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Thread: Chronic Pain Management Support Group

  1. #541
    Canadian Genius Abby5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angela273 View Post
    Long story short. I spent Monday night in the ER. The doctor ran some tests and gave me another prescription for narcotics. No idea what is wrong and what is attacking most of the major joints in my body. I was referred back to my hematologist. My hematologist is currently saying that he will not meet with me because I was not scheduled to have another appointment until Sept. I am going to see my GP tomorrow. I am scheduled to see my vascular surgeon next week Thursday. A few things were eliminated as possible causes but they still do not know what is causing all of this pain. There is never a good time to have pain or medical problems, but I am in university full time. I am writing two 15+page papers. Exams are coming up in two weeks. As we all know, pain does not help your energy, concentration, ability to retain information, etc. I just HURT.
    Wow...that is a lot...stress can help the pain
    New mom October 2014!

  2. #542
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abby5 View Post
    Wow...that is a lot...stress can help the pain
    Stress generally makes things worse, but know that something has to be causing this and the doctors need to figure it out. Not knowing what the problem is is also causing me stress.

  3. #543
    Proud Canadian dealsniffer's Avatar
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    Angela I wonder if Abby meant that what ever it is that stress may be making it worse. I don't think she meant there is nothing wrong. I think we can all understand the stress when there is something wrong and you don't know what it is and you are going through tests. It is also stressful when doctors don't co operate and I am sorry to hear your doctor will not see you till Sept. Well I really hope that it gets figured out!
    On the plus side-my leg is doing better and not in so much pain. it took a couple of days but it is getting better. I don't know what causes it exactly but I know that when it happens that if I take it easy that it will get better. pain really sucks. It sucks the energy right out of me too.
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  4. #544
    Canadian Genius Abby5's Avatar
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    Sorry I was writing at workI meant that things get really bad when I get stressed and not knowing causes me (atleast I thnk) to be worse some times. I just thought i should say something today...sorry it did not make sense
    New mom October 2014!

  5. #545
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abby5 View Post
    Sorry I was writing at workI meant that things get really bad when I get stressed and not knowing causes me (atleast I thnk) to be worse some times. I just thought i should say something today...sorry it did not make sense
    I responded to your pm. It is ok. I definitely did not take it the wrong way. We all know that stress does not help the pain and pain causes more stress. It's a vicious cycle.

    I saw me GP this morning and I have another blood work requisition. Testing my calcium level (my medication makes it harder to absorb calcium), markers for different types of arthritis, and something else. I won't get the results until late next week.

  6. #546
    Canadian Genius Abby5's Avatar
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    I am glad your GP takes you serously..mine does not
    New mom October 2014!

  7. #547
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    I am supposed to get the test results at the end of this week. If I don't hear back from him, I was invited to call the office on Thursday.

    My joint pain has come down a fair bit over the weekend. Now as long as it stays down I will be able to continue to function ok.

  8. #548
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    I got my test results back yesterday. Everything was normal (no arthritus and normal calcium level).
    My surgeon agreed with the GP's theory that the joint pain is essentially caused by a virus that is imitating arthritus. They have a special name for it. The doctors are pretty darn sure that there will be no permanent damage. I have had the symptom of joint pain for 3 1/2wks. I hope it goes away soon.

  9. #549
    Proud Canadian dealsniffer's Avatar
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    just in here to say that I have my appointment with my specialist tomorrow and I am hoping it goes well and stuff. I have been having a fair bit of pain again the last couple of months but I hope that is normal and stuff. I think it is nerve pain really and hoping it is being caused by my nerves regenerating that I will get feeling back in the skin in my back. it is still numb and can be frustrating at times. but nerves coming back can be painful and so I don't know if I am looking forward to it if this is what is happening. anyways I won't be here probably tomorrow unless I can squeeze in some time. too bad I can't get on the internet and SC while traveling back and forth to Edmonton. That is like 3hrs of time that I am often sitting with like not much to do. mind you I love my mp3 player so it isn't all bad. lol well that is what is up with me. I hope to get on here more again but I don't know how this week will go. I have been up a ton today and having spasms in my back and tomorrow is going to take a huge toll on me so I may not be on here much in the next few days. I really wish I was normal and my body would work the way that other people's do and I could do more but I can't and so I just have to live with what I do have and the time I can be up. sometimes it can be tough though-I can get very frustrated till I remember to remind myself that I have alot and stuff and my body does work somewhat. sorry to complain. my legs are giving me alot of trouble tho and it is very tough to walk. it is my joints and then pain is shooting through my leg. I hope I can get through tomorrow ok. mostly just sitting traveling and then sitting at the specialists office and stuff. anyways ttyl
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  10. #550
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    dealsniffers, I hope you can get some answers and some relief! Good luck!

  11. #551
    Canadian Genius Abby5's Avatar
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    Hope you get relief soon
    New mom October 2014!

  12. #552
    Canadian Genius Skippy's Avatar
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    PM'ed you dealsniffer.
    As for myself, my body seems to have adjusted to the stronger medication, but I'm concerned it may not be effective enough.
    I also started Acupuncture this week. Two sessions, the first one was awesome, the second one sucked big time.
    Spring does not agree at all with me, because of the dampness.
    The pain sometimes makes me cry in agony.
    I'm mindful there are others worse off than me, and I thank God I am still mobile.
    Always remember the What are you thankful for today? thread as there always is something to be thankful for.

  13. #553
    Canadian Genius Abby5's Avatar
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    As anyone had drugs made their feet go numb and hands too--they upped my dose and i don't want to eat or anything???Good thing my MRI showed nothing-well I am not sure if that is good or bad some times I would like them to find something and then they could do something
    New mom October 2014!

  14. #554
    Canadian Genius Skippy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abby5 View Post
    As anyone had drugs made their feet go numb and hands too--they upped my dose and i don't want to eat or anything???Good thing my MRI showed nothing-well I am not sure if that is good or bad some times I would like them to find something and then they could do something
    Nope, but it sounds like maybe an allergic reaction, or possibly not enough oxygen getting to those parts.
    Always remember the What are you thankful for today? thread as there always is something to be thankful for.

  15. #555
    Canadian Genius Abby5's Avatar
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    Wow..I was just hoping I was not having a stroke or something!
    New mom October 2014!

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