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Thread: 2025-01 January Frugal Thread

  1. #271
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    Good morning!
    My cash is running out so I will use gift fund set aside to cover a couple of needs. The $200 cheque has not arrived yet, but second mail delivery did come yesterday.

    Discovered some items for two baby gifts so I bought online. Then discovered store one had a winter sale code posted on its social media channels that might have applied to one of my items. Upside, I ordered the items as stores closer to me do not to carry the specific print I wanted. Win some, lose some...

    Keuring K-cup fans, check the Canadian Tire prices. My regular and sale prices for chai latte pods (12) have gone up by a dollar apiece. Will get one box as my birthday next week could too chilly/snowy for a Starbucks walk so chai latte at home will suffice. Tax holiday could mean stock up opportunity for SCers wanting to use personal points offers for beverages or redeem CT money to get pods for less cash out of pocket.

    Am finishing up laundry then heading out. Plan to fix the bedding and give room a good vacuuming later, then use last Swiffer heavy duster to tease out dust in crevices. Realized our washing machine has a bit of elevation over pedestal storage base atop which is a packed layer of dust!! Last night, I was bored during drying cycle and ran a finger around three edges of storage base top and saw the dust mat that emerged! The lint trap screen has one edge poking up enough to latch onto a hanging strap on my new nightgown. Said strap was twisted down to taut loop I had to cut to release garment. Cut off second strap as it was a potential future issue.

    I need to catch up on The Deal Guy's videos otherwise I might not realize something is at my Dollar Tree store. Have to try second Dollarama for last chance 21L trash bags as I will have get CT or Walmart rack handle bags in future. Not keen on paying for Glad bags at Dollarama if another option is better in terms of number of bags for amount paid. Love handles on small bags for trash bins. It does seem price creep and brand changes have been occurring at all dollar stores.
    Last edited by Ciel21; Sat, Jan 25th, 2025 at 11:21 AM.

  2. #272
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Smart to make those financial plans for 2025 Sassy. Staying one step ahead of the budget alterations as prices for most everything we buy goes up.
    I was literally appalled yesterday seeing a few items I KNOW were less than half the price a few months back. How can simple products double in cost so quickly?
    That is when you'll hear me mumbling under my breath as I say " nope! I'll go without that for now! " . I wanted to complain/share with someone about it right then and there.
    Seems many shoppers have surrendered now. They used to engage with me in the outrage but now they sort of shrug and accept.
    Trying very hard not to let the whole Tariff conversation frighten me into paranoia!

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  3. #273
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    Good Day! Snow watch for our area all weekend. Stuck in town again!

    Didn't get out of the house till after 11 so no Egg mcmuffin to go with my coffee. So of course I was feeling faint when done running much as I almost gave in and just picked something up (and been disappointed as usual) I came home and made a better choice and now I am happy lol.

    Was quick in Walmart and No Frills since I was hungry...
    Found English muffins for 50% off .97 Each and bagels (grabbed package for DS) will get these in the freezer today and we are set for the next 2 weeks.

    Going for a latte with my bestie this afternoon. New place just opened last week we would like to try. Going to bring our laptops and swimsuit shop

  4. #274
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    Afternoon just made peanut butter cookies had one rest for company and hubby.

    Daughter just called her and sebastian are coming for a visit they will get here at 5.30 p.m and will stop and bring supper with them to our house ,i will treat her this time.So excited to see her,plus i will do a few loads of laundry for her as her dryer is broke .

  5. #275
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    The hubs and the adult kids just headed to Costco-kerching, kerching.

  6. #276
    Canadian Genius lilo0003's Avatar
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    @walkonby I will be indignant with you. I am now checking labels and and as much as possibly choosing made in Canada followed by anywhere but the US when possible. It won’t always be realistic and I am not going to double my grocery bill to do it. But today I found the store brand may at Food basics and Metro is a product of Canada whereas Hellmans is not. So store brand for the win and it was 2.00 less. I will report back as to quality and taste.
    Friends don't let real friends pay full price.

  7. #277
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Evening Everyone,
    Turns out I lied, I said I was not going to do any deep cleaning but it happened.

    I scrubbed the Bathroom but resisted the urge to Deep Clean knowing if I did nothing else would get done.

    I cleaned out the fridge, took out the garbage and recycling and since both were out of the bin I decided to deep clean the garbage area, so out the steam cleaner came.

    I vacuumed and mopped the kitchen floor twice. The water was just a little gross after the first wash so decided a second wash was needed.

    Well Mom was making Dinner I emptied and wiped down the fridge. Discovered my Ricotta has gone bad so will need a new plan for breakfast this week as Lemon Ricotta Pancakes won't be happening.

    I still need to do a pantry tidy, vacuum the rest of the areas on the main floor (only got the kitchen done), and clean the bathroom floor.

    Instead of doing the bathroom floor I decided to make a crustless blueberry pie instead to use up some blueberries I had in the fridge.

    Dinner was Meatloaf with Mac & Cheese and Steamed Broccoli. Lots of leftovers for the week including enough for Mom for dinner one night this week as I am attending a retirement dinner.

    Tomorrow will be prep day, not a ton of prep to get done so will see what else I can knock out around the house.

    Now it is time to put my budget on paper.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

  8. #278
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    Walked into a newly opened Carl's Jr restaurant. I had been watching it for awhile and it seemed to be open, today. The manager met me and said that it was supposedly only open to family and friends, partly to allow the crew to train without pressure. However, since I was already there, he welcomed me and allowed me to order lunch for free. What a class act. In the past, I have been in similar newly opened situations with other restaurants and was turned away. Of course, I NEVER went back to those establishments, after such poor treatment.
    My food may not befit a king, but I eat like a horse.

  9. #279
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    @HermanH Do you ever get around and score on food finds! That restaurant experience is a new one.

  10. #280
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    @lilo0003 It will be a challenge to find Canadian made food goods that taste reasonably similar to favourite US made products, before we even get into household and personal care products. I have on occasion bought store brand label products and some experiences have been good enough. Others were total wastes of cash.

    Have started to see posts on X telling Canadians to seek Canadian brands or products. One person even posted some food and personal care brands to look for. But if those options are not readily available in one's area, the prudent thing to do is find what you can within means and make changes when funds or online shopping or daytrips permit. Check out clearance shelves at grocery stores for sauces, pastas, spreads, seasoning mixes, packaged side dishes, as well some personal care brands.

    Will admit that I was thrilled to get those US made Healthy Choice steamer entrees on sale last week. Cannot think of Canadian equivalent of similar meals with similar pricing.
    Last edited by Ciel21; Sat, Jan 25th, 2025 at 11:45 PM.

  11. #281
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    yes that is just it! I went down the rabbit hole to try and write down grocery items that I could shop for that are made here.
    My bubble was a little burst as there are not as many as I had hoped for. The lure of the less expensive brands will probably
    win out with me BUT going forward I'm now on board to try to buy Canadian. That means the whole product being made here.
    I cancelled the ball cap and toque hat orders I had placed after discovering they were MADE in both Bangladesh and USA, then
    shipped here for the final embroidery part. Canada Is Not For Sale is a great logo for a hat BUT hypocritical to buy them after
    discovering where they're being manufactured.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  12. #282
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    Here's a question for Frugal minds:

    I saw a clip on CTV regarding a family of 7 living on $700/month for groceries. One of the things the father touted was that they made their own bread. I have looked at the cost of ingredients for a single loaf of bread and found that it is not possible to make bread for cheaper than one can find it (at discount) from places like Walmart.

    Here are the ingredient prices from a recipe I found online:

    2 cups warm water (105-115 degrees) (474g)
    1 Tablespoons active dry yeast* (There is 3/4 of a tablespoon of active dry yeast in 1 packet. 2.25 teaspoons are in a packet and there are 3 teaspoons in a tablespoon. A standard packet has 7 grams)
    1/4 cup honey or sugar (85g honey, 50g sugar)
    2 teaspoons salt
    2 Tablespoons oil (canola or vegetable)
    4 - 5 1/2 cups all-purpose or bread flour* (500g-688g)

    I will only focus on the yeast and flour. The other ingredients do have an associated cost, but I'll ignore them for the purposes of this discussion.

    Approximately 9g of yeast is required and I checked the price of yeast and a small 113 jar goes for about $5. So, 9g would cost (9/113*$5=) $0.40

    NoFrills currently has a sale on flour for $10 for 10kg. Since there is a range of (500g-688g) for flour, let's just say it uses 600g. Therefore, a cost of $0.60 for a loaf of bread.

    The costs (without the other ingredients) are already $0.60 + $0.40 = $1

    How the heck can anyone beat the day-before discount prices of Walmart ($0.80) and RCSS? You can buy a pound of bread for less than the cost of basic ingredients (not even counting electricity, time, and effort).

    Anyone make their own bread? Am I missing something? I have done the calculation over the years and always come to the same conclusion. It is more expensive to buy ingredients to make one's own bread than buying it at discount.
    My food may not befit a king, but I eat like a horse.

  13. #283
    Canadian Genius lilo0003's Avatar
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    @Ciel21 that list has littered my Facebook all day and I agree the personal hygiene stuff will be a challenge especially since I have curly hair so can’t use just anything. So my current plan is use what I have on hand, even the stuff I don’t love. I have been lucky in the past month and secured at least 4 almost full hair products that others did not like on my buy nothing group. I have had a lot of good luck in that group. Today it was 2 almost full cleaning products and last week it was ice cream and both were walking distance from my home. @HermanH I often secure bread from Flashfood for 50 cents so I don’t see how baking it is cheaper for sandwiches but maybe a fancier bread would be cheaper to bake.
    Friends don't let real friends pay full price.

  14. #284
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    Herman-my husband bakes all our bread. We use only 1/4 tsp yeast(cheaper at Costco), 3 cups of flour and 1/2 cup oatmeal to make no knead bread. Last time I calculated this came to .40 cents per loaf-it tastes way better and is healthier and cheaper than what you can buy with the added chemicals.

  15. #285
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    @walkonby , I saw an article regarding the Canada is not for Sale hats as many people have come to the same realization you did the hats are not made in Canada, they are just embroidered in Canada.

    It explained that they looked into Canadian Made Hats but could not find many options and either could not get the quantities they are looking for or the price was too high.

    I also saw another article (can you tell when I cannot sleep I read news articles) saying the logic and want behind buy Canadian made is great but is probably not realistic as many products will not be available. One point they made was Canada mades a lot of parts but does not make the finished product. The example they gave were dishwashers according to this article no Dishwashers are made in Canada, some of the parts are made in Canada but no company makes a Dishwasher in Canada.

    The other area they discussed were groceries and with it being January we are reliant on other countries for our fresh produce. But even in the summer things like citrus we do not grow citrus in Canada.

    These are some interesting times we are living in and sadly it does not look like there is a clear answer.
    Giseledta, harbie and coupon girl like this.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
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