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Thread: 2024 February Frugal Chatter

  1. #136
    Smart Canuck
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweet sparrow View Post
    In other news, my toilet paper stockpile has seen better days. It used to be decent since before covid happened and now it's time to start looking for sales. What is a good price for toilet paper now? Is there a thread where it was discussed? Any direction is appreciated!
    Check out the Freshco sale on toilet tissue for $15 for 100 rolls.

    Quote Originally Posted by coupon girl View Post
    Morning -i helped my neighbour who is 79 shovel her driveway (the end of it) hey i will be that age one day .Her hubby had a stoke and she doesnt want him doing it .No worries i said glad to help.
    She might want to re-think that decision. While out of kindness and consideration, her hubby might have facilitated a stroke by not having sufficient exercise, in the first place. Maybe a little exertion, every now and then, can alleviate the underlying causes of strokes.

    Quote Originally Posted by coupon girl View Post
    my toilet stockpile consists for 3 pkgs .I just cant seem to find great deals like we use to ,never 4.99 for 24 anymore .More like 5.99 on sale maybe better to buy the bigger packages .No i dont have a costco membership and i find their kirkland toilet paper rough anyway -no thanks
    The Freshco offer is only $0.15/roll. However, I have not used Compliments brand before and have no idea how rough it may be.
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    My food may not befit a king, but I eat like a horse.

  2. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by HermanH View Post
    My doctor has told me that I need to use my arthritic joints in order have the fluids circulate within them. While it may be painful, I hope that your mom starts moving to regain her range of motion. I think that much of it can be re-gained, even after an absence of movement.
    I concur @HermanH that movement is necessary and it doesn't need to be a lot to begin with as any is better than none despite the pain. While pain is subjective I would encourage one to work through it as unfortunately I've seen what happens if you don't.
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    Always remember the What are you thankful for today? thread as there always is something to be thankful for.

  3. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    Good morning ladies! TGIF!! and a long weekend too.
    This morning I did a 7 a.m. run to get gas and then onto to W-Mart. A dollar for 10 lbs. of potatoes? woo hoo!! I nearly loaded a bag 2 lb. bag of carrots
    in my cart priced at $1.97 when I found a huge bag of monster large carrots on the reduced cart! Easily more than 5 lbs. in there for $2.00 and another
    $1.00 bag with 2 sleeves of green onions, 1 large gala apple, 4 bell peppers and 4 large tomatoes. I love it when they make bags up with a combo of fresh
    fruits and veg.
    They had JUST replenished the reduced cart moments before I pulled up to it.

    I also grabbed 2 of the Maple Leaf whole chx's. Each of them were under $7.00 and 1 of them is already Air Fryer roasted up and in the fridge. I feel I've
    knocked enough off of the to-do
    list today.

    Stay safe shoveling @coupon girl , you're so right that one day THAT age your neighbour is now will be us!
    @walkonby , great deal on the Walmart potatoes. Can you tell me if you find any bad potatoes in the bag? A few? Alot? Just wondering about Walmart's potato quality. Thanks!
    harbie, barbis9, walkonby and 1 others like this.

  4. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by coupon girl View Post
    Sassy -i truly believe that the pandemic did a lot of harm .I couldnt bring myself to go visit my older brother more often ,because they lived in an apartment .I didnt want to be in small spaces with people in the height of the covid time.So i missed seeing him ,he passed 2 years ago .Mind you i did go see him in the hospital but he wasnt in a great state to see.

    I have dealt with so much sickness the past few months it has brought my spirit down .I still went to my brothers open house dec15 and a 75th birthday last weekend .I thought should i go i am being honest with you even thou i have all my shots,but we have to live life right.

    My grandchildren suffered with their school work when they had to go online as they were so little in school just starting and ashlyn just couldnt do it (she has ADHD)On appointments little cara had to suffer thru high temps and sick 5 to 6 times the past few years as she wanited for an ENT specialist appt 1 and a half years .Finally she is getting her tonsils out soon they said .

    So ashley i do agree with you ,i have less motivation some days if that is because of the lockdown or old age i am not sure but i do know we need to listen to our bodies.
    @coupon girl , sorry about your grandchildren and school and COVID. They just said on the news that schools did not need to close. I hope your grandchildren find school better in the next few months.

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    Shawgirl,thank you they just got their report cards .The oldest is having tudoring in math once a week .My daughter is also thinking of math tudoring for sebastian.
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  6. #141
    Canadian Genius lilo0003's Avatar
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    Life in Nova Scotia is busy. We have had dinner with my brother and sister-in-law 3 times and once with a cousin and his family and a dinner out with friends. We have only been here 8 days. And we still work so I am very happy for a long weekend. We have an event tomorrow late day so we will be up early to head into the nearest Home Depot and that’s about 45 minutes away. While in town we have a list of all our stops because this is not a trip we do weekly. I may try to pair this trip with work in future. But for now we are just trying to get the house in order.
    Friends don't let real friends pay full price.

  7. #142
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    @Shwa Girl I always " sniff " on the open mesh side of the potato bags when I pick up a 10 lb. one. You can usually detect the freshness of what's inside. ANY hint of that
    putrid rotten potato smell and back the bag goes. It only takes one that is bad to quickly ruin the rest. Visibly I could see a good portion of the ones through the mesh too,
    so these will last. They're in the deep freeze storage room. It's not a freezer but oh my Lord it is as cold as all get out in there!

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  8. #143
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    @walkonby , I am with you and people think I am insane but I always smell the bag before I buy it because I was taught growing up "you will always smell a bad potato before you will see a bad potato."

    So many people ask me what I am doing and I explain some are like "oh good advice," others give me a little side eye.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

  9. #144
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Afternoon Everyone,
    Bit of a slow morning here and I am enjoying it.

    I slept until 8:30 which compared to most people is like sleeping until sleeping in until 10 or 11 so I am happy. Normally I dislike sleeping in but I know I needed it I have been so tired all week and this is what long weekends are for.

    With that being said, I did take 2 Advil PM last night before bed because I do not know what was up but as I was making dinner oh my gosh my back just started to hurt and it just did not want to let up. Feeling all good this morning so it must have just been one of those things.

    This morning I was working on a crochet project I have been trying to work on all week but it has not been working with me. Years ago I made Mom and myself fingerless gloves so you can keep your hands warm but still type. Mom wants one but thinner for when she colours to cover her hand and protect it from rubbing on the table. The pattern I used originally is gone so I have been trying to recreate it but I have restarted 4 times now.

    This morning I think I finally got it, had to get a bit creative with some of my stitches but it finally seems like it will work, yay!!!!!

    Using up some random bits in the fridge for lunch, we had a small piece of Pizza Dough we are turning into a flatbread but it wasn't big enough for both of us. So I am using a random naan to make a second pizza we will split both. Normally, I would make veggie pizzas but today I was craving the pepperoni so grabbed a pack from the freezer.

    I also pulled out a bag of milk, we are going through our Milk quickly this week so I pulled a bag in case we want to do some baking or cooking with milk. I could run to the store but I do not want to. This is why I love my freezers and pantry.

    Happy Saturday Everyone
    Last edited by SassyAshley; Sat, Feb 17th, 2024 at 02:21 PM.
    harbie, coupon girl and walkonby like this.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

  10. #145
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    Happy Saturday!

    Went out this morning on the hunt for a wash glove for when bathing the dog. Found one at Walmart.
    Checked out other items at the pet store. Was looking for an alternative for lotion for dogs nose. Burts Bee sells for $6.97 at Walmart and Canadian Tire. Pet store sells same thing for $11.97. And they didn't have any alternatives which is what I was looking for. Coconut oil it is!

    Found large bag of dog food reg $49.97 on clearance for $22 and it had a $10 off coupon on it! (Our usual kind was sold out) Only one available so I will be checking looking for this deal in other stores! Dogs loved it as I opened the big bag and mixed in their bowls as soon as I got home.

    Groceries put away (stocked up on $2 Special K for DS- Grabbed 4 boxes of a new kind today that I am pretty sure he will like)
    Gala Apples 3lb bag $2.99 Clementines $3.97 (think it was 4/5lb? was pretty big) English muffins for .99 (expire tomorrow- will cut them and pop in freezer and just pull as needed- we toast them so can go from freezer to toaster oven.)

    Had a bite to eat just now (2 slices from dinner leftovers last night- Mushroom/onion garlic sauce flatbread pizza-So good)

    Now heading out to grab latte's for my friend and I and heading to her place for a visit

    Have a wonderful Saturday!
    Last edited by Frugalbigmama; Sat, Feb 17th, 2024 at 02:59 PM.

  11. #146
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    Flemeth- I found the VH Sauce and rice coupons while at Walmart this morning and grabbed a bunch for you.
    Send me you address and I will mail out to you ASAP!

  12. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frugalbigmama View Post
    Flemeth- I found the VH Sauce and rice coupons while at Walmart this morning and grabbed a bunch for you.
    Send me you address and I will mail out to you ASAP!

    Thank you very much @Frugalbigmama for your generosity
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  13. #148
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    For those that does Airmiles check your offers if you have the flash offer for 100 AM when you buy anything from Amazon through AM have to OPT in tagging @Arjon , @walkonby and @lilo0003 who I know off hand that collect Airmiles. I bought 1 single cat food for $0.90+ taxes
    harbie, barbis9, walkonby and 2 others like this.

  14. #149
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flemeth View Post
    For those that does Airmiles check your offers if you have the flash offer for 100 AM when you buy anything from Amazon through AM have to OPT in tagging @Arjon, @walkonby and @lilo0003 who I know off hand that collect Airmiles. I bought 1 single cat food for $0.90+ taxes
    Rats, I never got that one but had a Flash offer to earn 125 BAM wys $25.00 at amazon, BUT it had to be paid for using the BMO credit card.
    I opted in since I was about to reorder 3 boxes of cat litter and 2 large jugs of dish soap. I WISH the total was just $25.00, but of course it was way more!
    Hey at least I saved on gas driving to a store and saved my back from lifting heavy items in and out of the vehicle. Silver linings.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  15. #150
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    oops! I just logged back in and the other offer WAS there, a little further down.
    Name:  Flash offers.jpg
Views: 151
Size:  14.3 KB
    Woo Hoo!

    I ordered a single bag of Epsom salts. ( $2.00 and ? )
    harbie, barbis9, lilo0003 and 1 others like this.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

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