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Thread: July 2024 Frugal Chatter

  1. #226
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizzie bargain View Post
    Just home from a Costco shop with DH. We are having a lasagna making party with my friend on Wed so bought the meat and cheese. She is making the tomato sauce and I am to make the meat mixture- we will make homemade pasta together and assemble it. I have never made homemade pasta before. Her DH is Italian so this will be authentic! I will make up some small ones for my Mum's freezer too. The triplets and big brother are sleeping over on Wed so that will be dinner. Maybe we will take it easy on Thursday!
    @lizzie bargain you will NOT regret partaking in the lasagna making with your friend and her DH on homemade pasta sheet duty. I've used my pasta maker a few times and the one thing that always stands out is how little time it takes to cook and it's always so incredibly tender! Have fun!!

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  2. #227
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    It sounds like Torontonians are in a big rush. My sister texted me that my BIL was hit by a bike courier Sat while out walking-he got a nasty gash on his elbow and the courier did not even stop. Then to make matters worse he was hit by another vehicle while driving yesterday-now he is in the hospital with a broken arm and leg-neither was his fault. He is not allowed to weight bear on his right leg and his right arm cannot manage a cane, crutch or walker so this could get interesting.
    My sister, a family physician, just retired last month and says so far retirement sucks as her grandson was also in hospital for a couple of weeks. I bet she never thought she would spend so much time at the hospital in retirement. I think her husband must have a target on his back-once he gets home he best stay put.
    Last edited by lizzie bargain; Mon, Jul 29th, 2024 at 02:33 PM.
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  3. #228
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizzie bargain View Post
    It sounds like Torontonians are in a big rush. My sister texted me that my BIL was hit by a bike courier Sat while out walking-he got a nasty gash on his elbow and the courier did not even stop. Then to make matters worse he was hit by another vehicle while driving yesterday-now he is in the hospital with a broken arm and leg-neither was his fault. He is not allowed to weight bear on his right leg and his right arm cannot manage a cane, crutch or walker so this could get interesting.
    My sister, a family physician, just retired last month and says so far retirement sucks as her grandson was also in hospital for a couple of weeks. I bet she never thought she would spend so much time at the hospital in retirement. I think her husband must have a target on his back-once he gets home he best stay put.
    This is everywhere! (but then again the city people (Toronto) are in Cottage country all summer long) but yes we are noticing the traffic and terrible drivers in a rush etc!
    Wishing your BIL a speedy recovery!
    Last edited by Frugalbigmama; Mon, Jul 29th, 2024 at 03:14 PM.

  4. #229
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    Thanks FBM. I am sure my sis will take good care of him once he comes home.
    harbie, lilo0003 and SassyAshley like this.

  5. #230
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizzie bargain View Post
    It sounds like Torontonians are in a big rush. My sister texted me that my BIL was hit by a bike courier Sat while out walking-he got a nasty gash on his elbow and the courier did not even stop. Then to make matters worse he was hit by another vehicle while driving yesterday-now he is in the hospital with a broken arm and leg-neither was his fault. He is not allowed to weight bear on his right leg and his right arm cannot manage a cane, crutch or walker so this could get interesting.
    My sister, a family physician, just retired last month and says so far retirement sucks as her grandson was also in hospital for a couple of weeks. I bet she never thought she would spend so much time at the hospital in retirement. I think her husband must have a target on his back-once he gets home he best stay put.
    Uh oh, I am a City people but true confessions I do not drive like a maniac. lol. I'm so sorry about both your BIL and their GS being in hospital. Who could have imagined that after your sis had retired from her Dr. duties that she'd be back in the thick of things? I wish both victims as quick a recovery as possible.
    Lets hope that things do not come in threes!

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  6. #231
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizzie bargain View Post
    It sounds like Torontonians are in a big rush. My sister texted me that my BIL was hit by a bike courier Sat while out walking-he got a nasty gash on his elbow and the courier did not even stop. Then to make matters worse he was hit by another vehicle while driving yesterday-now he is in the hospital with a broken arm and leg-neither was his fault. He is not allowed to weight bear on his right leg and his right arm cannot manage a cane, crutch or walker so this could get interesting.
    My sister, a family physician, just retired last month and says so far retirement sucks as her grandson was also in hospital for a couple of weeks. I bet she never thought she would spend so much time at the hospital in retirement. I think her husband must have a target on his back-once he gets home he best stay put.
    @lizzie bargain so sorry that your brother in law is hurt . Wishing him a speedy recovery. Also wishing there GS a full recovery.

  7. #232
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizzie bargain View Post
    Just home from a Costco shop with DH. We are having a lasagna making party with my friend on Wed so bought the meat and cheese. She is making the tomato sauce and I am to make the meat mixture- we will make homemade pasta together and assemble it. I have never made homemade pasta before. Her DH is Italian so this will be authentic! I will make up some small ones for my Mum's freezer too. The triplets and big brother are sleeping over on Wed so that will be dinner. Maybe we will take it easy on Thursday!
    @lizzie bargain this sound like a very fun party.

  8. #233
    Mastermind cath007's Avatar
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    Hello to you all,

    Sorry of the negativity of my post,if you dont want to read it just dont...I will understand

    First of all,I still read all of yours posts,that is the joy to the sanity of my days...

    I went last week for a doctor appointement,,It was a nightmare....Really it does.I have more than before high blood pressure and they cannot find the doctor

    have difficulties to find the right pill to respond to slow my blood pressure.And oh my good shock ...I am now diabetic....That is a nightmare...

    I feel worse than ever...mentally and physically emotionnaly....Always dizzyness...drop of pressure,head heache and nauseous.I cannot make it to the groceries

    stores anymore .I dont want to put me in a critic situation.So I eat of what I have stock up my fridge and freezer....

    No support from familly,My father say to me it is my own fault to become diabetic,just as my mother was.....That I do nothing good in life and that I am a

    disaster human...So I try to live in my bredroom or the night when he is sleeping.

    I so miss my dear mother and my brother ,they where not acting like that with me.

    So...I slowly try to make me plans to go live at another place..But the appart are so unnafortable right now.I would like a place where I can bring my 2 beloved

    cats,the only sense of joy in my pathetic life right now....

    I will see of they are any programs I could receive money from or be in a room..I dont know..I feel so lost and tired...
    The goal is to live day by day not to much thinking hahaha !!!!
    I love to save money!!! Frugal life hahaah !!!

  9. #234
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    Hope your BIL has a speedy recovery @lizzie bargain .
    @cath007 I’m so sorry you have to deal with all of this I wish I had something to say that would make you feel better. Nobody should ever be treated or spoken to like that but especially from a parent! Nobody deserves that.

    I hope and pray that they find the medication you need for your blood pressure and you can manage your diabetes or reverse it (depending on which one you have).

    Housing is hard to find for a reasonable price everywhere and it’s even more difficult when you have furbabies. I really hope you find a better living arrangement

  10. #235
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    Quote Originally Posted by cath007 View Post
    Hello to you all,

    Sorry of the negativity of my post,if you dont want to read it just dont...I will understand

    First of all,I still read all of yours posts,that is the joy to the sanity of my days...

    I went last week for a doctor appointement,,It was a nightmare....Really it does.I have more than before high blood pressure and they cannot find the doctor

    have difficulties to find the right pill to respond to slow my blood pressure.And oh my good shock ...I am now diabetic....That is a nightmare...

    I feel worse than ever...mentally and physically emotionnaly....Always dizzyness...drop of pressure,head heache and nauseous.I cannot make it to the groceries

    stores anymore .I dont want to put me in a critic situation.So I eat of what I have stock up my fridge and freezer....

    No support from familly,My father say to me it is my own fault to become diabetic,just as my mother was.....That I do nothing good in life and that I am a

    disaster human...So I try to live in my bredroom or the night when he is sleeping.

    I so miss my dear mother and my brother ,they where not acting like that with me.

    So...I slowly try to make me plans to go live at another place..But the appart are so unnafortable right now.I would like a place where I can bring my 2 beloved

    cats,the only sense of joy in my pathetic life right now....

    I will see of they are any programs I could receive money from or be in a room..I dont know..I feel so lost and tired...

    @cath007 (((HUGS)))) I am so sorry that you are having a very hard time right now. Hoping you can get your health issues resolved. I am a parent and in my opinion no parent should talk or treat their children the way your father is right now to you. He maybe frustrated and don’t know how to help you. Hoping that your family comes around and give you the support you need.

    I am also hoping that for your mental health that you find housing . Stress is not good for any of us. Make sure to take care of you .
    harbie, walkonby, lilo0003 and 2 others like this.

  11. #236
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    Found a box of abandoned crackers (unopened), 3x pairs of new socks, bag of York peppermint patties, bag of M&M candy, and 12x pudding cups. Their best before dates were Jun 29, but I bet they're still okay. Walmart sells them at room temperature. They may have baked a few days in the sun. So, I might empty them together into a saucepan and bring them to a boil before eating.

    What is it with me and crackers? I just finished the previous box I found and here comes another.
    harbie and lilo0003 like this.
    My food may not befit a king, but I eat like a horse.

  12. #237
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    Quite the find @HermanH hope the socks fit.
    harbie, lilo0003 and HermanH like this.
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  13. #238
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    @walkonby , enjoy your movie and dinner.
    harbie, walkonby and lilo0003 like this.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

  14. #239
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    @lizzie bargain the lasagna party sounds amazing.

    So sorry to hear about your brother-in-law hope he recovers quickly.
    harbie, walkonby and lilo0003 like this.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

  15. #240
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    How hot is the month of July? Enough to cut own hair very short when the trimmer won't cut despite aligning blades, using oil and getting to device to least it seemed to work today. Prior attempt inJune-the trimmer would not turn on.
    Relieved to be free of my heat dome. Noticed my lingering brunette strands came from nape of neck or back of head.

    Miele appliance owners- some vacuum or laundry detergent deals are now on until August 1.
    harbie and SassyAshley like this.
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