Conversation Between annedougherty and Woofy

8 Visitor Messages

  1. LMAO! Welcome, fellow CV addict...We have enough members for a CV annonymous group now! LMAO!
  2. LOL! Thanks for the rep. back to!
  3. BAHAHAH! how did you guess? lol
  4. Hehe... the WalMart at my area is opened 24 hours... So, I just go later in the night... It was actually a pleasant experience! Even though I had quite a bit of coupons, the customers behind me were impressed, and asked me how I did it... they weren't grumpy at all! So, I think I'm going back...
  5. Thanks for the rep! Yeah, I like to keep things up beat when I do a train lol. That way people get to know each other a little better. Like on Patty's train! lol Just a much smaller version!! You braved Wal-mart this evening? I'm not going there till February after the madness I saw at my Wal-mart today!
  6. Happy Halloween!

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8