Thank you for the adorable Halloween picture. Are you feeling any better than last week?
Congrats!! Cant wait to see some pictures
Your Welcome! Thanks for the card as well ( and the 10$ GC). I wasnt sure what others would do and thought since it was xmas might as well put something in. Hope you have a good xmas.
I got your card today. Thank you so much for the coupons .... very much appreciated
Your Welcome! I know the other weekend I went to get a few items (bodywash, shampoo, etc) had FPC came to 36.00$ in taxes almost crapped my pants when I heard the total. I find some cashiers wont take the taxes off but some coupons state PST / GST etc included in coupon. I know the next time the Satin Care shaving gels come on sale Ill be making sure the taxes come off lol
Thanks for the rep I never thought the taxes were that bad before, but after today, wow!! I still can't get over it. Almost 1/3 of my bill was in taxes!!