Conversation Between dwankrista and Judstir

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy Easter...have a good one.
  2. Hi, just dropping by to wish you a great weekend.
  3. Merry Christmas from our family to yours. May the year 2009 be a Happy, Healthy Year for us all.
  4. I looked up Janet Evanovich's web site and got a print-out of her Stephaine Plum Series. There are at lease 15 books in all. Our Library did not have them all but have a 13 and 14 which are not even listed on the sheet. Happy Reading all winter, eh?
  5. There are actually 12!!! Yep, I know, exciting. hehe...I'm looooooooving book one so far. They're such woman-friendly books. I wish you were close because you could borrow mine!
  6. I hope you enjoy the books. I started at four, have read five and now I'm reading number 6. Apparently there are 10 books in all. I'll have to check out the Library soon. I love the books.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6