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Tue, Jan 9th, 2024, 12:07 PM #76
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Just braved the wet snow that's falling rather vigorously to bring in the Christmas inflatables and 2 small lighted trees. Packed up all the fake poinsettia's from the window box in front. Honestly, you would have thought I had performed actual work! Huffing and puffing like an old lady. It's done now, that's all that matters.
I've decided to wait until Thursday to grab the grocery list items.
We're making headway into using items from the freezer/fridge/stockroom to create meals. Something satisfying about that, almost a frugal brag? lol.
Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old
Tue, Jan 9th, 2024, 12:53 PM #77
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Tue, Jan 9th, 2024, 02:17 PM #78
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Not much excitement around here. I hit up NF and grabbed 4 boxes of twinnings tea. Reg$9.99-12.99( my NF had it for 12 a few weeks back). On sale for $6.88- $3.00 personal offer =$3.88 ea plus 4000 points (1000/tea box) and 1500 points/$15 on tea = $2.50 and a half per box. Not bad. Dh grabbed a peanut butter for $4.29 and 2000 points. 400 for corn chips.
We dropped the car off for a fuel filter ( this is only the second one since 2011 and it should be done every 1-2 yrs.) Oh how I love my car. Dh and I walked to the mall in the freezing snow/rain slop
Was checking out Sport Check and found a nice tank for when I do strength so I signed up for those triangle rewards ( I know, I know….where have I been). Anyways I spent $40 and got $8 back so that’s nice.
We got snow yesterday and like true Wetcoast fashion it was wet and turn to the lovely slushy mess so that was fun trying to navigate the WM parking lot in runners. I’m realizing that I think us wetcoasters need to get real winter clothing!
Off to do more laundry and vacuuming.
Tue, Jan 9th, 2024, 04:00 PM #79
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Just had my dear brother for lunch i baked crossants for after the soup -he loves my homemade turkey soup.We chatted for awhile then hugged each other good by .It feels so good to have him back in my life .
I am using stuff up in freezer ,i havent got a big grocery shop since before xmas.Just gone to local locoocs or zarkys or to sobeys for sale items .Use up what you have and it does feel frugal walkonby.
Tue, Jan 9th, 2024, 05:51 PM #80
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Good Afternoon Everyone,
Last night after work we ran to Costco so I could take advantage of the Executive Coupons, I see a lot of people online complaining about them but they lined up well for us this time around. But it seems like the biggest complaint is most of them are for Kirkland Products and people claim they do not buy Kirkland products. I used the coupon for Old Cheddar, Frozen Triple Berries, Chicken Broth, Apple Turnovers (impulse buy but oh so good this morning), Kirkland Pads (comparable to Poise), Laundry Detergent and Fabric Softener.
I read online that executive coupons can now be used on more than one which I did not know but they applied to coupon to all 3 of my blocks of cheese and 2 cases of Chicken Broth. I should now be stocked up on Landry Detergent for sure and hopefully Fabric softener for the year (might need 1 more Fabric softener).
Before the coupons end, I might go back for another box of pads for Mom and maybe another bag of berries we will see.
Mom came with me so we went to the location North of us (normally we shop the location south of us) because it is less busy and convinced Mom to use one of their driveable carts. She wanted to try to walk the store but her hip is now bone on bone and the last time she went Costco Shopping with me she was messed up for days in pain. She enjoyed it, next, we might try WalMart. I want to try to get her out of the house more but it is hard this time of year.
Costco just put out new Stretcher Slip-ons which Mom likes as she needs slip-on shoes now. Normally, I wait until they go on sale but last year they didn't and by the time I craved and went to go buy them, I could not find her size, so I grabbed her a pair. The pair she is wearing I got her 2 years ago.
Today I had to go into the office to do a 3-month challenge, I was able to get in and out just as the snow was starting and now I hope to hibernate. It looks like the freezing rain has started here, I couid hear it on the window well I was in my meeting.
Tonight I am going to make 20-Minute Chicken Ramen Stir-Fry to use up some Broccoli we have.
Stay safe everyone who is getting hit by the storm.
Happy Tuesday Everyone.2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:
Wed, Jan 10th, 2024, 09:08 AM #81
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Good Morniong Everyone,
Was wide awake at 10 to 5 this morning so I got up and started my day.
So far not snow here, it rained overnight and all of the snow we got yesterday is done. I am going to live in my own little happy denial it will miss us.
We got notice that they are turning off our water today for most of the day. So we have filled pots and jugs with water to get us through the day.
I need to deal with the Costco stuff today, it is still all over the kitchen floor. I did not get to it yesterday when I got home.
Also need to figure out dinner, maybe Chicken Enchiladas with some sor of veggie on the side.
Happy Wednesday Everyone.2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:
Wed, Jan 10th, 2024, 10:58 AM #82
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Good Morning! Woke up to our roads/driveway/walkway clear but the snow has started!
I let DS have my parking spot in the garage last night since he was out the door for work before 7am and we thought it was going to snow all night.
I did not drive or go anywhere Monday or Tuesday. Should get out today at some point before I become a hermit!
Kitchen needs some love this morning. Will wash up the few dishes when I make something to eat later this morning.
Need to clean off my portable table in my office this morning so that is my first task on my to do list.
Have a safe day everyone!
Wed, Jan 10th, 2024, 03:33 PM #83
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Afternoon we got our haircut ,then went to visit my hubbys brother near there.Stopped into Springers to get bacon,wings and deli meat and potatoe salad.Gave my hairdesser a nice tip and xmas gift chocolate and 2 pairs of socks,And a bit of money .She is a close friend and old neighbour.
So windy out and light snow.Last edited by coupon girl; Wed, Jan 10th, 2024 at 03:35 PM.
Wed, Jan 10th, 2024, 04:30 PM #84
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My plastic bin is clean and organized and the portable table in my office is clean!
So much paper gone! Feels so good.
Had a shower and washed and dried my hair. Feels nice to not have it up in a tight bun!
Still deciding on a fridge. We aren't in a big hurry since it is cool out enough for our bag of food to sit in the garage. The good thing is we are using up what we have and when shopping not buying fridge stuff. I have asked DS to move his beer out of his fridge downstairs and bring it up to the kitchen so we can use it till we get our new one.
Thu, Jan 11th, 2024, 08:38 AM #85
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Good Morning Everyone,
Was up at 5 to 5 this morning and I am so happy, two days in a row up at 5 am, yay!!!! Yes, I know I am weird.
I have a project for work I want to knock out today so I do not have to think about it again.
I took a look at the flyers, there are a few deals but nothing we "need" so, I am thinking I will hold off shopping for now. Our fridge is full the freezers are stocked so we can wait.
Last night Dinner was just Pasta with Meat Sauce, Mom didn't want Enchiladas and originally I was going to make Lazy Lasagna but even Lazy Lasagna seemed like a lot of work and I wasn't feeling all of that.
Thinking either Air Fryer Pork Tenderloin or Slow Cooker Chicken Shwarama tonight.
I also need to restock the kitchen, all of our spices seem to be running out at the same time but I have more in the basement I just need to bring them up. As well there are a few other things like cooking spray I need to bring up.
Happy Thursday Everyone2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:
Thu, Jan 11th, 2024, 10:40 AM #86
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Good Morning! It is snowing pretty heavy now so will wait till later to go out and shovel.
My sister is suppose to come here this morning to pick up my niece's guinea pigs. (We were watching them while they were away on vacation)
I won't be sad to see them go- they are messy little buggers! But happy to help out!
Have a massage this afternoon! So nice to book ahead and then be surprised when the day comes.
Thinking of going to the gym this evening to mix it up. I need a new program timetable since the winter classes should start this or next week.
Dinner- Not sure the plan for tonight yet. Maybe Shrimp/Veggie stir-fry.
Have a wonderful day!
Thu, Jan 11th, 2024, 11:29 AM #87
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Shoveled the driveway! Snow is still coming down but at least it will be easier later and fresh air for me is good.
Thu, Jan 11th, 2024, 11:32 AM #88
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Had to run to the Pharmacy to get Mom's pills.
I had planned to run out later in the day to break up my work day but with the snow coming down I decided to go as soon as they opened. Happy I did the roads are already meh. Going down the main road in town it was track bear and slushy. If you take your time it is fine but of course you have the drivers who even though it is 50 zone are driving like they are on the 404 on a sunny day.
Now it is time to hibernate and finish this work project.2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:
Thu, Jan 11th, 2024, 03:51 PM #89
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oy!! I am really bushed! I clearly went over my allowable energy limits this morning what with grocery shopping, LCBO wine buying ( hee hee used up $95.00 of a $100.00 GC we got over Christmas ), went to WM and luckily snagged a 28" separating heavy duty zipper, finished off the outing driving back home white knuckled through annoying falling wet snow and dodging other drivers!!
Once home I put all the stuff away, had my breakfast and then faced replacing the zipper on DS " favourite " thick hoodie. He's had this for over 15 years! Never wants to let it go, just wears at work though. That's where the zipper busted last night, he got trapped and the sweater snagged between some freight in a trailer. So lucky he wasn't hurt.
I only busted ONE sewing machine needle doing the job. ( very thick layers to sew through )
Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old
Thu, Jan 11th, 2024, 03:57 PM #90
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Just popped over to shoppers seniors day for me got 5,000 points for spending over 50.00 also some deals i got
strawberries 5.59 after discount
p.c salad 4.49-300 p.c points=4.19
peekfreans 2/5.00-800 p.c points=4.20 for both
p.c frozen corn 3.99-400 personal points=3.59
reading glasses for hubby 19.99 reg 24.99
2 pairs of fancy lavender infused shortie socks on clearance $4.49
(2) kelloggs vanilla cereal special k 4.49-2.00 checkout51=2.49 each
got 8,106 points so 3,106 in personal points not bad.
Went to bulk barn they had hard xmas candy with fillings in it 75% off,so was 4.16 i paid $1.04
Neighbour asked me to go out for lunch with 2 other people ,didnt feel like it.Last edited by coupon girl; Thu, Jan 11th, 2024 at 04:55 PM.
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