Conversation Between Anna Michele and mcminsen

25 Visitor Messages

  1. @mcminsen you are the very best thank you so much I got your surprise today thank you so very much it really made my day ��
  2. Summer greetings!

    Could you use some .75 Barilla GOA coupons? I have lots. No need to send anything in return. Let me know an I'll pop some in the mail for you.

    Since there's no messaging leave me a note here or on my profile page.
  3. Thanksgiving greetings!

  4. Very creative
  5. And Happy St. Patrick'sDay to you, too!

  6. Start your St. Patricks Day off right lol
  7. And Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!

  8. Happy New Year! Here's to a fresh start.

    Polar Bear Swim, Vancouver.
  9. Merry Christmas and all the best in 2014!

  10. Happy Hallowe'en!
  11. h man so envious of u stackers i'm happey to get it for 2.29
  12. Congrats on your TOP-T designation today.

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 25