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Mon, Sep 30th, 2024, 04:28 PM #1
Tue, Oct 1st, 2024, 08:19 AM #2
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Thank you @lilo0003 for starting this thread
Hoping that the weather stay warm and we have lots of sunshine. I still have Hit peppers and tomatoes to get ripen.
I am hoping to get. Some good deals to put towards my Christmas donation and to also be able to find the coupons for this new cycle.
Tue, Oct 1st, 2024, 08:28 AM #3
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Good morning! We get to go for a nice fall drive today to my medical appointment. I'm looking forward to strategizing some savings for the Shoppers deal...I'll most likely just stock up on household staples.
Have a great day!
Tue, Oct 1st, 2024, 10:23 AM #4
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@harbie I buy my organic soy milk from Costco on the shelf (6 x946ml) just under $9 that I put in the fridge once I open it. Have you tried it? Is the soy milk you buy in the fridge section better? I find the soy milk really helps as I'm lactose intolerant and the cost of LT milk is expensive.
Last edited by barbis9; Tue, Oct 1st, 2024 at 11:41 AM.
Tue, Oct 1st, 2024, 11:57 AM #5
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@barbis9 we normally buy ours at Costco too but it’s the 1.89l size 3 ok for $9 something but with the sale at NF and the coupon it was only 99c ea which was a smokin deal. I like the shelf stable ones for emergency preparedness kits and once cooled it tastes the same.
Tue, Oct 1st, 2024, 12:26 PM #6
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Morning came home to check on mail,put my compost bag out of the kitchen into neighbours for friday pick up.
Wow watching 2 small girls is such a fun outing for us.Except my sleep is off son lives on a corner of a busy street ,so cars racing down at night wake me sometimes.I am cleaning sons /daughter-in-laws home ,going thru the girls clothing (she said i could my daughter-in-law) pulling all the size 8 from Ashlyn closet and getting rid of the smaller size 6's from cara .
Ashlyn gave me some loose lego as my daughter-in-law hates it .So i will add that to my house collection .The girls had McDonalds last night ,then we took them to Spirit Halloween"store Ashlyn picked out a creepy baby doll for her birthday this weekend from nana and papa she will be 11.Of course the little one cara wanted a small toy so she got a 3 headed wearwolf stuffie.
Cara misses her mommy so i said i will hug you and hold you if you want when we were watching t.v .Ashlyn has an old phone so my sons said to keep it charged at all times.They called last night so the girls were excited to say hi to them .
Both are being pretty good except when i told cara you cant ride your bike holding your doll .She wasnt too pleased with me at that moment but i walked her over to her friends with her holding her doll.
Miss my house ,hubby says it smells a bit so we are here for a bit so i could check my home phone .I cleaned the kitchen out also .
Plus i wanted to come on here after checking my
Now i need to go order cupcakes for my daughter-in-law at fortinos and pick up a bit of fruit for the girls lunches -yesterday i forgot to put the ice pack in their lunch.
Tue, Oct 1st, 2024, 12:30 PM #7
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Barbis -you asked back in a previous post what the bay cosmetics counter promo intails .Well you get points for empty lipstick, nailpolish ,perfume ,concealor bottles etc .They dont have to be bought at the bay either just certain sizes so they recycle them a few months ago i had enough points to get a 22.00 top for .67 cents .There is a limit to how many you can do in one sitting.How this helps.
Tue, Oct 1st, 2024, 02:54 PM #8
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Welcome, October! Linger awhile and keep temperatures mild. No snow, please.
Thanks @lilo0003 for new thread start!
Saw the headline on Chch Morning Live about Balzacs coffee found on the ground in Lincoln, On is not be consumed. Local community paper reports that coffee is from a truck stolen in February. So the coffee may have been compromised.
Jeep hybrid vehicle recall was another headline: edited by Ciel21; Tue, Oct 1st, 2024 at 03:15 PM.
Tue, Oct 1st, 2024, 03:14 PM #9
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Did a morning shopping run for items at Fortinos (could not find the $4.99 General Mills Count Chocula cereal in store in breakfast aisle nor on an endcap; 4 new winter and Xmas designs for PC Dinner napkins are in-store alongside remaining stock of spring/summer designs), Dollarama ( single pops are still $1.50 in coolers plus the Mountain Dew mystery flavour was stocked), and Food Basics (saw a Dec 2023 dated almond-coconut bev tetra on shelf with the $2.99 sale Black Diamond tetras; realized the shelf tags are electronic as one tag kept going dark then flashing back to product pricing). Bought one of the food bank bags too. Noticed yogurt coupons in cereal aisle were replicated in dairy at Fortinos,
Food Basics had the same iogo coupons plus nano ones. Did see a buy one Silk and Kelloggs product coupon pad. Tetley tea is on sale for $2.99 and the warmth variety is great for variety or cold days.
This morning, the smart tv's wallpaper on the home screen changed from default red to the McDonalds Monoply Double Play themed one. Since I had downloaded the app over home wifi last night (for some reason our Internet and later the home phone were offline even though modem lights looked normal; plus my cellphone network went offline for nine minutes during this time-aggravating thoughts), I seem to think home Internet provider computers noticed. Or did everyone's smart tvs show the same wallpaper today?
Question for PC Opt users- do you have a 20x points redemption offer in your apps or accounts today? Curious if offer is for all members or YMMV. Shoppers flyer also has a national brow day promo QR code for tomorrow in-store or online shopping on brow products.
Tue, Oct 1st, 2024, 04:00 PM #10
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Just got back from a beautiful fall drive in the mountains to see the golden aspen and larches. I took a back road to Canmore-holy smokes was it wash boarded, There were plenty of signs warning about avalanches( a little early for that) but no warning of the big craters ahead in the road!
Tue, Oct 1st, 2024, 07:35 PM #11
I was not able to take advantage of the wicked PCO offer at SDM today. While in Nova Scotia we share a vehicle and DH was out tonight. Work was far too busy to duck out today and SDM is 15 minutes away so I saved my money. Hopefully lots of deals were to be had by others.
Friends don't let real friends pay full price.
Tue, Oct 1st, 2024, 09:54 PM #12
Wishing everyone a good evening.
Still kind of pissed and frustrated for the 3 rants I posted on the rant section...LOL.The goal is to live day by day not to much thinking hahaha !!!!
I love to save money!!! Frugal life hahaah !!!
Tue, Oct 1st, 2024, 10:30 PM #13
There was an episode on MythBusters regarding the theory that driving down washboard road at a certain speed could reduce the amount of vibration and bouncing within the vehicle. While they did prove that reduction was possible, I don't think the difference would have been noticeable by the vehicle occupants.
My food may not befit a king, but I eat like a horse.
Wed, Oct 2nd, 2024, 02:28 PM #14
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@Ciel21 what a waste of good coffee. At least it can be used in the garden if anyone picked it up.
Wed, Oct 2nd, 2024, 02:31 PM #15
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@coupongirl I wonder if they take the small vials of perfume samples?
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