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Thu, Mar 31st, 2011, 10:27 AM #5656
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not having the answer to a galling situation
( Valiant, the valley-ant )
Thu, Mar 31st, 2011, 10:36 AM #5657
you need one of these
Thu, Mar 31st, 2011, 11:28 AM #5658
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people who leave the cupboard doors open,
ppl who dont take their plate to the sink when done/ never tidy up after themselves.
Don't replace the toilet paper roll.
Ppl who dont give up their seats on the bus for old/disabled/pregnant ppl OR ppl that dont move over for ppl on the bus.
ppl that walk extremely slow in front of me but then speed up when I try to pass.
When the hubby leaves the toilet seat up.
When I go to no frills for a great sale on meat and they are out for the whole 2 weeks the sale is on.
when I'm around RIDICULOUSLY ignorant people
when I'm around racist people
when people talk a bunch of crap behind my back and think I don't know
watching jershey shore
pathological liars
when ppl say they are coming over and never show up
ppl who try to force their belief's on others
When people use your stuff without asking
People who think they have it harder than anyone else
People who think they know everything.
People who say 'calm down' after they've ticked you off.
ppl that are always whining about some certain aspect in their life. ( if it bothers you that much do something about it!)
ppl that think just cuz you have a million shampoos/food items/ whatever means that they can just take whatever they want without asking.Last edited by jessep13; Thu, Mar 31st, 2011 at 11:29 AM.
Thu, Mar 31st, 2011, 12:13 PM #5659
being speechless.. it doesn't happen often to me, but i hate when it does
Thu, Mar 31st, 2011, 04:39 PM #5660
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Ads on Kijiji that aren't updated once the item is sold. [waited 5 days to be told the item was sold 2 weeks prior to my message]
People not helping out with the cleaning and my mother not backing me for being upset and angry.
High school kids standing in the parking spaces around the local tim hortons, smoking and texting. [grrrrr I want to drive them over sometimes when they just glare at you for wanting the last spot in the parking lot they overtook]
Wanting a simple quick breakfast while out early on a drive with my parents and mcdonalds undercooking the egg and burning the english muffin [like black burnt around the edges, hard as a rock and the center was soft uncooked almost.. how the heck?]
Chapped lips.. I apply chapstick all the time.. that makes no sense.
My dog running downstairs in the morning when i run to the bathroom to freshen up and gets into the garbage bag thinking it's garbage when it's plastic recycle and makes a mess all over the ktichen and living room.. oy -.-
Having 140 tv channels and nothing decent to watch.
Learning to drive [at the speed limit, slightly over] and ppl speeding up behind me, tailgating and not passing, honking their horns [they glared at me as they passed me when i was turning... I just smiled and waved; my dad got a chuckle out of it so it was worth it =)]
Thu, Mar 31st, 2011, 04:51 PM #5661
Thu, Mar 31st, 2011, 04:53 PM #5662
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hey evil k and jesse, you guys need to get together and have a people bashing party.
I can't profess to understand God's plan. Christ promised the resurrection of the dead. I just thought he had something a little different in mind.
Thu, Mar 31st, 2011, 07:04 PM #5663
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snow having the nerve to try and return!
Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old
Thu, Mar 31st, 2011, 07:11 PM #5664
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sore throats -24 hrs after holidays
Thu, Mar 31st, 2011, 08:50 PM #5665
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When my husband is playing an online game with other people (like Call of Duty for example) and he has headphones on and just randomly starts YELLING about something in the game. Like talk about startling when the house is otherwise quiet!! Geez lol
<center><embed src="" flashvars="t1=The Bernard Family&pv1=0&pn1=6&px1=251.55&pf1=1&pv2=0&pn2=22&p x2=186.8&pf2=0&pv3=0&pn3=12&px3=305.85&pf3=1&pv4=1 &pn4=9&px4=278.8&pf4=0&pv5=1&pn5=3&px5=226.8&pf5=1 &pv6=0&pn6=1&px6=102.8&pf6=1&pv7=1&pn7=24&px7=317. 8&pf7=1" quality="high" wmode="transparent" name="My Family Silhouettes" allowscriptaccess="samedomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" align="middle" height="230" width="500">
My Family from
"A squirrel walks up to a tree and says, "I forgot to store acorns for the winter and now I am dead." Ha! It is funny because the squirrel gets dead." - Dug from "Up"
Fri, Apr 1st, 2011, 02:52 AM #5666
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a thoroughly bad day
not being able to forget your troubles
certain people at work stressing me so much I have had another GBS (French polio) relapse
high-blood-pressure getting higher because of someone at work
heart pounding all the time day and night because of work-stress
not being able to retire from work for a few more years( Valiant, the valley-ant )
Fri, Apr 1st, 2011, 05:05 AM #5667
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myself !! for my own post above !! now my furr baby is gone and I wish I still needed to figure out what size diapers to buy !!
ppl p'ming rude remarks
ppl who claim over and over to never recieve trains..I wish bills would get lost in the mail...never happens yes!! bills no!!
not being able to rep as fast as I want
not having instant chat
Fri, Apr 1st, 2011, 05:22 AM #5668
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When I can't sleep, even though I'm exhausted! lol
Fri, Apr 1st, 2011, 09:30 AM #5669
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when someone else besides me, wins a
I can't profess to understand God's plan. Christ promised the resurrection of the dead. I just thought he had something a little different in mind.
Fri, Apr 1st, 2011, 10:25 AM #5670
hacking cough
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