Conversation Between crazyredneck and ecat444

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Best Wishes CRN!
  2. Hope your enjoying your B Day - CRN!!! Many happy returns!

  3. Season's Greetings to you CRN - have a good one!
  4. Wishing you the best of the Holiday Season CRN!
  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY hope today was a special one, and may the long weekend be one
  6. sorry i am just gettin back to you, yes i was there
  7. Were you at the Sound Academy last night?
  8. your welcome. Thin Lizzy was great the other night eh? Song after song! Don't know if you saw the pictures I took but I posted them back on page 1346. The first batch didnt come out for some reason but if you scroll down they came out on the second try!
  9. thanks ecat, sorry i didnt get back sooner, just checked mail been one of those weeks enjoy this beautiful day
  10. Enjoy your day you crazyredneck you!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11