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Thread: August 2024 Frugal Chatter Thread

  1. #211
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    Quote Originally Posted by flemeth View Post
    Today will be a busy day cleaning and reorganizing the house .This will be a family project wth all Hans on deck. Hoping we get everything we wanted to accomplish in the next few days.

    We got lots done .My 2 DDs with my DS decided to donate lots of stuff that the think we haven’t used in a while and lots that’s never used that was gifted to us. If I leave it up to them everything will be donated
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  2. #212
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    @flemeth , I think I am like your kids, I look at some many things and think that can go but when I ask Mom she feels differently.
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  3. #213
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Morning everyone,
    I have been sitting here for over 2 hours now thinking I should pull out a pack of bacon and cook it up, I am still thinking about,. This pretty much sums up my day.

    I am having one of those days where I wish I could turn my brain off as right now it is kind of feeling like it is against me. A situation came up at work on Friday, I sent an email which has not been answered and now my brain cannot let it go, I woke up at 3 am this morning and almost right away my brain started spinning, I feel back asleep but even when I woke up at 7 yep, there it went again.

    I do not know if it the situation or if it is because something that was said to me on Friday kind of triggered me. Now my brain keeps jumping between the change makes no sense and someone misunderstood and it would not be the first time you took 1 step forward and took 2 steps back and your work had to go through someone else.

    My plan for this weekend was everything to do with the house but my brain is just not letting that happen. I am just feeling so weighed down mentally, physically and emotionally so I am sitting on my couch watching true crime shows and scrolling instagram.

    But, I think I might see if I can find a crochet project to work on maybe that will calm my brain. I was going to try cooking and baking but that seems like too much work right now.

    It is supposed to be cooler tomorrow, I think our high is 17, so thinking the plan for tomorrow will be to make a Roast. Tonight's dinner is a mystery, maybe I will make Dumplings with Homemade Chicken Fried Rice.

    Happy Sunday Everyone.
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  4. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ciel21 View Post
    Last week of August brings knowledge that CNE ends soon and "fall" bus schedules will take effect in 5 days' time.
    Put mini waffle maker to use on Friday for banana bread waffles and most of dozen waffles were good. Realized how many baking ingredients need purchasing while preparing batter. Used a shaker cup of 600ml+ capacity to pour batter onto the maker. Glad I used a silicone trivet under maker as I had two batter spillovers. Cleanup was easy.
    Have to do grocery visit within hour as day will be 30+C today. Have run out of freeze pops and close to having consumed the sparkling water. For some reason I have been getting 3-4 hot flashes each day this weekend.Recent neuroscientist video indicates hot flashes are a brain symptom not menopausal symptom.
    Is my brain disliking freeze pops?
    @Ciel21 where do they find these neuroscientists? Hot flashes are due to reduced estrogen.
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  5. #215
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    Hi everyone,

    I haven't been on this site for months and missed it.

    This weekend is not my fav. Anniversaries of my uncle and fathers death, as well as my first car accident. So today I will be at the cemetery and hope my tiny rose of Sharon's grow.

    I started a dog boarding service through Rover and I'm annoyed at people making requests and than crickets. This ties up my availability and unless they pay - lost revenue - especially on this last weekend of the summer.

    Glad it is Sept, I don't miss the heat and humidity from this summer. I hope everyone has had a great summer.

  6. #216
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    welcome back @barbis9 , condolences on those you have lost. We share a chain link fence which divides the front lawn with our neighbour and she planted rose of Sharon along the entire length of it. They bloom every year and we love them! It works out fair as many of the leads from our Clematis plant wormed their way through the holes in the fence and she benefits from the large purple flowers blooming on her

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  7. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by SassyAshley View Post
    @flemeth, I think I am like your kids, I look at some many things and think that can go but when I ask Mom she feels differently.
    @SassyAshley I am ok with giving away stuff . We have too much stuff giving to us as gift and what I bought and haven’t used in years .
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  8. #218
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    @barbis9 , welcome back *hugs* on this sad day.

    That sucks that people book you than ghost you, what is wrong with people?????
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  9. #219
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    @flemeth , I used to find gifts to be so hard as I felt guilty getting rid of them even if it was something I knew I would never use. But now I feel like it better to give it to someone who can use/needs it vs it taking up space in my house.
    harbie, barbis9 and walkonby like this.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
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  10. #220
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    Good Evening Everyone.,
    Yes, my post was downer this morning but it was how I was feeling. I think another factor was I have really been in the feels lately and I just got over that for this to hit me and I all I could think was could I not just have the long weekend, but it is what it is.

    I decided to try crocheting to see if it would help, it hasn't cleared my mind completely, if my phone bongs I check to see if it is an answer to my email but I am not spinning as hard, that is a win but oh my gosh, my crochet almost flew across the room earlier.

    I found a pattern for a crocheted balloon animal dog, the first yarn I tried to use was splitting and I rip it out like 6 times. Then I found a different yarn and it was working but I started to worry was there going to be enough yarn and realized nope so I ripped that out as well. Than I was search the house for any yarn I had two balls of and could not find any so I ended up digging out my yarn bins (I have 4 bins of yarn but they were barricaded), I got them out and found some yarn and now am well on my way. Only issue is I cannot get them back where they were so no idea what to do with them now.

    I cleaned out the fridge, more food waste than normal which tends to happen when I am not feeling my best but overall not that bad. We lost about half the baby spinach, we had some old rice I did not use up and some cut up peppers I didn't use. I had two packs of mini cucumbers both went slimy which kind if annoyed me as I did not buy more when I was at Costco knowing I had 2 packs.

    Oddly I was itching to get out of the house, I wanted to go to Dollarama but decided against it, it is a long weekend and I live in Cottage Country but decided to run to No Frills around 5 hoping it wouldn't be insane as most would be having dinner. It worked it wasn't that busy but the shelves were bare but I got everything I needed. There were a few things I would have grabbed that were on sale but they weren't needs so we are good if I do not shop again.

    Dinner is going to be Chicken Souvlaki Wraps with Fries. Since it was a last minute decision I needed to grab store bought Tzatziki (which became my reason for going to the store, plus I really wanted more cucumbers as I planned to make Cucumber Cream Cheese tomorrow).

    Back to my Balloon Animal Dog.
    harbie, barbis9 and walkonby like this.
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  11. #221
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    good early morning everyone. Just reading through the last few posts realizing I have no right to feel any negativity today. Many of us deal with the mood
    or mindset we wake up with and hope someone doesn't contribute a careless comment or a demand from us that sets us spiraling. I sure understand how
    overwhelming things can become in a short space of time. I find solace in cooking for other's it's crochet, distractions are often the key to lowering our bp.
    Long weekends should be the working man's ( woman's ) moment to shove a middle finger to the shackles of work. Anyone ruining that extra day of reprieve
    from the grind needs to be given a wet raspberry! lol

    Name:  raspberry.jpg
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    This sounds like a rant? oops. sorry. lol.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  12. #222
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    @walkonby , love it and the face is so cute.
    harbie, barbis9 and walkonby like this.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
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  13. #223
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    welcome back @barbis9 , condolences on those you have lost. We share a chain link fence which divides the front lawn with our neighbour and she planted rose of Sharon along the entire length of it. They bloom every year and we love them! It works out fair as many of the leads from our Clematis plant wormed their way through the holes in the fence and she benefits from the large purple flowers blooming on her
    I love clematis! A fence repair person in the past killed two of them, but I still have the one that my late mom planted. I need to transfer it from the fence to a better spot. Do you do that in the fall or spring?
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  14. #224
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    HI!!!! @barbis9 I just pm'd you. Moving a Clematis in the Fall or Spring? DH makes ALL the decisions wrt the planting of every shrub. flower, ( perennial and annual ) planters, plus any veggie seeds we grow. I said WE because I watch and offer unsolicited advice to him. He loves doing it all and I love that he loves doing it because I would not.
    Oh sure I'd try but after killing most everything I touch it would be abandon ship. I'm grateful to the max for him!
    Today is a no spend day, trapped in the driveway by the weekly recycle bin nonsense. I could move the bins, back out cautiously, put 4 ways on, exit to place bins back in front of driveway, acknowledge nasty sneer from someone who cannot drive around my vehicle, I get in and take off, often forgetting my 4 ways are still on!
    It's just easier to not go out.
    barbis9 likes this.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

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