Conversation Between courtreporter and Littlemoe0

10 Visitor Messages

  1. we haven't had a good gabfest in awhile, gonna have to catch up one of these days.
  2. doing fine cr, and how's things been going for you?
  3. hey, moe, moe, how is it going. Glad to hear from you
  4. Happy Easter Weekend courtreporter, have a great one, Moe.
  5. Hey there, how's the greatest couponer doing?
  6. Happy Valentine's Day friend, have a great one, Moe.
  7. Hi ya courtreporter, how's it been going? Hope all is well, and see ya around, Moe.
  8. Congrats on winning yesterday's contest.
  9. Hi there, how are you? Hope all is well, and gab later, Moe.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10