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Thread: October 2024 Frugal Chatter Thread

  1. #121
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    Well the atmospheric river is here and a second one is rolling in after this one dies down .

    Yesterday we stopped into NF and I grabbed a few beers like mushrooms, thyme, potatoes, etc….. total was $50.14 after points 14C oop. Not bad for winging it. PM’d iceberg lettuce to WM and used 2 silk creamer coupons.

    Just got back from SDM today and I got Benifits eyebrow set (liner and gel), bioderma shower oil, makeup remover pads. Used my PC MC and made 30,300 points earned.

    Dh bought me a coffee . We had leftovers for lunch and after a bit of a rest we will hit up the gym.

  2. #122
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    Today i treated myself to a new plant at sobays all flowers and plants were 50% off as they ordered too much i was told.
    Beautifull philodendron red heart reg 18.99 i paid 9.49,love tropical plants .
    harbie, walkonby, lilo0003 and 2 others like this.

  3. #123
    Canadian Genius lilo0003's Avatar
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    We bought our appliances for the new kitchen yesterday and they don’t deliver as we are too far from the city. Ugh so it’s one more thing to to try and source delivery, at least they gave me names of companies that can do this and if it’s stupidly expensive DH will get them as we have a utility trailer. We have 8 days before we leave for 2 mo this so I have a monstrosity of a to do list.
    Friends don't let real friends pay full price.

  4. #124
    Smart Canuck
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    Last day of warm weather (16 degrees Celsius), so I harvested my garden. My potatoes are a joke. I didn't even get 2 pounds! Most are not even pea-sized. I think that I planted more potato than I harvested, if that is even possible.

    At least I got a few decent carrots.
    My food may not befit a king, but I eat like a horse.

  5. #125
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Morning Everyone,
    Guess who accomplished nothing yesterday, yep, me. I got my work done super quick which should have given me extra time to get all the things done but instead of scrolled Instagram watching others be productive and watched Love is Blind.

    I did start a meal plan and a prep list, that is an accomplishment.

    I do not know why, this week when looking at my calendar it does not look insane but I have this weird feeling deep down my week is going to get flipped upside down and it will become insane. So my plan is to prep today like I am going to have an insane week the only issue is I am all over the place with my plan.

    One minute I want to make everything the next I want to make nothing, so I think I am going to go empty the fridge see what produce I have to prep, see what I can reorganize and go from there. I think part of my problem is my fridge is busting at the seams right now but I think it is just disorganized.

    Happy Sunday Everyone.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

  6. #126
    Smart Canuck
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    Recharge days are a good thing @SassyAshley ...we watched the first season of love is blind...oh my, we were completely wrong on which couples would manage to stay together lol. Have a great day!
    harbie, Shwa Girl and SassyAshley like this.

  7. #127
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    Have to do a work presentation next week. In front of 'leadership'. So checked the wardrobe.
    Jacket? check! Nice blouse? check! Pants/skirt? Meh. Need new pants/skirt.
    Costco has dress pants, tailored, for $19.99. But wait there's more. On sale for $9.97.
    Two colours.

    update: wanted to post a pic of the pants. Went to the manufacturer website. The pants are on sale there too. For only $79.99
    Last edited by Shwa Girl; Sun, Oct 20th, 2024 at 10:24 AM.
    harbie, lilo0003 and SassyAshley like this.

  8. #128
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SassyAshley View Post
    Good Morning Everyone,
    Guess who accomplished nothing yesterday, yep, me. I got my work done super quick which should have given me extra time to get all the things done but instead of scrolled Instagram watching others be productive and watched Love is Blind.

    I did start a meal plan and a prep list, that is an accomplishment.

    I do not know why, this week when looking at my calendar it does not look insane but I have this weird feeling deep down my week is going to get flipped upside down and it will become insane. So my plan is to prep today like I am going to have an insane week the only issue is I am all over the place with my plan.

    One minute I want to make everything the next I want to make nothing, so I think I am going to go empty the fridge see what produce I have to prep, see what I can reorganize and go from there. I think part of my problem is my fridge is busting at the seams right now but I think it is just disorganized.

    Happy Sunday Everyone.
    Good day @SassyAshley , first of all here is your badge, ( cute cheerleader kitten ) a Venn diagram to describe the best of intentions vs
    the mountain of tasks we know are there and a sweet couch potato reminder that we all have those days. You rock nearly every day
    with energy and have the busiest timetable of anyone I know. Happy Sunday!!

    Name:  your badge.jpg
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    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  9. #129
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    Nice pants shwa girl ,way to go on that deal.

    Popped over to sobeys got my 1.50 back on my bread,was an old sign up.
    On to walley parrs got chicken tenders strips 20.99 as i refuse to pay m&m"s price we will see if we like them.

    Micheals had crayola buy 1 get 50% off so got 2 paint palettes 3.00 each ,small wooden coffin with a light inside -ashlyn can paint herself 4.99 on for 2.40

    Of course went into dollarama and spent 25.00 got another fridge liner roll to cover all my glass shelves ,so they will have no scratches can beat 4.00 a roll,plus a few other items.
    harbie, walkonby, lilo0003 and 2 others like this.

  10. #130
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    My neighbour just brought me sone leeks and yellow tomatoes out of her garden as we are expecting snow tomorrow. I think I will be making a pot of soup tomorrow.

  11. #131
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    My friend invited me to go to a conference next summer in Malta with her and she would cover the hotel. Better yet my cousin has a home there and has offered it to us for free as he is away working in Manila. He writes that he employs a full time housekeeper who will prepare it for our arrival-man I am starting to feel like royalty! Not every day I get an offer of free accommodation in Europe!
    We hope to visit London first, then Malta and perhaps one other city on our way home. So exciting to think about as the snow will start to fly here shortly!

  12. #132
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    harbie, lilo0003 and SassyAshley like this.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  13. #133
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    Thanks WOB! I just looked at the pics my cousin sent-it is a beautiful 5 bedroom tastefully restored with all the mod cons but retaining the old world charm. Plenty of space for both of us-sure beats a room at the Hilton for 330 euros a night which is over the top. Heck maybe we will skip a third stop and just stay longer in Malta enjoying our little home away from home.
    harbie, walkonby, lilo0003 and 1 others like this.

  14. #134
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    @lizzie bargain keep tabs on the ETIAS site as it may be required next year for your trip. Best to look into it now before tickets are booked unless you have cancellation insurance purchased. Malta sounds exciting! Compact, hot and dry and lots of go, go, go. Have seen videos on Youtube.

    @ShwaGirl do you ever score with Costco finds! I only know of one Talbots in west Toronto at Sherway Gardens. Miss their past corner store where Zara is now, north of the Bay store on upper level in Square One before it closed. Think I bravely browsed twice in that career oriented store because the prices were beyond my means. Aspirations withered...

    @SassyAshley Thrilled for you getting a huge task done in less time!! Amazing you recognized you needed to keep some weekend time for yourself as well. Brain and body must have revelled!!!

    @walkonby those gifs are so fun!
    The WiseApp actress reminds me of Tsai Chin from Lucky Grandma (or better known from The Joy Luck Club).

    @harbie atmospheric river rep! Topic of conversation on both the Weather Network and WeatherStation on the weekend. Did not know that West Coast might rely on such strong weather to fill water resevoirs in the fall or get flooded in the process.Heard that Colorado had snow.

    @crafter the online shopping experience...yes beware of website changes when the local time approaches midnight.

    @HermanH every garden year is different. Maybe try a different potato variety for 2025? We still have some small green peppers that look ornamental rather than large enough for a salad or making strips to havechandy for snacking. Today and tomorrow are about the last of 20+C weather in Southern Ontario. July was a heat pressure cooker for all living things. August eased slightly on that heat.

  15. #135
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    @lizzie bargain keep tabs on the ETIAS site as it may be required next year for your trip. Best to look into it now before tickets are booked unless you have cancellation insurance purchased. Malta sounds exciting! Compact, hot and dry and lots of go, go, go. Have seen videos on Youtube.

    @ShwaGirl do you ever score with Costco finds! I only know of one Talbots in west Toronto at Sherway Gardens. Miss their past corner store where Zara is now, north of the Bay store on upper level in Square One before it closed. Think I bravely browsed twice in that career oriented store because the prices were beyond my means. Aspirations withered...

    @SassyAshley Thrilled for you getting a huge task done in less time!! Amazing you recognized you needed to keep some weekend time for yourself as well. Brain and body must have revelled!!!

    @walkonby those gifs are so fun!
    The WiseApp actress reminds me of Tsai Chin from Lucky Grandma (or better known from The Joy Luck Club).

    @harbie atmospheric river rep! Topic of conversation on both the Weather Network and WeatherStation on the weekend. Did not know that West Coast might rely on such strong weather to fill water resevoirs in the fall or get flooded in the process.Heard that Colorado had snow.

    @crafter the online shopping experience...yes beware of website changes when the local time approaches midnight.

    @HermanH every garden year is different. Maybe try a different potato variety for 2025? We still have some small green peppers that look ornamental rather than large enough for a salad or making strips to havechandy for snacking. Today and tomorrow are about the last of 20+C weather in Southern Ontario. July was a heat pressure cooker for all living things. August eased slightly on that heat.
    harbie and walkonby like this.

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