Trade anything group (maybe hobbies?)

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  1. Weeeooojr
    I was at Metro today and found some coins...1 American quarter, 1 Euro cent, some Brazil one, a coin that had the word sugar cane on it, and one other. Lucky me!
  2. cuppycakesaurus
    I don't really collect anything. ~_~
    I have.. coupons? haha
  3. RTlady
    I used to do a lot of crafts but don't have time anymore. I have lots of craft patterns; I'll have to dig out the boxes. I also collected a lot of vintage items
    such as hats, tablecloths and aprons. I don't know how to post photos here.

    So what do we do? List our items? What a great idea.
  4. vibrantflame
    Unfortunately I don't have anything to trade right now except stickers and a few postcards lol. Will have to see what I can come up with!

    My hubby and I collect Hot Wheels for our son. And I wouldn't mind collecting ViewFinder Reels.
  5. jenna321
    Thank you for the invite - this shall be fun!
  6. Weeeooojr
    View Finder? I wonder if I still have them...
  7. Jayne300
    Thank you for the invite to this group! I have stuff that I've been wondering what to do with.....
    Vibrantflame - my son has over 300 Hot Wheels that he may like to allow me to offer for trade (he's almost 12 now and doesn't like them as much anymore). I'll check with him and get back to this thread.
    MbGurl - I am in Winnipeg and have many pretty stones collected from White Rock, least I liked them enough to cart them home!
    I don't collect many things anymore, and would be happy to give these things to someone who wants them. I would be interested in root stock for gardens or cool garden decor - even just a few coupons or SDM points.
  8. abc642
    Weeeooojr - I used to collect Magic the Gathering cards, but sol dmost of them several years ago. I've still got some cards, mainly a Serra Angel collection (about 80 of them with an Alpha, Beta, French 3rd Ed Beta) and some select few from Legends and Arabian nights I think.
    I've also got some hockey cards - 1990 Score Super Stars Set, as well as some Yzerman, Federov and Belfour Cards.
    I've got the complete set of Marvel Super Heroes 1990 including the holograms and Marvel Super Heroes 1991 minus the holograms.
  9. Weeeooojr
    abc642-Are those old Magic card sets? I'm not familiar with them, lol.
  10. abc642
    Weeeooojr-Legends and Arabian Nights are expansion sets whereas Alpha and Beta are ctualy edition sets. Here's my full list (not too mcuh there):
    Serra Angels (1 x Alpha, 1 x Beta , 1 x French 3rd Ed Beta, 2 x unlimited, 64 x 3rd ed and 13 x unlimited)
    Gaea's Avenger
    Desert Nomads
    Flying Men
    Wyluli Wolf
    Pixie Queen
    Sivitri Scarzam
    Livonya Solone
    Lady Evangela
    Catherdral of Serra
    6 x Seraphs
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