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Thread: Chronic Pain Management Support Group

  1. #106
    Canadian Guru
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    Thanks dealsniffer.
    Cam and I had a cat that used to want to be inside and then outside repeatedly. We called it the in and out game. We would let him do it briefly, but we would ultimately choose inside or outside for him and give him no choice but to stay there. Of course this was not -30 weather. He just wanted us to wait on him and give him attention. Cats love to do that.

    I just did a presentation this morning and it went well. I have to continue to work on my papers, two major ones are due on Wed.

  2. #107
    Proud Canadian dealsniffer's Avatar
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    hey Angela-so that is why cats do that! that way we are always having to be with them to take them where they want to be! my cat hates being alone and has a tendency to get into trouble when he feels I am not paying enough attention to him. Just tonight while I was on here, he knocked over a full garbage can and made a huge mess! was not happy but got it cleaned up.
    Today my back is giving me alot of trouble and has been for the past couple of days actually. The nerves are still bothering me. I am thinking I should maybe call the doctor's office just to make sure that is normal-all the sensations I am feeling anyways. I don't have an appointment with him for another month yet and I am in quite a bit of pain. It doesn't help that I went in the snow today and managed to get waist deep in our front yard which was interesting to climb out of! 3.5 ft of snow! Still can't believe we have that much snow in our front yard. It does drift there but the drifts have filled in now so it is just all about the same height. Anyways my back was really complainign and I should not have went walking out there and stuff but it will get better. Sorry to complain. I know people don't mind but I still do feel bad.
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  3. #108
    Proud Canadian dealsniffer's Avatar
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    oh I almost forgot-I am really glad to hear your presentation went well! Keep up the great work!
    Please take a moment to visit my blog!

  4. #109
    Addicted to Smelly things FairyTails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YesI'mcheap View Post
    We lived in Manitoba (born and raised), then moved to Alberta and now SK, we may have to move back to Europe if I can get treatment here. . My tumour may have started to regrow, but we have to wait. The fun of Canadian Health care, I'm consider an urgent case, but I have wait 10 months to get in to the one Specialist. And in that 10 months I have had seizures and now hair loss. By no way with my tumour kill me it can be linked to reprouduct cancers and othe health issuses but they tumour it self just cause headachess, weight gain, hugh boobies and loose of vision. I know my tumour is small compared to someone with Cancer but at some point you have to ask why is so much attention and money given to Breast cancer over other things.
    I am way late on this, but I have to say it is not Canadas health system... I am in BC and have several brain tumours amongst other tumours... and I get class A care.. I am in to see specialists any time I need one, but then again BC is considered the "Place to be" if you have cancer.

    I run an organization for young adults with cancer, and out of all of us, there is only one Breast cancer, and even she laughs when we joke about breast cancer...

    I have "Brain Cancer" and Kidney Cancer, so my colours are Green and Grey and I often joke, "Where's my my green curing iron for kidney cancer, or my grey M&Ms?!" There are other cancers.. It can be frustrating, but it sometimes helps to think that if they can find a cure for Breast Cancer, they are that much closr to finding me a cure...

    It does get hard hearing.. "Oh, you have cancer? Is it breast?"


    I too have Chronic Pain Syndrome caused from my Kidney surgery, so I guess I am part of the club.

  5. #110
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    Thanks dealsniffer. University is my job. Long hours, lots of debt, and currently no pay. haha

    I go months between seeing my specialists, but I am always encouraged to contact them if anything changes or if I have any concerns. Feel free to contact your specialists and make sure that your pain and concerns are "normal" for your condition. Make sure to ask if there is anything that can help, particularly if it is non-narcotic. I hope your pain level improves tomorrow. I know that it gets difficult when you are in pain for days on end. I say that my pain tolerance wears thin when that happens. I'll check in again tomorrow.

  6. #111
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    Her is the link to coupon stacking at LD.

    Hope that helps.

  7. #112
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    Well I think I'm going to join this group if thats ok.

    I have TMJ, that has become severe and I haven't been able to get many answers yet. My dr (whos a newb) keeps telling me shell find a professional who deals with things, and my dentist keeps soaking more and more money from me.

    Im on tramadol for the pain, and on a short dose of decadron right now to try and break up some of the pain ive been having.

    I get horrendouse migraines (2 this week)
    horrible headaches that extend all throughout my head, including the back of my head really bad.
    severe pain in my jaw, that is now effecting both sides, primarily worse on the left side when the jaw joint is bad
    entire jaw hurts including around chin
    teeth throbbing
    ringing in the ears
    sore neck that feels like my glands are very swollen, but confirmed by 2 dr's their not swollen I just had neck pain

    I ended up in emergency because I was in so much pain yesterday that I was crying, the dr gave me the name of a specialist in the city that primarily works with facial pain to go to my dr ASAP and get a refferal.
    He also shone a flashlight in my eyes and is booking me for a CT scan asap in the city.
    Not sure what that means.....

    Anyways I have good days and bad days, somedays I just have the headaches and ringing and medium pain, somedays I can barely get off the couch because my head feels like its going to explode... I'd describe it simplier as saying head feels horrible like the flu but no fever and someone hit you in the head with a baseball bat

    I haven't shared this yet on sc how severe my face has gotten but it would be nice to have some support.

  8. #113
    Proud Canadian dealsniffer's Avatar
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    Oh Sally-of course you can join! This isn't an exclusive club. lol I think we are very inclusive! lol My goodness you sound like you are going through quite a bit! You have my support and if you ever have any times you need to vent this is a great little thread for that! I have a tmj problem (no where near as bad tho) and find that staying away from crunchy food of any kind helps when I get too much jaw pain. Try baby food! That has been suggested. Then for me when it gets better or not as painful I slowly add the crunchy food again but find for the most part I am fine without eating the crunchy stuff. I don't miss it too much. I hope this helps some. If you already know this then that is good but if not maybe it will help you with the pain. Sometimes doctors don't tell the patient everything. Well I hope you feel some relief soon!
    Please take a moment to visit my blog!

  9. #114
    Canadian Genius Crochetlady's Avatar
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    Hey Sally, sorry to hear you`re in so much pain. I hope you can get that referal soon and get answers about what is causing it. I used to have a problem with TMJ quite a few years ago. Mine was connected to arthritis. At times it got so bad I couldn`t open my mouth to eat. (Somehow I never lost weight though. lol ) I found that when I finally got put on meds that controlled the pain better, I stopped clenching my teeth at night and it went away. Now sometimes my jaw and throat muscles are so tired (I know that sounds weird, but that`s the best way I can describe it. It`s not pain.) I find it very difficult to chew. Anyway, just wanted to tell you there is light at the end of the tunnel and I hope you get there sooner rather than later. Sometimes it helps just to have a listening ear and if you need one, we`re here.

  10. #115
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    Thanks ladies, I posted a longer history on a tmj forum but I just can't get over how something so small can cause so many problems.
    It seems to be leading to depression with me and it sucks.
    Tonight i loaded the dishwasher in tears because my mouth hurt to mmuch and bending down was excruciating.
    My husband just can't understand.

  11. #116
    Canadian Genius Crochetlady's Avatar
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    Leading to depression- Totally understand that. I`ve been dealing with that for many years. Constant pain is very hard to deal with. You never get a break from it. People who have never had that just can`t understand what it`s like. Even after 21 years my DH can`t understand why I can do things sometimes but not all the time. One day I was peeling potatoes, a job I often can`t do. He actually asked me if I was pretending I couldn`t do it earlier. He just didn`t get it. That being said however, he does do a lot around the house that I can`t. He even used to help me get dressed and cut my food for me when I was having a bad flareup.

  12. #117
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    I have a dr's appt on Weds and the sheet in hand for the dr I need to be referred to

    haven't heard when my ct scan is, I imagine theyll phone by tommorow.

  13. #118
    Proud Canadian dealsniffer's Avatar
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    totally understand the constant pain and depression. I spiraled down pretty low before getting help. I was ready to give up completely but got help finally. It took alot to get out of. Sally don't wait too long to get help for depression-it is real and it can get serious if you don't deal with it. Talk to someone qualified and even if this is just leading to depression and you don't feel you are there yet-still talk to someone. Also keep venting on here-it is good to talk about it to people willing to listen and we are totally willing to listen! I also understand about others not getting it or understanding. Unless someone has been through chronic pain or what ever type of pain it may be-they don't really get it. Also if you ever want to PM me-I am here for you! Actually anyone who wants to pm me-feel free. I am here-don't get out much due to my stuff so I have alot of free time! lol I love helping people because it helps me feel useful and gets my thoughts off myself which helps me deal with my stuff because that is all I can do as I recover.
    Please take a moment to visit my blog!

  14. #119
    Smart Canuck Kitty77's Avatar
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    Hi Everyone! Just checking in to see how you are all feeling. Welcome to SC Fairy Tails! Sally, hope you get some results with the CT scan and some pain relief, can anyone help you with the kids & housework? Thinking about all of you, take care!

  15. #120
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    Thanks ladies.

    Dealsniffer, you have such a big big heart.

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