Conversation Between babygonnermann and NancyM

7 Visitor Messages

  1. awww your little one is so cute what a nice greeting to your page

    well your one up on me i can never usually get on oh well maybe next time lol
  2. lol thanks for the rep. I have gotten the samples once. It was for the Tide detergent, and it was no better than the sample they gave for Brandsampler, so I don't check there too often.
  3. oh ya i'll have to fix that somehow thanks for letting me know i didn't know
  4. I saw it on your profile, not in a thread
  5. did i not expire the thread properly?
  6. that's alright
  7. Do you still have the FPC for the cat litter?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7