yes, I think that was the reason I lost 3.5 lbs this week. Normally after the first week of a diet ( where you lose water ) you slow down to a 1 or 2 lb loss for the week. Have felt so sluggish since Thursday, that's all. Honestly, I used to work my FT job sicker than this so I have no idea why I being so wimpy over a silly common cold?
the link is broken now on that AM offer, I posted a pic, it comes up " fatal error " . I wish I could snore louder! The trick is I have to be the first one to fall asleep, then it would not really wake me, but as I laid there all I could think about was his sounds. Can ya believe our rotten luck? DS#1 called today to tell us he feels awful, caught the same darn cold that all of us have! So I am thinking maybe we are not going tomorrow after all? He will phone tomorrow if he is up for it. My appetite is at zero! ( since I caught this ) . When I get fully recovered I will be so very hungry I am sure, lol
oh I thought the offer said you had to " get a quote " or something and that used to mean that a person would call you and discuss their prices, etc. but maybe I'll click on the link and see then? It is probably only 15 AM in Ontario too right? Cannot believe I cannot sleep still! I laid up there for about 2 hours, just gave up and came back down. DH was sawing LOGS! ( snoring like a bear ) who can sleep with that? hee hee
Boy I have been sooooooo out of touch with the forum lately! Thought I should check in. Did you get your Lise Watier order? What did you think of everything?
I only have 1 ckout51 account so I'll buy another set. I haven't try this shampoo yet. Not sure if you can beat Ann's stockpile of Dessange.
Amira, Are you keep going with the Dessange rebate?
Amira, you teensy thing!! LOL!!! You're like our DD who wants to feel "better" at size 8 or 10...sheesh!! I did post the WW diet for FREE...did you see it? The thing is, it's all still counting calories without actually having to count them, so any low calorie eating you can do would give you the same results. Good luck on your adventure with us!!
Happy New Year!!! Hope the year brings you good health and happiness for you and your family!!!!!
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! All the best to you in 2016
I didn't know one can use multiple of those coupons as well. But base on @Tiana's posting, I am sure going to try with my next Dessange purchase. I'll ask cashier to scan regardless if she thinks it'll work or not. I've never used the coupons posted on SDM's website under Optimum offers nor the VIB coupons. Now I have added these to my list of things to look at prior to making a shop at SDM. Now off to do some real food shopping instead of cashback shopping.
Hope the Dessange situation works out for the better when you revisit Shoppers. Sorry about the hassle with the 2 coupons; let us know outcome. Thanks for all your Shoppers tips. Enjoy the weekend.
Oshawa weather = a little rain and the grass needs a trim, but we won't do it now. WE have white and pink snapdragons in bloom. I saw a fly on my coworkers cars. Flies should be long gone by now.
no, not 20 cents off, 12 cents off each Litre. Lets say the sign posted at a gas station is $1.00 a litre, I get 10 cents off from scanning my Fuel Savings Card first, then the other 2 cents is from paying with the Petro Can CC. A total of 12 cents, so I pay .88 a Litre on that day. Every day the amount is different because as you know they keep raising and then lowering the price of fuel! ( argh!! ) But lets say I buy 40 Litres that day, a regular person would pay $40.00 for that ( lets pretend there is no But my total paid would be just $35.20 I say every little bit helps. Best of luck on the studies!!
I know you're addicted to SmartCanucks cause you're liking a post at 2:44 am (est)/11:45 (pst). Was thinking of you when I put up the post. You'll probably find a good SDM promo to get the product for practically free, and do the mail in! Following...
ew!! I wonder if the dog was on the loose? I hope an owner did not let their dog drop that and they left it not picking it up? Gross! I know because I have to pick up many poops in a day on my walks....ha ha
oh smart!! There will not be that many available used by the time the next term rolls around, so smart to look ahead to getting a copy for yourself early! We are also hoping DD can sell some of her books again after this last yr to other students who will be entering 4th yr next September. She bought used when she could and also sold the next yr whenever she was forced to buy new ones. Every little bit helps!
These coupons came in one of the websaver sheets of coupons OR perhaps it came with a free sample?? I just forget now, but I kept it and then my DS and sis gave me theirs too so I had 3 just sitting in my stash, i thought no way I would ever find anything DD could use AND it was only good on any face product so that part was limiting. Every person uses concealers and primers right? So I just grabbed 3 items from what was available there on markdown and even if she does not use it, a g'f of hers would probably love it ( they are all close, you know g'f's) and OOP was almost nothing so np at all. pretty sure she will use these though. ( I applied the colour testers to my hand to pick what I thought to be her closest skin tone match )
ha ha! you saw what I did? Isn't that crazy? I JUST said to you I was all "shopped out " and then SDM and Almay happened.
never a problem amira!! Studies come first! p.s. I hope that Sears does not make you wait 20 yrs to get that playhouse....hee hee
but are you very sure they will reduce it again before Christmas? I hope so, I remember the climbing apparatus we had out back when our 3 were young, they just loved it!! Fingers crossed you get the lowest price!
Wishing you all the best with your studying, and your exam! I don't know how you, and others, do it - with a family. When I went back to school for my second degree, I was still single. Have a good weekend!
I just loved what you said in this post! it IS VERY tough to hold back and NOT shop, but it is THE ONLY way to really save $$ right?
If I get ANY new hot offers you will be the first to know before I post it o.k? That is the least I can do, we don't want any toddler tantrums in here, but toddlers are very cute!! ha ha
amira I cannot find that thread now?? the PCmc thread that have all the discussions about it....grrr! help me find it?
ha ha !! you sound EXACTLY like me when stupid Tangerine said No to my phone request to get the 2.6% interest on new deposits, I said the same as you " others are getting that offer why not me, am I NOT a good/valuable Tangerine customer ? " They still said no, so we took our money all out and plopped it into PC Financial for their 2.6% offer!! ha ha Tangerine lost us.
The invitation letter states " this offer is exclusively for the addressed recipient and is not transferable " Get 40,000 points when you pay for fuel 3 times. Petro Can offers ALWAYS say a minimum of 25 L ( it is considered a " fill up " ) also Shell does the minimum too when they have AM offers attached to buying gas, but not PC!! hey maybe I will have to search for a new siggy saying " I LOVE PC MC " now? ha ha Today I pumped just $10.00 in the tank and I will repeat that amount 2 more times and save the letter along with the receipts. ( I'll be making $10.00 profit once the points are added ) I'll check my account in 4-6 weeks AFTER Dec 31, to see if they are there and if not I'll call with my receipts and letter in hand as proof! Fairly certain no action will be required though. I am confident the points will be added.
lol, thanks for the rep. It did make me feel pretty special and since I have had a PC MC for 15 yrs I never get the good offers. I promise not to let this go to waste
you might get that PC Financial letter!! Fingers crossed you do!
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