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Thread: Chronic Pain Management Support Group

  1. #1306
    Canadian Genius Skippy's Avatar
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    I'm in sheer agony because I tried to help out yesterday by doing the wrong thing(shovelling). I did it with the best intentions, as I'm fed up with DW doing everything, while I do nothing.
    The pain is so intense that I want to puke. It has also played a number on my mind
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  2. #1307
    Canadian Genius Tweetybird999's Avatar
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    Oh dear...maybe stick to dishes or something less difficult. Shoveling is very hard work! Sounds like it's time you had a hot bath and pain killers.

  3. #1308
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skippy View Post
    I'm in sheer agony because I tried to help out yesterday by doing the wrong thing(shovelling). I did it with the best intentions, as I'm fed up with DW doing everything, while I do nothing.
    The pain is so intense that I want to puke. It has also played a number on my mind
    I know it's hard to let others do things for you, but can you do less strenuous things? Like making some hot chocolate (with Baileys ) for your DW to enjoy after she's done some shovelling. Also, you're probably as bad as I am & don't know when to stop. Maybe next time you want to shovel, only stay for 5 minutes, then go back in & have a rest.

    I've had to learn the hard way. In fact, I'm still learning (that's the problem with Capricorns, they're too stubborn ).

    Here's hoping your pain lessens tomorrow. Make sure you get lots of rest.

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  4. #1309
    Senior Canuck ING_rep's Avatar
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    If it is chronic pain and you want to try something else, you might want to consider this treatment, I used to work with the doctors to teach them how the generator works and the patients had great results (3-4 months pain free insteat of 2-3 weeks with the cortisone).

    They are present throughout canada, there is a private institute in Montreal (Institut de Physiatrie du Quebec). PM me if you want more info.

    Hang in there everyone
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  5. #1310
    Canadian Genius Tweetybird999's Avatar
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    That's a very interesting link. For example I didn't know there was such a thing as SIJS.

  6. #1311
    Canadian Genius Tweetybird999's Avatar
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    I watched a show last night on National Geographic channel about people who use psychedelic drugs for pain and anxiety relief. Very interesting. One fellow in the southern part of USA suffers from cluster headaches and says he would have committed suicide, but mushrooms stop his attacks if he uses them once every 2 months. They also showed a clinic in Switzerland that uses LSD to assist people facing death. Seems to be more information available about people who use alternative/illegal methods to control symptoms.

    Personally I've been reading Dr. Teitelbaum's book, From Fatigued to Fantastic and have implemented some of the supplements. I really feel much better (not 100%) and made it through the weekend without needing a mid-day rest, which is unheard of for me. Libido is improved, as it has been non-existent and seems to be waking up.

  7. #1312
    Canadian Genius Tweetybird999's Avatar
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    Sigh...Doc called. So I also have Ankylosing spondylitis. That would explain why the cortisone injection in my SI joint worked so well when it was given...reduce inflammation. Also explains why my back is so sore...crumbs. Looks like things will go downhill eventually, just as I'm not feeling like death warmed over at the moment.

  8. #1313
    2y uterine cancer free Mia001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tweetybird999 View Post
    I watched a show last night on National Geographic channel about people who use psychedelic drugs for pain and anxiety relief. Very interesting. One fellow in the southern part of USA suffers from cluster headaches and says he would have committed suicide, but mushrooms stop his attacks if he uses them once every 2 months. They also showed a clinic in Switzerland that uses LSD to assist people facing death. Seems to be more information available about people who use alternative/illegal methods to control symptoms.

    Personally I've been reading Dr. Teitelbaum's book, From Fatigued to Fantastic and have implemented some of the supplements. I really feel much better (not 100%) and made it through the weekend without needing a mid-day rest, which is unheard of for me. Libido is improved, as it has been non-existent and seems to be waking up.

    Let's all get stone .....we sure won't feel the pain

  9. #1314
    Senior Canuck ING_rep's Avatar
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    Hang in there, I wish there was something I could do to help. I am sending you a warm hug!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tweetybird999 View Post
    Sigh...Doc called. So I also have Ankylosing spondylitis. That would explain why the cortisone injection in my SI joint worked so well when it was given...reduce inflammation. Also explains why my back is so sore...crumbs. Looks like things will go downhill eventually, just as I'm not feeling like death warmed over at the moment.
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  10. #1315
    Canadian Genius Skippy's Avatar
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    Hang in there TweetyBird999, I'm in the same situation as you,just a different condition.
    One day at a time.
    Always remember the What are you thankful for today? thread as there always is something to be thankful for.

  11. #1316
    Still keeping the faith SillyLoocie's Avatar
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    Does anyone know anything about Lyrica for chronic pain mangement?

  12. #1317
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    I'm continuing on with more and some new things to battle. I also have the old ones too. I've had a migraine for the last two days. Extra sucky part is that I am a full time teacher and I need to get some serious planning done as I start teaching two new classes in a week's time. Migraine does not help me work, that is for sure. My leg also hurts all the way to my hip. The only thing I am allowed to take for it is regular tylenol because of other medical concerns. I'll try to update you guys a little later on. By the way, the surgery for my finger has to be postponed until nearly summer time because of a differnet medical concern that has popped up. Darn it, I was kind of looking forward to stopping the daily pain in my left hand. Oh well, not much choice in that matter.

    I just had to make my day a little more intersting. I had to do some errands this afternoon, before I head back into the school tomorrow. I went out and started my truck, closed the door to unplug it. Ooops...couldn't open the truck door again. I locked myself out of my running vehicle for the FIRST time in my life. I called CAA over 1/2hr ago and I am still waiting for the tow truck to show up and let me back into my running vehicle. Really? Like this is going to help my day go more smoothly. My husband can't even help me because he is out with the boys for the afternoon.
    Last edited by Angela273; Sun, Jan 22nd, 2012 at 07:11 PM. Reason: spelling errors
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  13. #1318
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    So sorry to hear of everyone's suffering. My prayers and well wishes for all of you.

    As for the question of Lyrica, I started taking it about two and a half months ago, it seemed to help at first but I think I may need a larger dosage. I don't go back to the pain clinic until Feb 21, so I will know then.

    I just started using the fentanyl patch for chronic pain, has anyone else tried this? Was it successful for you?

    Hoping for a good day for all. Take care.

  14. #1319
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    I tried Lyrica for my fibromyalgia,chronic pain many years ago when it first came out,no help for me..

  15. #1320
    Canadian Guru hollyquaiscer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by addismom View Post
    I tried Lyrica for my fibromyalgia,chronic pain many years ago when it first came out,no help for me..
    My dr. had me try it too. I was on it for 6 months as I was hoping that it would give me some relief. Nothing. NOt an ounce of relief for me. I have a few friends that have also tried and they both put on a lot of weight (over 60 pounds). They are both no struggling to get it off. I don't think it's for everyone, but it has helped many, thats for sure. If it is recommended to you, give it a try, you may be one of the lucky ones.
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