Conversation Between donna007 and Littlemoe0

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Yes, thanks, please let me know. ^_^
  2. sorry I couldn't help ya more donna, but I will start keeping my eyes open for any used karaoke music for ya, you never know what's all out there till we start looking for it, Moe.
  3. Thanks, Moe for trying to get info for Karaoke, I actually did some more research and found some more info. Don't worry about it, I think I pretty much got the info I need. Thanks for your help!
  4. Oh I hope I can help out, will talk to the fellow this weekend about it, the hubby gives him a hand but has no clue about all the techie stuff. Will let you know, Moe.
  5. Hi Moe, thanks for taking the time to help me gather info regarding the karaoke stuff...*hugz*
  6. Hi Donna, no problem. They startd with the comnputer and found stuff there, and also got some tape songs and such, but he runs everything thru the computer and has a mixing board and stuff, more high tech, but I will still find out where he gets the music from. He was telling me just last week that he found some legal stuff on ebay at like 10% of the cost of buying this stuff new, so I will try and get you all the info. Funny thing is, neither the hubby or his friend can sing, they just enjoy doing it, lol. Take care, Moe.
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