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Thread: 2025-01 January Frugal Thread

  1. #16
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    Oh barbis9 glad you are back ,so hope you are on the mend .

    Angela i am so impressed, i will post mine when i tally it up.I have a hard time finding coupons in ontario this past year.

    I feel asleep last night at 10.00 p.m after talking to daughter she went away to millcroft inn on her own for 2 nights-ate in a fancy restaurant by herself -so proud of her she is putting herself first this past too n ights.

    Then fireworks and load noise next door the son in his late 20's had friends over very loud outside -yelling happy newyear,woke me up .Wish they would have kept it inside not trying to be a grinch but there is a lot of older people around here including me who values their sleep .

    Thanks for all the wishes -i think Ashlyn was fine as of 5.15 p.m when we left my sons house last night.Daughter-inlaw was just having quiet time with the girls as son was on nights .
    Last edited by coupon girl; Wed, Jan 1st, 2025 at 01:15 PM.

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by barbis9 View Post
    Hi Everyone,

    I haven't been online for a while. Had a terrible chest cold in early Dec, than I fell and bruised my face and fractured my left hand/wrist. So happy December is over, as it wasn't good month for me.

    I did spend last night at a friend's house and we watched Wicked, and ordered Chinese. It was a nice quiet, new years eve.

    I wish everyone a Happy New Year.
    @barbis9 so sorry that you are not feeling better . Hope you feel better soon and your fractured heal quickly
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  3. #18
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    My total of savings for the year $1,865.77 down from about 800 the year before .
    Again there is only 2 of us and i must have watched my spending more the past few months due to buying a new fridge and my implant (still have to pay part 2 in march when it is complete)

    In coupons i only saved $203.70 again i dont print them so only the ones i find in stores,more people are using coupons for sure.
    I did save 380.00 in p.c points -the rest is rexall, scene ,giftcards,promos ,scoops,raketan .
    I am still glad with what i saved and everyone keep on posting your savings or deals as i love reading them and sharing them .

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by coupon girl View Post
    Oh barbis9 glad you are back ,so hope you are on the mend .

    Angela i am so impressed, i will post mine when i tally it up.I have a hard time finding coupons in ontario this past year.

    I feel asleep last night at 10.00 p.m after talking to daughter she went away to millcroft inn on her own for 2 nights-ate in a fancy restaurant by herself -so proud of her she is putting herself first this past too n ights.

    Then fireworks and load noise next door the son in his late 20's had friends over very loud outside -yelling happy newyear,woke me up .Wish they would have kept it inside not trying to be a grinch but there is a lot of older people around here including me who values their sleep .

    Thanks for all the wishes -i think Ashlyn was fine as of 5.15 p.m when we left my sons house last night.Daughter-inlaw was just having quiet time with the girls as son was on nights .
    I'm finding the same in Ontario. Very frustrating.

    If your on fb. .. or insta...
    Coupon cutie

    And saving with sarah . It could be counting change with sarah? ... person is sarah Coleman. She is in st thomas. And posts amazing deals

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  5. #20
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    My pc points t's last year was just over 1300 .00

    I'm waiting to see what my costco $ is.. I've been shopping more there.lately.

    My plan is to track stuff a bit more this year.

    Ok. Today... did a sort/ clean on the laundry area. Inventoried the laundry/ cleaning supplies..
    Have a bunch to use up. And a do not buy list... dawn power wash I'm. Looking at you.

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  6. #21
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    Counting on change with sarah Coleman in st thomas is the name.

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  7. #22
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    @Giseledta , Thank you.

    I have started a meal plan tracker hopefully for 2025 as I need to get better with my eating and by better with me eating I mean eating. It has been months since I have actually ate 3 meals in a day so I am hoping if I make exciting foods it will tempt me to eat.

    I need focus more on Breakfast and Lunch, I do not tend to plan these meals and these are the ones I tend to skip. I also need to be more prepared for dinners because although I do not skip dinner, we have been eating a lot of quick fixed and honestly, I am getting a little sick of some of meals.

    On that note, I need to figure out tonight's dinner. I was thinking Pizza but now I am not sure if I want pizza but also have no idea what I want.
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  8. #23
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    @Giseledta, I find I am also shopping at Costco more.

    I know the meats are more expensive but I find the quality so much better than what we get in the "regular" grocery stores. Since we process our own meats I find there is a lot less waste (which we pay for since pay by the lb/kg). There are certain meats I do buy on sale like Ground Beef, Pork Tenderloin but Chicken for sure I only buy at Costco.

    As well, I have found their frozen vegetables to be far superior to what I have been buying at No Frills, I was super disappointed in the last bag of Broccoli (all sorts of brown spots I had to cut off, plus some pieces were an off colours so I just threw them out), as well the Cauliflower literally had 6 pieces in it so I ended up using the whole bag and part of a bag of carrots for one meal). Sad they don't sell brussel sprouts so I still buy those at No Frills or Wal-Mart, we prefer frozen and also Baby Carrots as I haven't seen those at Costco.

    I find my grab at Costco list in all departments are getting longer and longer. I already see I will need to go next week for some of the current sales.
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  9. #24
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    Oh, what are some of the sales. ? I'm going Saturday am. Lol

    Greek yougurt, sour cream. Dairy anything.

    I buy extra rotisserie chicken and freeze for easy meals.
    Keto wraps.
    Ceaser salad.
    Feta , parm.

    My list is solid.
    And ours has brussel sprouts I the fresh section.
    I am loving thier frozen veggies. I watch for when no frils/ rcss has them on sale.

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  10. #25
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    Giseleta-my daughter/son gave me an amazon tablet 4 years ago -she put ticktoc on it for me to be amused .I do watch cpning people couponcutie ,Kinesha in toronto ,sarah and coupon couple from lampton,ontario do a live on monday nights at 9.00 p.m so i do try to listen about the points ,deals ,where to get cpns .There is even a woman in toronto who dumpter dives for food and items and shares with her neighbours in her apt.

    I am sure not gonna run to every grocery store looking for cpns (only when i go out shopping)thou as hubby and i have one car and gas is not cheap -we are on a pension plus his company pension it all helps.

    I dont do facebook but i find it interesting listening to others deals.I dont do costco either so i try to stock up on really good prices on food or household items .
    I would have gone to no frills if it was open today as i was 12.00 away from getting 6,000 points on my fruit and veggies -see i cant get everydeal.It would have been nice if they extended that offer as they are closed today .
    Last edited by coupon girl; Wed, Jan 1st, 2025 at 03:27 PM.
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  11. #26
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    @Giseledta , I am considering the Rainbow Tortellini (love this for a quick meal), I will be grabbing the Frozen Broccoli.

    Next week the executive coupons start so I will be grabbing the Triple Berry Mix and there was something I need for Mom.

    Then we need the staples, Naan, Cheese (love Costco Cheddar). I am sure there is more I accidently deleted my ongoing Costco list so I need to sit down and try to re-write it this weekend.
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  12. #27
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    Remember to save your PC Optimum offers for next week.

    I have an alarm set to go off on my phone each Wednesday evening, that way I hopefully check the new flyers and save offers accordingly.
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  13. #28
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    Goldfish are on sale this week at Costco. @SassyAshley we use the rainbow tortellini for soup. It’s my son’s recipe and freezes well.
    January will be tight for us as we are in the middle of paying for a renovation on the other house and sorting retirement while waiting for my severance. But I like a frugal challenge. I have nearly $1000.00 in points save to cover gas and groceries this month.
    For the things I count we saved almost $5500.00 this year. Coupons were barely 200.00. I live in a location where several people take the whole tear pad as soon as it’s up. I don’t bother with printing so it’s only what I find in store. I do have some luck in Nova Scotia. I emptied my coupon folder and it’s very sad.
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    Friends don't let real friends pay full price.

  14. #29
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    Woke to a dusting of snow. A dc parent gave me a box of toys, so the loves and I will sort that today.

    Making my lists for groceries.
    Hubby needs to call Rogers and sort out the channels.. they are all messed up. He is off today, so that's a him. Job.
    I need to get my desk organized, but that will be a weekend thing . Not a today thing.
    Hugs to all

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  15. #30
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    @Giseledta , not sure if you got an email but there are a bunch of changes to the channels because Bell Media "lost/sold" the rights to a bunch of channels which Rogers bought but now Bell Media has created their own channels.

    I also saw something online that Rogers got rid of a bunch of channels but they will now be offered through CityTV+ but it is not clear if it is just old content or if new content will also be posted. I know Cooking Channel is one of them but also now Bell Media has Flavour and Rogers still have Food Network so there are still 2 cooking channels.

    It is so confusing.
    harbie, Angela273 and barbis9 like this.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

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