this week.

    There are a few good deals I can stack this week between sales prices, coupons and points if I can find the space.

    Happy Thursday Everyone.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

  12. #27
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    I just popped into RCSS quickly to get Helmans for DS ( Not a bad deal with coupon and 1000 pts back)

    Clearance racks caught my eye. I posted in the deals thread. Think I did well and I redeemed $70 in PC pts so it felt totally free. (toys for birthdays, stocking stuffers for my boys, a baby shower gift and 2 years supply of tampons and pads on the cheap!!) So happy I popped in there!

  13. #28
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SassyAshley View Post
    @harbie, I have never had one that can only be used online.

    Is there anything you could order from Amazon, maybe some Pantry Staples? Or what if you did an online pickup order at RCSS or Wal-Mart?

    Be careful when ordering online because if the amount of the transaction is higher than the Visa card it will be declined. I have two MCs with tiny balances because there is nothing I can order for that amount.
    Idea for those tiny card balances (prepaid cards): save them for signing up for those "free" streaming channels that ALWAYS want a card number before giving you a free trial period OR if you want to zero them out, apply them to some random person's gift registry item if there is a group gifting option (seriously, more store registry sites ought to allow group gifting for any item over $100 on someone's wedding/wish list/birthday/new home registry like Bed Bath & Beyond Canada did).
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  14. #29
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coupon girl View Post
    I got hubby to take me to the mall to return a few items got $37.00 back as i wasnt in the mood got him a mcdonalds coffee for a treat.

    Its too bad the bay wasnt a bit cheaper as i seen a nice t-shirt top as i was walking thru on sale $37.99 i cant afford that .
    I noticed that one Olsen T-shirt was over $10 cheaper online than what was listed on the sale tag on an in-store t-shirt when I was in Burlington over a week ago. I'm going to check The Bay website today to see if item is still on sale even though Bay Days is over. I'm assuming any Mother's Day sale and today's 15% off wus $125 or more is worthwhile. Regular price for shirt is about $75 and instore it was $63 and change. Online $55 and change!
    "This is the Way." The Mandalorian

  15. #30
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    I've been going slightly batty being offline since Friday! Managed to do the semi-annual vacuuming and cleaning of the fridge and wooden pantry unit. Took a long time but I had house to myself, so I kept encouraging myself to get it done or regret it.

    The grass seems to be THRIVING with all of the rain. Dandelions are outpacing tulips in being open and swaying in the winds. Tomorrow will be grasscutting day-I will do a bit but since Bro has been off for a third week, all he's done is put the lawn roller on the tractor and run it over the yard. No point in asking him to cut grass as I've been on his case since mid-April.

    Weekly paper bundle arrived this morning-no Sobeys or Giant Tiger flyers but there were metro, Rexall and Walmart's Summer book/Home Refresh and M&M Food Market (have not seen one in over a month's time) inserts! I am keen to see if I can get a few grocery deals at Giant Tiger today or tomorrow. I already picked up a Dr Pepper 6pk of pop at Food Basics (I never seem to see a Diet Dr Pepper version on the local store shelves) and I noticed that Shoppers will compete with $2.99 pop for this weekend's sale!

    The plan is to head out tomorrow to visit the Centre on Barton Giant Tiger and Marshalls stores and give up the spring coat quest then. not sure if I'll do a morning visit or an early afternoon one but since I got caught in Friday's pm rain, I have not been keen to do another bus trip in the rain since then. Friday is the driest and warmest day this week and I plan to maximize its potential before the school kids are let out for the afternoon!

    For anyone who is a sewist and planning a Maui, Hawaii trip-there's a Sewing Hui group in Maui that meets up most Thursdays weekly and usually gets at least one out-of-towner for their activities (don't necessarily have to sew-one can cut fabric or help in another way).Hawaii Magazine has a 2-page writeup in the Spring issue about the group. Thought I'd share it here in case SCers want to do something local instead of only tourist activities on their next trips to Maui!
    harbie, JadeAngel, cath007 and 1 others like this.
    "This is the Way." The Mandalorian

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