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Thread: November 2024 Frugal Thread

  1. #211
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Morning Everyone,
    Woke up at 3:30, couldn't fall back asleep but then just as I was going to get up at 5:30, yep fell back asleep. Woke up with a headache but I think that is the weather, yesterday I had a headache and I tried some advil but it did nothing. Although so far, we have no snow but we are now under a travel advisory so we will see.

    I forgot to mention in my post yesterday, I was going to grab lettuce at Costco to make some bowl this week but I discovered it was now a 4-pack for $7.99 instead of a 6-pack. I also noticed on the sign it now does not mention how many are per pack. Not sure if they just couldn't get the 6-packs or if this is the new norm. I hope not I know $7.99 isn't the best price but for a 6-pack I would grab, if it is now a 4-pack we are back to lettuce only when it is on sale.

    Yesterday we got through 2 of the 4 packs of Chicken Breasts (I grabbed 3 yesterday on sale but did buy 1 on Wednesday in case my suspicions were wrong and they did not go on sale). The ones we did yesterday are chopped and in the freezer, today some of them will be cooked, we need more Salsa Chicken and Mom needs her Pizza Chicken (when Mom make Naan pizza she put Chicken on so she pre cooks them so she can just pull a pack from the freezer).

    I also need to clean out the fridge, don't think we have much food waste but this steps help me lay out what needs to be used and prepped for the week to come. I should also come up with a meal plan for the week, not sure what my week looks like yet so will prep like I am going to have a busy week just to be safe.

    Think it is time to head to Pinterest. Happy Sunday Everyone.
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  2. #212
    Canadian Guru
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    Morning! Heavy snow falling now! And I was foolish to think that maybe today we would go for a little drive for breakfast.

    Yesterday morning woke up to being snowed in. Our crescent was plowed and there was so much snow in the driveway I wasn't going to risk getting stuck. So I bundled up to go for a walk around the neighbourhood but the sidewalks weren't cleared yet so I made my way to Giant Tiger and the $ store instead.
    I had made coffee at home and had change in my pocket that I spent on a few things on my outing.

    When I returned home DS was snowblowing the driveway (I still can't believe he fixed our snowblower that sat for years flooded with oil)
    And then I took him out twice- first time to get a new battery for his car. Then to get a new starter. This kid that has no mechanical back ground (Dad is not a car mechanic at all!) Fixed his car! So proud of that kid!!

    Took a roast out of the freezer and have it thawing in the sink. Roast beef with mashed potatoes/ gravy and veggies sounds perfect for dinner tonight!
    I also took down all our baking supplies and cleaned out the bin and washed it. The prices are crazy on chocolate chips!!!! I am going to try and price match an online deal. Will see. I do have 2 packages of sugar free chips that I can use today if needed. I saw a neat video on using the ice cube tray from Dollarama to make like a small granola bar topped with melted choc chips. Reminds me of the protein balls I would make but better with chocolate. I will attempt making them today at some point.

    Will head out for a walk to RCSS soon...hoping the snow will let up but it is still so heavy. At least my black winter jacket won't blend in with the snow!

    Have a wonderful day!

  3. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by HermanH View Post
    I guess that would fall within the SCOP guidelines, too.

    If scanned, it would show up for $25. However, SCOP only allows for free items under $10. So, I could either get a $10 discount on the $25 value or pay the $5 they allowed. Good suggestion, though. I will keep my eyes open for future signage errors.
    @HermanH if you get a dopey cashier (lots of them around), they sometimes will give you the item free regardless of the price.
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  4. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by harbie View Post
    Dh and I went to the mall to check out what dels they had on phones. Mines not new but not old either but the charge doesn’t keep as well so I’m starting the process. Turns out there’s going to be a way better promo towards the end of January when the new S25 comes out so I’ll wait.

    We looked at a few other things we kinda need but still chose to walk away for now. I’m normally going to make a rush decision.

    Dh did buy me some new headphones since mine are going from 60% battery life to 10% in 15 min max. He bought those for me a long time ago and wanted to upgrade me to ones I’ve been eyeing for a while. Such a sweet hubby I have.
    @harbie if you like your phone, you can replace the battery for $100. I did that and still use my iphone XS.
    Giseledta, harbie and HermanH like this.

  5. #215
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    @barbis9 I tried several times to get good friend to try Apple for battery replacement. She won't due to cost as she has very limited dollars.
    Family did not come through yet with promised secondhand phone purchase and a friend handed an older phone to grandchild, rather than as promised to my friend. So my friend has no cellphone. Very frustrating scenario plus the prepaid plan shutdown by Rogers has made certain accounts inaccessible. The battery replacement option could have been the better option last summer...
    Giseledta and barbis9 like this.

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