Conversation Between Crochetlady and coupon girl

12 Visitor Messages

  1. ahhh take care crochetlady get better and back on here soon
  2. thanks for the Halloween wishes
  3. Yeah, it does get very costly. I`ve spent over $1000 on my teeth this year. Hadn`t had a cavity in at least 10 years. Was on Prednisone for 10 weeks and this is what I get.
  4. I hear ya coupon girl. Had to buy a new one a few months ago...thought about upgrading to a smart phone but in the end couldn`t justify it.
  5. Thanks for the rep! Good luck at the dentist
  6. Thanks for the rep!
  7. thanks for the rep and good luck wishes on my surgery
  8. thank you for the rep
  9. thanks for the rep
  10. thank you for the nice rep
  11. thank you for the rep -from the weekend
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12