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Thread: Ways to save money

  1. #1
    Julie Andrews
    What are some of the things that you do to save money?
    Share your tips with us.
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  2. #2
    Combine coupons with sales, and just buy what is on sale that month.. if you buy a lot of it, eventually there will be a selection at your place (can be hard the first couple weeks).

    Cook from scratch (or near scratch) as much as possible.

    buy the meat on sale and freeze it.

    Use plates instead of saran wrap to cover stuff, the wrap adds up (and adds to landfills).

    Go in with your friends on bulk purchases if need be

    the inside wrap of cereal can be re-used as parchement paper

    buy cheaper plastic containers for all your food to re-use rather than little baggies (started this a few months ago for the environment, as was surprised when I started saving money right away!)

    Turn the heat waaay down at night (about 10) and just pile on the blankets
    Edit: I turn the heat up first, to make it nice, then way down for the night.

    You can find cheap breadmakers at garage sales, value village, and occasionally london drugs.. they are actually worth it for the money you save, and you get more variety.

    Bread maker also allows you to make your own pizza dough.. if you stocked up on ingredients (cheese and pepperonni freeze well, pineapple goes on sale) you have pizza for next to nothing!

    Always pack a lunch

    Try Freecycle if you suddenly need a microwave, etc

    Try the library for books to read, and dvd's.. I was suprised at the selection in regina!

    carpool if you drive

    cook in bulk and freeze the extra- less money spent on food on the go

    A deep freeze was one of the best birthday investments I made money wise... if you stock up on what is on sale (and have coupons to boot!)

    I am sure there is more, but you are probably sick of this list by now

  3. #3
    Lurking SCer
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    Woah those are a lot of tips Bcteagirl!
    I only do one thing: Throw all my money in my bank and throw away the key.
    Hey, it works!
    aemi likes this.

  4. #4
    Yeah, that is a good one... just go on the assumption that you are low on funds.. if you think you have extra, you will spend it..

  5. #5
    Back online & catching up kdoucette's Avatar
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    Garage sales
    and Salvation Army.

    Salvation Army is awesome - you never know what you will find.

  6. #6
    Yup to those!! I can't wait for the season to start...

  7. #7
    Angel 2girlsmom's Avatar
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    I turn off all the lights in rooms we are not using.

    Hang dry your clothes, love my neighbours clothesline.

    Change to energy friendly light bulbs.
    lucy16076 likes this.

  8. #8
    Yes, just bought some of those bulbs... waiting for something to burn out! I also turn off the heat in rooms I am not using (If I can close the door)...

    I also started saving a few dollars a week (at least) by hanging smaller items- off the shower, 2 racks across the tub, towel rack, shelves, chairs, stools and doorknobs.. and one towel on top of the vacumn cleaner

    Hoping to be able to get a good deal on a toaster oven, maybe for my birthday.... for smaller oven items it saves engergy.

  9. #9
    Smart Canuck alajen's Avatar
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    During the day, I open my curtains to let in the sunshine (free heat), and then close them in the evening. (my plants love this, too)
    lucy16076 likes this.

  10. #10
    The opposite also works in the summer... open your windows wide open during the night, then close them and the curtains as early in the day as you can.... Free AC!

  11. #11
    Smart Canuck
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    -cut up envelopes (you recieve freebees in) and use them for grocery lists, notes-to-self----they are long and suitable for lists!
    -store brands---especially when on sale
    -newspaper works with vinagar as mirror cleaner, window cleaner--cheeper then paper towel
    -already mentioned, but so important---take own lunch, snacks--granola bars go easlily in bags, pockets. Saves time (waiting in line) and money (this is a given!)
    -tip bottles upside-down!!! (in the fridge, shower). Add water to shampoo bottles to get all product out (same with other shower products)
    -Diva cup (cause I know you all are dying to try it out!!)
    -I don't care what beauty manuals say...razor blades are good for more then 5 shaves!!!
    -toothbrushes double as a mini-scrub brush for cleaning (after you are done with it..of course!)
    -body/hand lotion functions on face! Imagine that My face is part of my body
    -add more water to concentraited juices--usually calls for 3 containers... add 4...or 4 1/2....
    -take LCBO bottles back to the beer store (in Ontario..) New Bag it Back program..
    -double side items you print off--some profs/teachers allow double sided assignment submissions--even had one request it
    lucy16076 likes this.

  12. #12
    I hadn't thought of the envelopes one! I recycle them, but now I can re-use and recycle!

    People laugh at how much I double print stuff.. I save every paper... If there is a one sheet handout in class, they see it later with stuff printed on the other side

  13. #13
    chocaholic iced_faerie's Avatar
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    I use a ton of coupons, and turn off any appliance or light I'm not using.

  14. #14

  15. #15
    Smart Canuck
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    cloth napkins!!!!

    Funny you should mention that, it is next on my 'to-do' list. I do use handkerchiefs (Unless I am down with something really gross), and that saves me a lot of money on Kleenex! I still have it around, but use it a lot less... (You can find really cute ones cheap at the value village, I have some hello kitty, kerropi frog, and snoopy!).

    OH NO!! I Hit edit instead of quote!!! I am sorry CLF!!! Can you edit your post back???

    Very very sorry
    <hangs head in shame>
    Last edited by bcteagirl; Thu, Mar 8th, 2007 at 10:15 PM.

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