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Thread: May 2023 Frugal Chat

  1. #31
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    @SassyAshley Yes, I launder clothing that I intend to donate to textile drives. What motivates me is to think how I'd feel if I was given dirty clothing to wear if I had to rely on donations and the matter of personal dignity!

    I forgot to take along three small textile items with me on my mall trip last week as I was in H&M (one of two chain stores with textile drop off boxes in-store; Zara is the other one) and I did not go to my local area's drive due to the wet Saturday (ditto the scrap metal drive in the next town on same day).

    Don't be surprised that I was looking at various Vlogger videos of Zara/H&M/Mango spring fashions as I noticed the main vlogger I watch does not always show the full range of clothing lines. SOme vloggers are keen to share capsule collections in separate videos plus do sale videos. Discovered a US vlogger doing Zara videos-hurrah at seeing US pricing as a few tags also had CAD pricing on the same tags!
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    "This is the Way." The Mandalorian

  2. #32
    Canadian Genius Skippy's Avatar
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    Here we are into May and I am still behind the times here in the SC world. Glad to see both familiar and unfamiliar faces here. With the amount of April let alone May showers. There is an abundance of flowers and the like blooming away.Hopefully the forecast is correct so we donÂ’t find out what May showers bring.
    My body has not responded well to the damp weather. Aching in many places and hands arthritic.
    Better than some, worse than others.
    Did find those Pillsbury pre cut Easter cookies for a buck at Metro.Also Broghies at Shoppers for a buck.
    Broghies seem to be some kind of a healthy alternative to bread for those like the wife who canÂ’t handle gluten.SheÂ’s happy with them and I am happy for the price.
    Whatever you find yourself up to or dealing with today.Take it all one day/hour/minute at a time,whatever works best for your situation.
    Blessings my friends!
    Always remember the What are you thankful for today? thread as there always is something to be thankful for.

  3. #33
    Canadian Genius lilo0003's Avatar
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    DH has a meeting with HR as he has asked to reduce to 60%. His work is off the charts bonkers and it this or he quits. We planned to retire next year at 57 and at the rate he is going he will have a heart attack 1st. Financially it will be fine. It will slow down the saving for the Nova Scotia home but it will be worth it.
    I am on a new project at work and so I will likely stay until the end and so that means 2025. I already know I will reduce my work next year as the heavy part of the project will be over. So June will be interesting as we sort out the new salary.
    Friends don't let real friends pay full price.

  4. #34
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    @lilo0003 , hope things go well for your DH.
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  5. #35
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Morning Everyone,
    They finally fixed my programming issue at work so I finally got that project off my desk but I did work late last night to get it done. It always runs fast when I am the only one logged in.

    Since I worked late last night I did not get a chance to run to the store so I went first thing this morning. Was happy to learn Sobeys opens at 7 am.

    At Sobey, I just grabbed Milk.

    Since I was out I ran into No Frills for a few things:
    4 x Pears $0.99/lb
    2 x Peameal $1.97
    2 x Soya Sauce $3 WUB 2 or more
    2 x Mushroom Soup $0.79
    1 x Silk Almond Milk $2.99
    4 x Astro Vanilla Yogurt $2.44 - $1 WUB 2 Coupon + 800 pts/$4
    2 x Chapman Ice Cream $3.49
    5 x No Name Fries $2.49 + 400 pts/package + 1000 pts for spending $10 on No Name Frozen Foods

    The peameal was not in the flyer but there was a large bunker with no signage, no price but when I broke down the price it would out to $1.97/lb.

    I had planned to grab some Sour Cream when I was there as I have a points offer but No Name Sour Cream is now $3/tub. I see Giant Tiger has Sour Cream on sale so I will go there instead.

    The only thing is some of my food choices were made based on going out of town next week for work but that trip has been cancelled so now I need to rework my plan.

    This weekend I need to use up the following:
    Almond Milk - I have an older open carton in the fridge
    Eggs - We have too many as Mom did not make her quiche
    Frozen Bananas - I was cleaning out my freezer yesterday and found 4 bags of frozen bananas I want gone
    Apples - My new apples are already starting to go so need to use them up

    Happy Friday Everyone
    Last edited by SassyAshley; Fri, May 5th, 2023 at 12:47 PM.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
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  6. #36
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    Good Morning and TGIF! The sun is out and heard it was suppose to be nice this weekend!

    So I am power cleaning in the house today so the weekend can be enjoyed outside.

    I had an appt this morning so popped into RCSS to see if any new items were on the clearance carts. They were gone!
    Grabbed sour cream $2 and a bag of the buttermilk chicken strips $10.
    Home to make breakfast and then just cleaned the kitchen. Just put a load of towels on (we have 0 clean towels of the 50 we have lol)
    Will continue on the laundry today but will make sure not to leave any in the washer so just will do what I can follow through with!

    On the menu for DS- Chicken ceaser wraps with the strips. We have everything needed and the strips can be cooked in the air fryer quickly when ready to eat. I am going to chop the romaine so it is ready and shred some cheese. Then DS can make it when he is hungry and there shouldn't be a big mess.
    Weekends he is on his own schedule so we don't plan around him for meals. If dinner is made extra is made for him but not stressing about it.

    Have a wonderful day and weekend!

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by SassyAshley View Post
    Good Morning Everyone,
    They finally fixed my programming issue at work so I finally got that project off my desk but I did work late last night to get it done. It always runs fast when I am the only one logged in.

    Since I worked late last night I did not get a chance to run to the store so I went first thing this morning. Was happy to learn Sobeys opens at 7 am.

    At Sobey, I just grabbed Milk.

    Since I was out I ran into No Frills for a few things:
    4 x Pears $0.99/lb
    2 x Peameal $1.97
    2 x Soya Sauce $3 WUB 2 or more
    2 x Mushroom Soup $0.79
    1 x Silk Almond Milk $2.99
    4 x Astro Vanilla Yogurt $2.44 - $1 WUB 2 Coupon + 800 pts/$4
    2 x Chapman Ice Cream $3.49
    5 x No Name Fries $2.49 + 400 pts/package + 1000 pts for spending $10 on No Name Frozen Foods

    The peameal was not in the flyer but there was a large bunker with no signage, no price but when I broke down the price it would out to $1.97/lb.

    I had planned to grab some Sour Cream when I was there as I have a points offer but No Name Sour Cream is now $3/tub. I see Giant Tiger has Sour Cream on sale so I will go there instead.

    The only thing is some of my food choices were made based on going out of town next week for work but that trip has been cancelled so now I need to rework my plan.

    This weekend I need to use up the following:
    Almond Milk - I have an older open carton in the fridge
    Eggs - We have too many as Mom did not make her quiche
    Frozen Bananas - I was cleaning out my freezer yesterday and found 4 bags of frozen bananas I want gone
    Apples - My new apples are already starting to go so need to use them up

    Happy Friday Everyone
    I checked F L I P P for sour cream and the best deal that came up was GT. But I thought I noticed last time at RCSS it was $2 and it still was so I think it may be an instore price sale.

  8. #38
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    I am kind of wondering when it comes to Loblaw Banner stores and pricing. I have noticed more and more in my No Frills and the last time I was in RCSS I see more and more signs that say "In Store Feature." I had mentioned a price on something my store had listed as an in-store feature and someone messages me their store did not have the same price.

    As well, I am not sure if it is true but when I was checking out one day at No Frills there was a woman complaining that the pricing at my local No Frills was a lot higher than what she normally pays at Orillia's No Frills.

    I know years ago (pre-pandemic) I noticed that the No Frills closer to work was higher than my local No Frills and I was told it was because they were a different region and pricing is per region. But I am wondering if these "in-store features" now allow different stores to have different pricing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Frugalbigmama View Post
    I checked F L I P P for sour cream and the best deal that came up was GT. But I thought I noticed last time at RCSS it was $2 and it still was so I think it may be an instore price sale.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
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  9. #39
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    Ok the laundry was looking very overwhelming but once I sorted it I find its not that bad.
    2nd load of whites in the washer.

    Dealing with taking more money out of RESP. Finally going car shopping for youngest. He is so picky though!
    So happy we started the RESP when they were born- really was nice to not worry about money at this time. We were also able to help out oldest with a newer vehicle a few months ago and plan on helping them both out with the extra money.

    I read an article the other day about an Uncle that never gave his nephew a gift on holidays. He always told him that he would put money away in an account and he would appreciate it when he was older. He gave it to him I think when he was 22 and of course was very appreciative and understood that this gift was bigger then another toy each holiday. Of course I will spoil my grandkids (if I have them) but I will shop smart and then put $ aside for their education/future as well. It really is a gift to be able to continue education and not worry about the $$.

  10. #40
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    Frugalbigmama-my daughter and her ex have contributed to a resp for sebastian from birth which is great ,my son on the other hand didnt bother but has some saved for the girls.

    I totally agree thou as to not have to worry about money for education as we didnt put money aside for our kids education as hubby was laid off or on strike thru the years.When my daughter moved to toronto at age 24 and was in a post grad program ,we saw her struggling to pay rent $600 for a small studio walk up back then plus school loans ,groceries we bought for her now and then .

    We stepped forward and paid for her education then ,then gave my son the exact amount for his collage .My kids always paid for their books and a few other things in university and collage .

    I hope we have extra money for to be able to give a bit for sebastian ,ashlyn and cara's education but i dont know what the future holds .

    I am trying not to spend as much this month havent gotten a big grocery shop in 2 weeks .As our final payment of $450.00 to the dentist will be on our visa this month .

    Frugalbigmama -i am sure you may have grandkids or maybe not .What you said it is a gift to be able to continue education and not worry about the money,so true .Yesterday hubby watched the girls and he took 2 slices of watermelon to them ,they were over joyed see dont always need

    We were out front today hubby putting a border in and i was digging weeds ,so nice out.
    Last edited by coupon girl; Fri, May 5th, 2023 at 03:38 PM.
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  11. #41
    Canadian Genius lilo0003's Avatar
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    @Frugalbigmama we also used part of the RESP of DS1 to buy a car and he opted to live at home. He actually has money left in his RESP but is still thinking of going back so we are leaving it there. He did a trade program so lots of his costs were covered by a union.
    The younger one is changing programs and schools but we are pretty happy with his choice. He is going to Mohawk and he can drive to school and he is doing auto mechanics. He had a year in residence so he will be using one of our cars or may just look to rent a room close to school.
    I finished work at 4 today. This is new for me it’s a huge plus of my new role. I accomplished after work and it was only me for dinner, it felt great to get a jump on the weekend chores.
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  12. #42
    Mastermind cath007's Avatar
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    The goal is to live day by day not to much thinking hahaha !!!!
    I love to save money!!! Frugal life hahaah !!!

  13. #43
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Morning,
    Happy Saturday, trying to find my ambition. The full moon really messed with my sleep all week, hoping next week will be better.

    A huge part of me wants to curl up and take a nap but there is so much to get done around the house, I have been slacking.

    The struggle has been real in all aspects of life and I guess others have started to notice as apparently, I was a topic at a recent meeting at work. Yeah, that one hurt a little. I can admit mentally, I have been struggling and that part I have admitted but I have not openly admitted it has been like this since my accident last year.

    There is a huge part of me that feels it was minor which I am thankful for which is what makes admitting how much it affected me mentally so hard. Prior to the accident, I felt like I was finally getting back on track, things were going well at home, and I was getting back in the swing of things at work, not covering someone, doing my own job was going to go to all locations in 2 weeks for a major rollout, I felt good and then it wasn't. Ever since my anxiety just gets the better of me. I know what I have to do but the anxiety creeps in and I shut down.

    Now, knowing people are talking about me actually makes it worse because now I just want to hide. But, that is not an option. Now I am torn, do I come clean and admit everything or wait for Monday's meeting where I know again I will be the topic of discussion and see what happens? Ugh, this has really knocked me down, I had such a big weekend planned, finally a weekend I did not have to work but now do I work and prove myself or do I curl up and hide from the world?

    Alright, let's see if maybe a little scrubbing brings me clarity. When did I become a person who finds cleaning relaxing?

    Sorry for the weird post today but I feel better sort of, still need to decide if I come clean at work.

    Happy Saturday
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    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
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    Sassy thanks for the post and it is not weird at all.I struggle with anxiety and i feel since the pandemic i have gotten worse ,I may talk to my doctor this week about it but i have other pressing family health issues to talk with him about.

    I am constantly thinking about the future ,about my grown kids ,grandkids or hubby .Sometimes even mundane everyday living life gets to me and causes less sleep.So post whatever you feel we are here for you.
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  15. #45
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    I hope you all have sunshine today! We finally do and wow it really makes your mood better!

    Dropped DS off at work and did a few stops on the way home. A few stores and a walk downtown while its quiet and parking is available.
    Just made breakfast and now will wash the few dishes then have a quick shower and put on comfy clothes (yoga capris!) and then I think I will try a new pair of my shoes I bought awhile ago for Spring and then head to the water for a walk.

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