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Thread: Chronic Pain Management Support Group

  1. #1516
    Smart Canuck
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    Quote Originally Posted by $$avingmom View Post
    Hi Kerrylj Welcome! I can sympathize with you as I also have TMJ issues, my jaw was injured in the car accident I was in. I haven't had the money to have the mouth guards made. Do you think they help much with the pain? I've been told that I will need to use them day and night for the rest of my life! How about you? I also find voltaren helps with the jaw pain I rub it right on my face where my jaw hurts. I find weather often aggravates my jaw, rainy days, big temperature fluctuations. And of course there is the problems with eating certain foods. I try to eat healthy but it seems like all the healthy foods take a lot of chewing, which aggravates my jaw .
    I am definitally struggling with the eating thing. A few times I have regetting making something because I am in so much pain after eating it. With the clenching I have upset my teeth on the left side so hot and cold and everything hurts. I find myself trying not to talk when it is really painful just so I don't have to move my jaw.

    The mouth guards bastically keep me from breaking my teeth. I have cracked out fillings before and the dentist warned me that I could break a tooth with the kind of pressure I am clenching with at night. I have a few guards from the one I had made to the ones you fit yourself as well as one of the sports guards that I cut in half so that perhaps only having pressure on the better side I can get some relief. I switch them up hoping it will help some. So far it is not doing much.

    I don't know how exactly a guard would help with the pain, I find it helps keep things from getting worse but I bite the guard so it doesn't do a thing for the jaw.

    Somedays are definitally better than others. I hate taking medication all the time like this. But if I let it run out the pain becomes overwelming.
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  2. #1517
    Savvy Saver PinkLincoln's Avatar
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    Ouchy. Is TMJ related to teeth grinding? I had that problem for awhile, I would get the worst jaw/temple aches and ear aches I thought were infections, but the doctors went ?!? So when going to the dentist, I was complaining about my problem and told me it was this teeth grinding thing. I have one from the dentist, it's a pretty thick rubber and I can't move my mouth around much at all when it's in, I found it helped me but I only wear it every few nights, because I don't grind my teeth every night. Usually when I get the head or ear pain I pop it in the following night and it helps .
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  3. #1518
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    It seems to be really hard to get straight answers about jaw issues from Doctors. My Doctor said "go see your dentist" my dentist said "go see this specialist" and the specialist says that I have all kinds of injuries to my jaw and my head. Muscles, ligaments tendons and nerves, from the car accident. I should correct myself from the previous post it is TMD (temporo mandibular displacement) that I have, my jaw was displaced from the force of the impact of the rear end collision I was in. According to my specialist if the jaw is not in alignment than the rest of the body can't be aligned properly either! So, begins the deterioration of the rest of our bodies. The problem is that the jaw can't be fixed, mouth guards help to take the pressure off of the jaw joints and temporarily re-align them. But to permanently fix the jaw you would have to have the jaw joint replaced. According to my specialist this practice is no longer reccomended unless absolutely necessary. I have also tried different "over the counter" jaw devices. My specialist gave me the "aqualizer" which is what he gives people to use until they get their mouth guards that he makes for them. It is a temporary device, very flimsy plastic not moulded basically has one flat strip of plastic that goes over your front teeth and two "pillows" of plastic filled with water that your molar teeth can rest on. I bought another temporary device that you heat up and bite down on to try and mould to your own teeth. I tried using this at night and found it might have helped a bit, I'm not sure. My pain is so weather related it is hard to tell what is causing a flare in which pain when lol.

  4. #1519
    Canadian Genius Skippy's Avatar
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    I'm so sorry for those of you with jaw issues, it sounds excruciatingly painful, especially when it comes to eating. I've offered prayer on your behalf.
    Unfortunately today I got the idea that my shoulder and arm were so much better that I would attempt to do more. The result is I've been in near constant pain all day and my meds.are doing very little other than wrecking my stomach. Tomorrow I have to see the Dentist for a chipped tooth as I can wait no longer.
    Please pray for my situation as I need to be as pain free as possible.
    Thank you my dear friends, I miss being on SC but I still can't type with my right hand.
    May each of you be as pain free as possible. God Bless and keep you.
    Always remember the What are you thankful for today? thread as there always is something to be thankful for.

  5. #1520
    Canadian Genius Abby5's Avatar
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    Good luck at the dentist Skippy
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  6. #1521
    Smart Canuck $$avingmom's Avatar
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    We All over do it sometimes Skippy! I hope You are feeling better for your dentist appt. Tomorrow.
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  7. #1522
    Canadian Genius Abby5's Avatar
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    Ok how many doctors do I need to see??? All the ones I have seen have told me they do not know what else to do for me!!!! Maddening!!! A bridge is looking really good about now
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    New mom October 2014!

  8. #1523
    I GOT GAME, DO YOU? gameprogirl's Avatar
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    Been thinking of you all and hope everyone feels some relief with the warm weather and the beautiful sunshine.
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  9. #1524
    Smart Canuck $$avingmom's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Abby5;4694643]Ok how many doctors do I need to see??? All the ones I have seen have told me they do not know what else to do for me!!!! Maddening!!! A bridge is looking really good about now[/QUOTE

    Abby don't give up! I've been there too! Shuffled around sent for examination after examination, especially when you are dealing with an automobile insurance company. I have so many different diagnosis it's not even funny . My Dr. recently referred me to a pain specialist and told me that this was all she could do and that she didn't know what else to do with me. I know it's frustrating I'm just trying to get to a place where the pain is controlled enough that I can have some kind of functionality (not sure if that's even a word) in my life. The Dr does seem to be good at working with me on that though. She prescribed me a diuretic pill to take so that I could go back on the gabapentin that worked so well for my pain . I keep on pushing the Dr. to do more telling her about my "new" symptoms each time I have an appointment with her. I think that most of the time the Dr's don't take us seriously enough, they don't think the pain could possibly be as bad as we say it is etc. etc. I guess all that we can do is keep on pushing and keep them informed as to what is going on with us. My latest "new" symptom this week is involuntary muscle contractions of my legs and upper body!! It only happens when I'm sitting down so I'm wondering if it has something to do with pressure on my spinal cord. Or I guess it could also be the gabapentin as I have only been on it about a week now, but if it was the gabapentin I would assume that It would be happening also when I was standing and lying down etc. ?? Anyone else had this before?? My legs are literally jumping on their own, while I'm sitting it's really creepy and annoying .
    Last edited by $$avingmom; Wed, May 16th, 2012 at 10:59 AM.
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  10. #1525
    Smart Canuck $$avingmom's Avatar
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    Hoping that this beautiful sunny weather is bringing some pain relief for everyone
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  11. #1526
    Canadian Genius Skippy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abby5 View Post
    Ok how many doctors do I need to see??? All the ones I have seen have told me they do not know what else to do for me!!!! Maddening!!! A bridge is looking really good about now
    Abby5 Don't give up despite your frustration. That bridge which I often seek is not the answer. Live moment by moment if that is all you can handle. Hour by hour then day by day. I'm writing these words for myself too. Life is precious and we all have something to offer, despite our pain, and our suffering. Write what you feel all out, perhaps it would be therapeutic. Feel free to PM anytime.
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    Always remember the What are you thankful for today? thread as there always is something to be thankful for.

  12. #1527
    Still keeping the faith SillyLoocie's Avatar
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    Wouldn't it be nice if there was no pain we were feeling?
    Pain is a constant companion that has so many of us reeling?
    It wears us down & makes us weary & tired,
    It leaves us sad & uninspired,
    Venting just a little can provide a little consulation,
    Relief would be a welcome sidekick to replace our frustration,
    I'm sad about what so many people are going through,
    So I'm sending my well wishes to all of you.

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  13. #1528
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    I discovered the other day that my jaw pain is a little better today because I took some advil cold with decongestant. I am starting to wonder if the jaw pain is partly TMJ and partly my allergies acting up. I know I get ear aches when my allergies get bad and my sinuses hurt. I am sure it sets off all the nerves in that whole area.

    Skippy have you tried any of those voice dictation programs? you speak to the computer and it types for you. I used to use one in college to make note taking a bit easier when my shoulder was in agony.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

    Carrot Rewards Promo Code: kerryj6770

  14. #1529
    Canadian Genius Skippy's Avatar
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    Thanks Loocie, much appreciated.
    Last night I just blew up, I couldn't handle it anymore.
    Always remember the What are you thankful for today? thread as there always is something to be thankful for.

  15. #1530
    Canadian Genius Abby5's Avatar
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    Oh Skippy ...I do that way to often. It happens
    New mom October 2014!

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