Conversation Between amira84 and Decaf

6 Visitor Messages

  1. lol. I don't think anyone can beat Anne's dessange stockpile. plus she and SDM are neighbors so it's easy for her to go to sdm.
  2. I only have 1 ckout51 account so I'll buy another set. I haven't try this shampoo yet.
    Not sure if you can beat Ann's stockpile of Dessange.
  3. Absolutely. I have more than 1 CO51 accounts and i am going to use all these accounts. Lol
  4. Amira, Are you keep going with the Dessange rebate?
  5. My odd of getting the Revlon coupon is like 50% of the time. Do you know how I can get the pay $1.30 for any eggs coupon. I buy eggs at SDM ALL the time and NEVER get such coupon. It's like SDM thinks I needs make up (bc I am ugly) instead of healthy food.
  6. Hi decaf!
    I am so sorry to see your big personalized sdm coupon. Lol.
    And i feel bad in some way too, because one of my cards got that revlon offer and i thought of you when i saw that coupon. In fact last night i was going to msg you (tease you) that since you haven't gotten sdm coupons yet, you can use my REVLON sdm coupon if you want.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6