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  1. #61
    Long Hair Divas Shoir's Avatar
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    Ok Hubby was able to get better quality my mistake was i took the jpg and converted it into a pdf file .. too much switching back and forth diminished the quality slightly. He's so smart my hubby!!

    He got the quality so good the file is too big for posting on here it came up to 4380 KB so we opt for a lesser size in file but i learned now to get it directly form the scanner to the pdf file and this way it didn't take away from the quality as previously before.

    Mind you we are still printing at the finest quality from the printer.. something i always recommend doing if using Internet coupons.

    I will get the ones i have as i previously posted on here one page at a time,---> each page containing 4 <---of the same coupons on one sheet.

    Now i was debating if i should host on our own servers the very large coupon file with the ultimate quality.. but i still need to convince hubby to do that since it will need a few minutes of his help!

    For now enjoy the scanned in version directly to pdf... kisses to my hubby he really did well with these ones.

    *****EDITED**** i have tried to upgrade the quality of the coupons and have saved them as jpg format. they have all been replaced and also availabel in a zip folder as well enjoy! Do not forget the much needed email also in case of any problems at your local stores.

    I have posted the pics=jpg but are very big and many for the thread for you to see the difference between the pdf quality posted earlier and the quality afterwards. I will remove the jpg from the thread after a week and just leave the zip files for all to download...

    Happy Shopping everyone!
    Attached Images Attached Images                    
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    Last edited by Shoir; Mon, Apr 6th, 2009 at 07:28 PM. Reason: I have removed the expired Glade save 2.00$ Coupons!!

  2. #62
    JAMs Wife
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    Thanks Shoir!!!!!

  3. #63
    Long Hair Divas Shoir's Avatar
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    You welcome enjoy.. the expiration date is far so it will last for quite some time!

    I will look into hosting the bigger file.. but cannot make any promises.

    For now Happy Shopping.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by myguppy View Post
    Wow, you are pretty much my favorite person now!!
    here's hoping they print up well
    Quote Originally Posted by myguppy View Post
    hmm, well I tried to print them off, but the clairity isn't good enough to use
    The original set I printed off [I had signed up for the newsletter previously] were a bit blurry too, but this not legible
    Thank you for trying!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Shoir View Post
    I just printed off the pdf file that i posted above and it is very similar to what i have printed out from the site.

    I have printed out the original ones without being sized down and where huge and very disgusting quality, as thought it was stretched so much it was losing quality in pixels.

    Now the smaller coupons i was able to print 4 on one sheet made it sized down to 1/4 it's size and is wayyy better quality then the original coupon from the site.

    After printing the pdf file i have saved and posted, i compared quality and whether or not it is legible and i must tell you the only difference is the amount of ink printed from on the pdf copy.

    My original 1/4 sized coupons were printed in very fine quality as to get the best out of them.. and so after printing from pdf file the quality has diminished to best, but also chosing the fine quality setting for printing of course.

    What i am trying to say is if you don't think you can use them then don't but i really do not expect the jpg coupons to be the one you should print.. it should be the pdf file ones.

    I must say myguppy that the pdf file i printed out is very much legible to be used in any of my stores here.. maybe look into what your settings are on your printer to get it to the finest or best printing quality as to get the most of these coupons... if you aren't happy with them and rather your huge copy then so be it but many on here weren't even able to print it out since they never received a link from the website.

    If husband is able to crank up the quality in it before going to pdf file i will gladly send those who request it in a pdf file by pm message... but please wait until i let you know once he has done so...

    I will not post it here to be put down as previously already done by myguppy. I took time out of my busy schedule to get these printed up and search for a better way for you all to bring them into the stores not to be told they aren't legible when after printing the original (huge copy) it was already such distasteful quality and after getting it finally to 1/4 it's size decent enough to bring into the stores and printing it out myself form the pdf file i can see that the cashier can very well make out the bare code very easily and the expiration date the terms of the coupon and whom to mail for reimbursement.

    It will not whatsoever get turned down.

    As been stated before in a email l received concerning email or Internet coupons these are the criteria that is needed to be accepted.

    Dear XXXX,

    I would first like to thank you for taking the time to communicate to
    us. As a Company that is committed to improving the level of product
    and service in all our stores we are very much interested in hearing
    from our customers.

    In regards to this matter, as long as the coupon is
    legible we will accept a coupon printed from a company email.


    Hbc Customer Service
    [email protected]

    Original Message Follows:

    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Date: 11/08/2008 11:14:16 AM
    Subject: Store Inquiries

    Store Inquiries
    From Name: XXXXX
    From Email:
    Subject: Store Inquiries
    Inquiry Type: Store Inquiries
    Language: en
    Company: HBC Online
    Can you please advise me on what you policy is towards printed internet
    coupons for in-store shopping? I would like to use a coupon I was given
    in my email address from the company itself and would like to be
    educated before using it at zellers with my purchase.

    Thank you very much

    Thank you very much[/quote]

    I am very sorry that I offended you!
    I truly did not intend to do that; I wanted to let you know that I printed the coupons off and was not able to read the writing on the coupons [I tried at original size and made smaller].
    I am so sorry that my wording came across the wrong way- sometimes it is difficult to express the correct emotion while typing, and I obviously got it very wrong this time.
    Once again, I am sorry. I did not mean to put you down, or your efforts. I was very thankful that you had tried to share the deal with us!

  5. #65
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    Thank you for putting the time into getting the coupons for us, into files we can all use [and seperately too, so we can pick and choose!!], and thanks to your hubby too

  6. #66
    Senior Canuck vassi's Avatar
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    thank you so much Shoir you did a beautiful job .thanks to your husband as well.

  7. #67
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    Thanks the ones I chose printed great

  8. #68
    Smart Canuck WAKEFORSOUL's Avatar
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    Is there anyway you can get the Ziploc one... I'm still waiting on the coupons to come to my inbox but the ziploc big bags are on at Zellers this week for $4.97 with the $4 coupon they are only .97 which is great cause I need them to store my kids clothes that are too small for them. I really Really need it!! Please and thank you.
    <a href=''></a>

  9. #69
    Smart Canuck Melody113's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shoir View Post
    Ok Hubby was able to get better quality my mistake was i took the jpg and converted it into a pdf file .. too much switching back and forth diminished the quality slightly. He's so smart my hubby!!

    He got the quality so good the file is too big for posting on here it came up to 4.380 KB so we opt for a lesser size in file but i learned now to get it directly form the scanner to the pdf file and this way it didn't take away from the quality as previously before.

    Mind you we are still printing at the finest quality from the printer.. something i always recommend doing if using Internet coupons.

    I will get the ones i have as i previously posted on here one page at a time,---> each page containing 4 <---of the same coupons on one sheet.

    Now i was debating if i should host on our own servers the very large coupon file with the ultimate quality.. but i still need to convince hubby to do that since it will need a few minutes of his help!

    For now enjoy the scanned in version directly to pdf... kisses to my hubby he really did well with these ones.
    I can scan my $2 off Ziploc steamer bags if you want it via email if you can make it a pdf. My other 2 you already have

  10. #70
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    Thanks Shoir

  11. #71
    kopykatz2001 kopykatz2001's Avatar
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    thank you
    Just browsing why not join us, we would love to have you:

  12. #72
    Smart Canuck WAKEFORSOUL's Avatar
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    If anyone has the $4 ziploc Big bags and can scan it in that would be great
    <a href=''></a>

  13. #73
    Long Hair Divas Shoir's Avatar
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    My sister has just passed me her link from scjohnson crossed fingers i will try to go and get the ziploc coupon now!

  14. #74
    Senior Canuck vassi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shoir View Post
    My sister has just passed me her link from scjohnson crossed fingers i will try to go and get the ziploc coupon now!
    you are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. #75
    Long Hair Divas Shoir's Avatar
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    I am printing them now, i have the Ziploc ones printing out first then the other Off coupon as well as the other Ziploc steam coupon afterwards.

    I will then upload them up here next i need at least 4 very good copies in order the upload them.. sorry if it takes a bit of time.. i am printing the highest quality possible in order to get it same as yesterdays coupons.

    I wish i could upload the highest quality scanned coupons.. do you think it would reject my upload of 4.38kb on here.. maybe i should ask boo?

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